Chapter 479 The captain of the security is Ju Jing’s diehard fan [seeking subscription! 】

It didn’t take long for a screaming McLaren with a crazy and cool shape to blow up the street and drove towards the street.

After parking, the driver’s door opened and the two young men walked down.

The young man who walked down from the main driver’s cab was wearing a hip-hop suit, wearing ear studs, and striding with a sulky pace. After a while, he opened his arms to the green onion boy and deliberately yelled in a sulky voice. : “Wang Shao, you want to kill me.”

Young Master Scallion has a cold + disgust: “My grass! Zhang Kairui, you don’t disgust me if you step on a horse!”

Qin Fan smiled.It seems that the relationship between Mr. Scallion and this guy named Zhang Kairui is quite strong.

“Wang Shao, this…Is this pretty boy the owner of an electric car?”

While looking at Qin Fan, Zhang Kairui touched his chin, amazed: “Handsome, really handsome, I asked Zhang Kairui to be at the pinnacle of being handsome, until today I know that there is still a person on my head!”

“Kerry Zhang, be serious, this is Mr. Qin.”

Mr. Green Onion said.

Zhang Kairui’s heart trembled violently when he heard the words of Mr. Green Onion.

My God! He has been with Mr. Onion for many years, and he has never seen any of his contemporaries called “Sheng” by Mr. Onion.

In other words, the person who can be respected as Mr. So-and-so by Mr. Scallion is already a higher-level person, that is, at the same level as their parents. This is a bit scary!!!.

Thinking of this, Zhang Kairui hurriedly stood up straight, collected his strength, stopped laughing and joking, and shouted at Qin Fan in a slightly respectful tone: “Mr. Qin.”

“Mr. Qin, your electric car has a damage of 60,000.”

The auto repair manager brought by Zhang Kairui first glanced at the electric car, then made a call, and finally reported a car worth 60,000.

“Give me the money.”

The green onion boy glanced at the BMW woman.

The BMW woman convulsed her face while enduring the pain, and transferred 60,000 yuan to the auto repair manager.

Because she drank and drove and reported for insurance, the insurance company would not settle the claim.

I can only pay for the hemp eggs out of my own pocket! 60,000, which is almost half a year’s salary for her.

Although she has serious doubts about the 60,000 yuan maintenance fee.

But after thinking about the identities of these people, the BMW girl finally did not dare to express her doubts. Forget it! These people are all gods, can’t afford to offend, can’t afford to offend! The traffic police brother left, and the passers-by dispersed.

“Mr. Qin, is it convenient to leave a phone call? When your car is repaired, I will contact you immediately.”


After adding good contact information to each other, Qin Fan said to Zhang Kairui: “Zhang Shaoke has time to go to Yijiangnan for a meal together”

“There is time and time.”

Zhang Kairui hurriedly replied.

Getting acquainted with this kind of boss, but what he dreams of

Next, the car brought by Zhang Kairui was responsible for riding the electric bike to the dealership.

Qin Fan and our teacher Lu got on the Mercedes-Benz, and the two cars drove to Yijiang South Restaurant.

After dinner, Mr. Green Onion drove Qin Fan and Lu Danqing to Tiandi Yunting

After a while, a black Cullinan drove out of Tiandi Yunting.

Arriving at Hanshang World Trade Center, Qin Fan accompanied our teacher Lu to prepare to purchase some daily necessities and send them to [Yida Yuhu No.1]

“Eh, my wife, your mother called just now.”

A young couple was shopping with a small hand, and suddenly the man in a plaid shirt said to the wife next to him after answering a phone call.

The girl in the shirt has a faint look: “Who’s mom”

“Your mother.”

As soon as the male voice in the plaid shirt fell, the short-haired girl in the shirt punched the former, “Who do you call your mother?”

“Then what should I do


The man in the plaid shirt said grievously.

Female in shirt: “We are married, mine is yours, yours is mine, you should call my mother”

Man in plaid shirt: “Oh”

“Your mother calls my mother, and my mother also calls my mother, so what do I call my mother?”

“That’s my mom.”

The girl in the shirt replied after thinking about it.

Man in plaid shirt: “Oh”

“My mother called just now.”

“Ask us whether to go to our mother’s place during the New Year’s Day or to our mother’s place”

“If you go to our mother’s place, our mother will prepare some new year goods.”

“Let our mother take it to our mother.”

“If you go to our mother’s place, our mother’s meaning is to let our mother bring our mother’s pickled cabbage to our mother’s place.”

“When we celebrate the New Year, we eat it at our mother’s place. Why don’t you call our mother?”

“Ask my mother what the hell mean.”

The girl in the shirt tweeted her mouth, her face was dumbfounded: “Who is it?”

“My mother.”

The man in the plaid shirt replied with a serious face.

T-shirt hair girl: “”

Qin Fan: “”

Lu Danqing: “”

Passerby: “”

Amazing!! Just when Qin Fan and Lu Danqing were scanning the goods at the Hanshang World Trade Center, a crew with various long guns and short cannons came to the Hanshang World Trade Center with an aura of 3.5 meters.

“Xiaoju, this Hanshang World Trade Center is worthy of being one of the top shopping malls in Jiangcheng. This traffic and decoration are not much better than the large shopping malls in the imperial capital.”

Well, this crew is Ju Jingyi’s crew.

Today they came to the Hanshang World Trade Center to take a real shot.

“It’s really good.”

The brightly dressed Ju Jingyi nodded frequently while looking at the Hanshang World Trade Center.

Although this shopping mall has a certain gap compared with Jinhui Building, it can also meet her requirements for filming.

The drama she invested in is an urban workplace drama.

The shooting location must be tall enough to make the show look like a big production, and it is compelling! “Brother Zhang, get in touch with this side, and I’m sure it won’t happen again in the Jinhui Building yesterday. Kind of something.”

Ju Jingyi asked a little worried.

Yesterday in Jinhui Building, she was a little embarrassed.

Not only did she pretend to fail, it also caused dissatisfaction from many netizens, accusing her of playing big names.

Fortunately, the public relations skills of the team behind her are strong enough.

In just one night, the comments on the Internet that were not beneficial to her were suppressed.

“Xiaoju, don’t worry, it’s all right this time.”

“Yesterday, I personally came here to find the property manager of Hanshang World Trade Center. When I expressed my intention, Manager Xia and I hit it off. Manager Xia also specifically asked the security captain here to be responsible for maintaining the order of the scene, and to cooperate with our crew. Filming here is not disturbed by unrelated people.”

Zhang Kui banged his chest, and almost wrote “I’m doing things, you can rest assured” on his face.

These six 66 characters are now.

“Xiaoju, you don’t know yet, the security captain here is still your diehard fan.”

After hearing the sound, Ju Jingyi looked at the security captain standing on the periphery, and suddenly found that the other party was staring at her obsessively.

Ju Jingyi smiled, and the whole person who was excited by the security captain who had been pregnant until now was a shiver.

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