Chapter 481 Give me a face? [Please subscribe! 】

Seeing that these shops didn’t give him any face in front of their idol goddess, the security captain’s face instantly pulled the elders.

“Everyone, Ju Jingyi is going to come to our Hanshang World Trade Shopping Center to film a movie. We talked with our manager Xia yesterday.”

The security captain moved out the property manager Xia Heng.

“Since your property was negotiated yesterday, why didn’t you tell us in advance that you temporarily cleared the premises like this, and you didn’t give us any time to prepare.”

“Your property does not respect us!”

“In addition, your property can completely allow this crew to come and film before we open in the morning, so that it will not affect our normal business.”

“That is, your property does not consider our interests at all!”

A word of you and a word of me in a group of shops made the head of the security captain’s dumb and speechless young security captain blush with a thick neck.

He originally wanted to perform well in front of the goddess idol and show off his sense of existence.

Who knows that these people don’t cooperate with him at all.

Ma Dan! You are so frustrated with me, I don’t want face in front of the idol! Just at this moment, the young security captain felt the attention from the goddess idol.

This couldn’t help causing the young security captain’s blood to rush straight to his forehead, picking up the big horn, widening his eyes, and roaring: “You guys who are riding horses don’t toast or not eat, eat fine wine!”

As soon as this remark came out, the audience suddenly quieted down.

Then, the pan was fried all at once.

“Threatening me that I won’t cooperate with you to clear the venue today, but I want to see how your property bought me fine wine!”

“Grass! A security guard is so arrogant!”

“Threat and intimidate me, so I wonder if the security guards here are all black people!”

In the face of everyone’s verbal criticism, the young security captain’s face couldn’t help but twitch.

In fact, as soon as he shouted out that sentence, he himself regretted “Ma Dan, I am here today, don’t you want to film here!”

“Count me in!”

“Count me too!”

Store after store angrily came to the middle of the aisle on the second floor and gathered together.

Seeing that the situation was going out of control, the young security captain finally had to call the property manager Xia Heng for help.

Now that the matter has developed, it is no longer something he can solve if he has committed the anger.

Both Ju Jingyi and Zhang Kui’s faces were a little ugly.

Why didn’t everything go smoothly when I came to Jiangcheng this time? Qin Fan was watching coldly.

I hope he won’t be disappointed anymore. After a while, a line of suits and shoes came out of the elevator and walked here.

The head is a middle-aged man wearing silver-rimmed glasses, this person is the property manager of the Hanshang World Trade Center-Xia Heng! “What’s the matter?”

Xia Heng frowned and glanced at the security captain very dissatisfied.

The look in his eyes seemed to blame the other party for not being able to handle even this little thing.

“Manager Xia.”

A group of shops suppressed their anger and greeted Xia Heng politely.

Who is the property manager of Hanshang World Trade Center?

As long as they want to renew the lease of the store here in the coming year, the relationship with others cannot

Make it too stiff

After understanding the specific situation on the spot, Xia Heng looked at the security captain with a cold eye: “You can’t handle this matter well, deduct your salary this month.”

When this statement fell, the faces of the shops on the second floor looked a little ugly.

Xia Heng’s move indeed punished the security captain.

However, Xia Heng punishes the security team leader because the security team leader has not done what he has given him, not because the security team leader verbally intimidates them and punishes the former for different purposes. The meaning of the punishment can be very different. This makes everyone Feel very uncomfortable


Xia Heng looked at the shops on the second floor gathered together, and said lightly: “Can you give me some face?”

There was a smile on Zhang Kui’s face.

This Xia Heng’s words sounded like a discussion, but they were actually very strong words.

In the face of Xia Heng’s gaze, all the stores felt a sense of pressure.

This Xia Heng is too strong! Many people feel uncomfortable! It is clear that your property work has not done a good job. Just now the security captain of your property has spoken out to us.

You, the property manager, came, not only did not accuse you of the bad attitude of the security captain, nor did you say a few soft words about your poor property work, but came up with the sentence “Can you give me a face?”

Xia Heng’s defiant and powerful posture made the shopkeepers on the second floor hate their teeth.

But now the problem is coming! For the sake of face, whether they give it or not, “Manager Xia is serious.”

“Manager Xia’s face, that must be given.”

Many stores ignorantly smiled at Xia Hengqiang.

Ma Dan! Again, as long as they want to continue to renew the lease of shops in the Hanshang World Trade Center in the coming year, they have no choice.

If they offend Xia Heng.

When the contract expires in the coming year, as long as the property manager Xia Heng has a word, they will have to move out of the Hanshang World Trade Center.

There is no way, who makes the Hanshang World Trade Shopping Center a good market and a large flow of people.The shops here are all gold shops, and there are too many people who want to rent.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves! The corners of Xia Heng’s mouth were slightly upward, and a triumphant expression flashed across his face.

He forgave these people and didn’t dare not give him face.

After all, he Xia Heng is the heaven of the Hanshang World Trade Center! As long as these people want to continue to discuss their lives here in the coming year, they have to give him peace of mind.

But this time Xia Heng miscalculated! Because two people will not open a shop here next year for various reasons, they chose not to give Xia Heng the face.

“Manager Xia, we give each other this face.”

“You let this crew shoot here, then we naturally can’t control it, but there is a premise that the filming of this crew cannot affect the normal business of our shops, otherwise your property will infringe our legal rights and interests.”

“Your security captain also said that this crew is going to come here to film today. It was discussed with you yesterday, but Manager Xia, you didn’t even tell us in advance. It can be seen that Manager Xia simply ignored us. How do these people feel.”

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