Chapter 474 What a painful comprehension [please subscribe! 】

“Mr. Qin, please sit down.”

Ye Feng invited Qin Fan to sit down in his seat:.

“Accountant Yang, it’s been a long time since I saw you.”

Qin Fan smiled at Yang Xue.

“Yes, long time no see.”

Yang Xue pursed her mouth, glanced at Qin Fan with a rather complicated look, and then moved her gaze away from Qin Fan and fell on the financial statement in her hand.

In an hour, the work is over.

Qin Fan looked at Ye Feng and Yang Xue with a smile and said, “You probably haven’t eaten at noon. Let’s have a meal together.”


Ye Feng agreed without even thinking about it.

The boss invites you to dinner, then you must go.

And now Ye Feng knows that Qin Fan’s industry is far more than just a financial mansion that can be invited to dinner by such bigwigs. From now on, it will be a boastful capital!!!.

“Free meals, don’t eat nothing, don’t eat.”

Yang Xue smiled

After the three of them ate dinner at Qingzhaiju on the sixth floor of Jinhui Building, Ye Feng went straight back to his office for lunch.

Yang Xue and Qin Fan took the elevator to the first floor together.She went to her home to rest at noon.

As a result, as soon as the two left Jinhui Building, a young man in a suit holding a bouquet of roses rushed to Yang Xue’s body.

“Xiaoxue, I really like you, be my girlfriend.”

The young man in a suit looked at Yang Xue affectionately and handed the red rose in his hand to Yang Xue.

“Yuan Shang, I told you that I don’t feel about you, it’s impossible for us.”

Yang Xue said with a headache, and refused to accept the red rose handed over.

This Yuan Shang is his university classmate, and the two have barely contacted since they graduated from university.

But since the two met in Jinhui Building some time ago, this Yuan Shang began to pursue her frantically.

Anything to send roses is a basic exercise.

“Is it because of him!”

Yuan Shang looked at Qin Fan with jealousy.

This man who came out with Yang Xue is also too handsome.

Although he didn’t want to admit it, he and Yang Xue were standing together, and they really matched each other’s faces! Damn! I just said why Yang Xue has been reluctant to accept his pursuit.

It turns out that there is such a big handsome beside Yang Xue.

This person is afraid of comparison.

Regardless of his height, appearance or temperament, he was crushed by the big handsome in front of him. “Don’t talk nonsense about Yuan Shang, Qin Fan and I are friends.”

Yang Xue said.

After Yuan Shang heard the sound, his heart was a little calm, but the eyes that looked at Qin Fan still had a deep sense of dread.

“Then Xiaoxue, you haven’t eaten at noon yet, I’ll invite you to eat.”

“I have already eaten.”

Yang Xue replied.


Yuan Shang’s mouth twitched: “With him”

Seeing Yang Xue nodding, Yuan Shang couldn’t help but twitch slightly.

F*ck! I think about inviting you to dinner these days, and you find all kinds of reasons to refuse.

But now, you have lunch with this man named Qin Fan and set off the table! A jealous fire is burning wildly in Yuan Shang’s heart.

“Qin Fan, I’m leaving now.”

Yang Xue smiled at Qin Fan, then nodded at Yuan Shang with a narrow smile, and left directly.

I f*ck! Yang Xue’s “differential treatment”

Yuan Shang’s heart was hurt by tons again! Seeing that Qin Fan was leaving too.

Yuan Shang hurriedly stopped and said: “Wait, buddy.”

Qin Fan: “Something.”

“What is the relationship between you and Yang Xue?”

Yuan Shang asked.

“Yang Xue just told you, it’s just a friend relationship.”

Qin Fan said silently.

In fact, Qin Fan also felt the jealousy of Yuan Shang towards him.

But if people want to be jealous of him, it is their business, and he can’t control it.

“Man, everyone is a man, so what do you think about Yang Xue, I understand.”

Yuan Shang: “But I advise you to put away your… thoughts, Yang Xue is a good woman, I like her, and I will never allow any man to hurt her!”

“let me tell you”

“Stop! Stop!”

Qin Fan waved to interrupt Yuan Shang to continue speaking.

What a ghost, the more he listens, the more outrageous he is thinking about Yang Xue, how can he hurt Yang Xue, this guy is too convincing.

It’s a shame not to be a screenwriter! “Brother, I don’t understand what you are saying.”

“do not understand”

Yuan Shang sneered coldly: “Since you said you don’t understand, then I will speak straightforwardly.”

“Yang Xue is so beautiful, I don’t believe that you don’t have any thoughts about her. You invite her to dinner, and you say that you are just ordinary friends. You obviously want to play with Yang Xue and don’t want to take any responsibility.”

“I’ve seen too many scumbags like you.”

At the end, Yuan Shang looked at Qin Fan with a proud expression that I had already seen through everything.

“Your conspiracy theory also leaves me speechless.”

Qin Fan shook his head and lifted his foot to leave.

It is useless to explain it to people with such conspiracy theories.

Besides, he doesn’t need to explain anything to the other party.


Yuan Shang rushed to Qin Fan in a vigorous step, and sneered: “Why, I was so embarrassed to become angry by me.”

Hearing the sound, the corners of Qin Fan’s mouth turned up slightly, and said in that kind of … scumbag’s frivolous tone: “Even if it’s as you said, what’s the matter?”

“It’s not yet your turn to point fingers in front of me.”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Yuan Shang suddenly laughed, his smile full of triumph.

“Qin Fan, you are admitting that you have a bad attempt against Yang Xue, right?”

“I tell you Qin Fan, I have secretly recorded our conversation just now, and I will send this recording to Yang Xue when I look back, so that Yang Xue can recognize the essence of your scumbag!”

“as long as you are happy.”

Qin Fan smiled and left directly.

For Yuan Shang’s approach, Qin Fan felt only two words-boring!! After Qin Fan left, Yuan Shang couldn’t wait to send this recording to Yang Xue via WeChat.

Just when Yuan Shang was secretly proud of his methods, his mobile phone WeChat prompts the speaker.

“Qin Fan has a good saying, you are a conspiracy theorist, aren’t you tired to live like this Yuan Shang”

“Can you stop being so boring!”

“Also don’t come to Jinhui Building to wait for me in the future, you have already affected my normal work!”

Seeing the WeChat message sent by Xue Yang, Yuan Shang looked stunned! After being stunned, the jealousy of Qin Fan in his heart has reached the point where it can’t be added! Stupid egg! This Yang Xue has been infused by that… What kind of fascinating soup Qin Fan has poured into? Ah! “Xiaoxue, I am a man, and men know men best, I can guarantee that… Qin Fan has absolutely no good intentions for you.”

After Yuan Shang edited this message, he couldn’t wait to click to send it.

Ding Ding! “I hope he can settle for me with the thoughts you think, but he has never seen me in his eyes.”

“Xiaoxue, you can’t be so complacent!”

Yuan Shang huffed and gasped like a bull and sent this message out.

As a result, I was dumbfounded in the next second.

Because he was blacked out by the other party F*ck! What a painful comprehension! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download 99 Novel Online Novel

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