Chapter 475 Looks handsome and has an egg [please subscribe! 】

Wait!! Why did Qin Fan show up here? He came to buy a house and was almost confused. Yuan Shang suddenly found that he had overlooked an important issue.

The average price of a house in Yida Yuhu No.1 has reached 43 per square meter! Any house here costs 5 million! This Qin Fan dare to come here to see the house. Is this Damn it guy still a rich man Yuan Shang eyelids Skipped and left silently

A few minutes later, Yuan Shang came to the sales hall again.

I thought you were a human being, but I didn’t expect that you were just an eDonkey.

Yuan Shang stared at Qin Fan’s back, with a look of contempt on his face! Although the house at Yida Yuhu No.1 is very expensive.

But because it is a school district room.

So there is no shortage of ordinary working-class loans to buy a house here.

Xia Guo’s parents have never considered the cost of investing in the education of their children in the future.

In Yuan Shang’s view, Qin Fan is this type of person.

Spicy chicken!! At the moment! Yuan Shang is contemptuous of Qin Fan, but he is more jealous! Such a mediocre Qin Fan can win the favor of two top beauties.

He is as good as Yuan Shang, but it’s unfair to go on horseback!!!! These days, handsome has an egg to use.

The most important thing for men is to be rich and powerful! Hehe, today, Yuan Shang will give this Qin Fan a good social lesson! “Qin Fan, let’s buy this set.”

Our teacher Lu pointed to a 133-square-meter apartment and said to Qin Fan next to him.


Qin Fan smiled and nodded.

After hearing the sound, a sales lady who had been focusing on Qin Fan hurriedly smiled at Qin Fan and said, “Mr., do you have a fancy house?”

Qin Fan: “Well, this is a 133-square-meter apartment.”

The sales lady in professional attire walked to Qin Fan and Lu Danqing, and smiled and said: “Sir, this apartment type you are interested in is currently only available for sale in these two buildings, please do you like it? On what floor”


Qin Fan looked at Lu Danqing and gave the decision to our teacher Lu.

This scene fell in the eyes of the sales lady, and suddenly turned into a deep envy of Lu Danqing.

Don’t worry if your boyfriend is so handsome.

Buying a house not only hides his girlfriend, but also asks his girlfriend’s opinions very considerately.

What kind of fairy boyfriend is this! You know, in today’s society, many men buy their wedding rooms in advance before they get married.

Because this is the personal wealth before marriage and after the divorce, the woman will not get a dime.

So when these men buy a house, they try to hide from their girlfriends as much as possible.

Comparing the two, the gap is now!!!! “The 8th floor.”

Lu Danqing thought for a while and said.

“It’s a coincidence, what I think is also the 8th floor, Dan Qing, it seems that we are really smart.”

Qin Fan smiled slightly.

Start the daily molesting our Lu teacher mode.

Lu Danqing blushed and gave Qin Fan a bit annoyed. He seemed to say, “There is someone next to you, so don’t pay attention to the occasion.”

The sales lady on the side laughed and joked: “Mr. knows that I am not full at noon. I ate this mouthful of dog food.”

After speaking, the sales lady looked at our teacher Lu with more envy.

The boyfriend is handsome and considerate.

The key is still such a sweet mouth, it will please women, which is even more

It’s perfect.

In this world, why do slick boys tend to be more attractive to women than the kind of… dumb-mouthed honest guys? That’s because women like to listen to petty love and good things.

And these words, a dull honest man is a normal slick man that can’t be said, most of which can be seen at a glance.

Because this kind of boy will give people a kind of “scumbag”

The sense of sight.

But the handsome guy in front of him doesn’t feel that way at all.

He looked not only handsome, but he also had a calm aristocratic temperament.

What a superb man who makes it difficult for women to hold themselves!!!

Just when the sales lady was about to go through the house purchase procedures for Qin Fan, Yuan Shang strode over.

“This is not Mr. Qin Fan.”

Yuan Shang smiled faintly, and the tone of his speech was full of yin and yang.

“It is you.”

The two had only seen each other at noon.

So Qin Fan naturally still has an impression of Yuan Shang.

“Manager Yuan.”

The sales lady yelled sweetly.

I was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, their manager and this handsome guy still know each other.

It’s just that there seems to be some unpleasantness between the two.

“Xiao Zhou, our… Mr. Qin was in that suite.”

Yuan Shang asked.


As soon as the sales lady’s voice fell, Yuan Shang smiled slightly and said: “Xiao Zhou, this room 801 has already been sold, you are not doing your work carefully.”

Zhou Man’s expression stagnated when he heard the sound.

Manager Yuan deliberately didn’t want to sell the house to this handsome guy.

Although there was some resistance in his heart, when thinking of Yuan Shang’s identity, Zhou Man still ignorant of his conscience, chose to cooperate with Yuan Shang, and said apologetically to Qin Fan: “Excuse me, Mr. Qin, I just remembered the 01 room you fancy. Someone has already paid the deposit this morning. This is an omission in my work. I’m sorry Mr. Qin.”

“You are sure that Room 801 has been sold”

Qin Fan squinted his eyes, so he asked in a leisurely manner.

He can naturally see that Yuan Shang deliberately targeted him.

But Qin Fan was not angry at all.

Because of Qin Fan’s status today, Yuan Shang is no different from the ants in Qin Fan’s eyes.

How can the provocation from the ants make Qin Fan’s mood fluctuate?

“Of course it is 100% sure.”

Yuan Shang sneered.

Yida Yuhu No.1 is a school district house, so there is no need to worry about selling it.

And he, Yuan Shang, is the leader in charge of the entire real estate sales! Power is in your hands! Nirvana! “Mr. Qin might as well choose another house.”

Yuan Shang said with a cat and mouse mentality.

Haha don’t care today

Which one Qin Fan chooses, his answer is no! Today, he wants to humiliate Qin Fan severely! He wants Qin Fan to be beaten by the society! He wants to let Yang Xue and the one next to Qin Fan… The big beauty realizes the power of power.

And let them understand a truth.

This principle is that when a woman finds a man, she should find a powerful and powerful man like him! He is handsome and worthy of an egg! It is not being played by a real strong man like me to see the underlined version. For novels, please download 99 novels

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