Chapter 473 The cooperation with Jinhui Building has turned out to be a problem. [Subscribe! 】

“Quickly let them down!”

Because of the urge to curse in public, the assistant continued to urge the security of the Jinhui Building to drive off the people in the elevator with an old face.

Several security guards looked into the elevator, and all their pupils shrank.

I’m going! Isn’t that the owner of Jinhui Building, their big boss, Mr. Qin?

“What are you doing in a daze, let them down quickly? We are still in a hurry to discuss business cooperation matters with the property manager of your building.”

Just when the assistant thought that he would move out the property manager of Jinhui Building, these security guards would definitely drive out the untouchables in the elevator as soon as possible.

But I only heard the head of the security squad say with a blank face: “Everything must be paid attention to first-come-first-served. In our Jinhui Building, the stars don’t have any privileges, so please come out now and don’t block the normal lift of the elevator. !”

As soon as this remark came out, it attracted a lot of applause from the surrounding area.

“Jinhui Building is worthy of being the top financial building in our Jiangcheng. The security guards here are really hardcore!”

“This must be praised.”

“The celebrities and we are both ordinary citizens of Xia Guo. The reason why many celebrities now feel that they have the privilege of walking in society is completely used by their fans.”

“This problem needs to be corrected.”

Qin Fan glanced at the security team leader with admiration.

This person is still quite clever.

He had already noticed that there were already melon-eating crowds around him secretly filming.

Soon, what’s happening here may be exposed online.

This security statement is bound to win a good reputation for Jinhui Building in the society.

This is equivalent to giving Jinhui Building a wave of free advertisements in the society

“What did you say!”

Ju Jingyi’s male assistant looked at the security team leader with wide eyes in disbelief.

Unreasonable! Now a little security guard dares to talk to him like this. This is going to heaven! “What I said is very clear.”

“Please leave from the entrance and exit of the elevator door immediately. Don’t stop the elevator from going up and down normally. Now I will give you ten seconds1. If you still don’t let go, we will take compulsory measures against you!”

The security team leader is full of confidence, not humble or humble.

The admiration in the big boss’s eyes has already been reached by him.

There is the owner of the tens of billions of financial buildings supporting him, all big stars are scum! “”


The assistant blushed and his neck was thick.

He grew up so old that he was threatened by a small security guard for the first time! Just when he was about to get angry, Ju Jingyi, who had been silent, finally uttered a voice.

“Brother Zhang, come down.”

Ju Jingyi’s voice is very clear and beautiful.


Zhang Kui glared at our security team leader, and walked back unwillingly.

Without Zhang Kui’s body blocking, the elevator door was successfully closed

“Boy, wait, see your property manager later, I must complain to you and let you get out of this building!”

Zhang Kui walked to the head of the security squad and threatened in a low voice.

He is very confident about this.

He is an assistant to the superstar Ju Jingyi.

And the other party is just a little security guard at the door.

The property manager who wants to come to this building won’t even give him this little face.

“as long as you are happy.”

Faced with Zhang Kui’s threat, the security team leader looked relaxed and indifferent.

At this time, Jinhui Building

On the top floor, the property manager’s office.

Ye Feng, who was waiting for Qin Fan’s arrival, picked up his phone and glanced at it, his face changed slightly.

“What’s wrong, Manager Ye, what’s the matter? Is there something wrong with Mr. Qin?

Can’t come”

Sitting opposite Ye Feng is a beauty with a face value of 90+.

This big beauty is no one else, it is Yang Xue, the financial accountant of Jinhui Building’s property office, our big beauty Yang! As the financial accountant of Jinhui Building’s property office, Yang Xue will also report to the big boss of Qin Fan. Rental and property expenses.


Ye Feng smiled at Yang Xue: “There is a celebrity who used a big name to brush his presence in front of Mr. Qin.”

“It’s Ju Jingyi”

Yang Xue asked.

That Ju Jingyi came to them once two days ago.

The former has invested in a web drama himself, which is scheduled to be filmed in Jiangcheng, and wants to come to Jinhui Building to shoot.

“um, yes.”

Ye Feng nodded, then took out his mobile phone, found a phone and dialed it.

“Hey, it’s Ms. Ju, the security has already reported to me the incident at the elevator door just now. I feel disgusted and disgusted with your behavior, so let’s forget about our cooperation, there is no need to negotiate.”

On the other side, after hearing what Ye Feng said, Ju Jingyi was a little hard to accept.

Because of this trivial matter, did the property manager of this building directly refuse to cooperate with her so hard?” Manager Ye, I think you should consider it carefully. After all, if we cooperate, you will not only make money, but in the future When my drama is released and it becomes popular on the Internet, the reputation of your Jinhui Building will inevitably be greatly increased.”

“This is a mutually beneficial and win-win thing”

Ju Jingyi said so patiently.

“I have considered it very clearly, so I said so and hung up.”

Ju Jingyi couldn’t help feeling a little lost when he heard the hung-up beep from his ear.

“The elevator door is open, Xiaoju, let’s go in.”

“No, they don’t cooperate with us anymore.”

Ju Jingyi said with an ugly expression.

“Why is this?”

“Just because of what happened just now.”

Several of Ju Jingyi’s assistants were speechless.

“The elevator door opened, why are you all standing here stupidly”

After hearing the conversation between Ju Jingyi and others, the security team leader on the side couldn’t help but smile, and glanced at Zhang Kui with a hint of sarcasm.

Complain to him hehe is now dumbfounded.

I’m afraid you guys don’t know whose brow you are touching.

“Xiaoju is okay, there are so many big shopping malls in Jiangcheng, we go to talk to them, they are absolutely willing to borrow the venue to cooperate with us in filming, and we don’t have to spend a cent!”

Zhang Kui said.

Ju Jingyi: “Hey, until now, we can only retreat, let’s go.”

She still agreed with Zhang Kui.

With her current fame, where she filmed the scene, it was equivalent to advertising a certain place for free.

She doesn’t charge other people’s advertising fees.

It is also that Jinhui Building is located in the core area of ​​Jiangcheng.

It is precisely because of this that she came to talk to the property manager here twice to discuss the matter. For this reason, she was even willing to pay a certain amount of venue fees to the other party. The 99 novel network reminds you: three things to read

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