Chapter 472 Is the celebrity superior? [Please subscribe! 】

Finally, Zhang Zhigang blocked the goddess’ WeChat account and deleted all the diaries recorded on his comma.

He wants to officially say goodbye to his dog licking career

Sitting on Cullinan, when Qin Fan was about to start Cullinan, a system prompt sounded in Qin Fan’s mind.

[Ding! One good finish every day today! Reward Bavaria Maschinenfabrik AG 31.

% Shares!] [Ding! Congratulations to Zhu Zhu on becoming the second shareholder of Bavaria Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.!] Bavaria Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Qin Fan was stunned.

I feel very new to this company.

But when Qin Fan checked on the Internet, he couldn’t help but say a lot of grass! It turns out that the Bavarian Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a famous BMW! This reward is amazing! Just one sentence, I would rather sit in a BMW and cry than sit. The famous quotes that laugh on bicycles can deeply reflect the popularity of BMW in Xia Guo! BMW is now the world’s third-ranked automobile company.

Second only to Volkswagen and Toyota! The current market value of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars is 711 US dollars and was acquired by BMW many years ago! The next day, in the morning! After Qin Fan accompanied Xu Sihan to buy the house, he drove to the Jinhui Building Drove away.

In the morning, Ye Feng called Qin Fan, hoping that Qin Fan could come to Jinhui Building.

He can report to Qin Fan on the lease of the facade and office of Jinhui Building in the first quarter of the following year.

Lots of renewals.

There are also tenants who are preparing to evacuate from Jinhui Building in the coming year due to poor management and other reasons.

Of course, the Jinhui Building is located in the core area of ​​Jiangcheng, and the most important thing is the tenants.

There are more monks and less porridge.

How to distribute this “porridge”

To maximize the benefits, it is a big deal.

Even if Ye Feng is the property manager of Jinhui Building, he has to make a detailed written report to Qin Fan

Qin Fan came to Jinhui Building and walked into the elevator, just as the elevator door was about to close.

A group of bodyguards in suits and leather shoes, wearing big sunglasses, walked over a few meters of popular scenes.

The pedestrian faintly centered on a petite young woman wearing a big black mask.

Left and right behind these people: Follow some passers-by who are looking excited and holding their mobile phones to take pictures.

It’s like a popular star’s ostentation! “I’m going, this is not the superstar Ju Jingyi!”

Someone in the elevator said excitedly.

“It’s Ju Jingyi, I really like her!”

Just not paying much attention to entertainment. Fan is not unfamiliar with the name Ju Jingyi.

After all, this… Lord is called the number one beauty in Xia by many people on the Internet! Just ask if you are afraid! But Ju Jingyi’s Yan and Qin Fan are not there.

One of Ju Jingyi’s assistant saw that the elevator door was about to close, so he rushed out with a vigorous step and reached out to prevent the elevator door from closing.

Then he looked at the people in the elevator arrogantly, and said loudly in that…command tone: “You all come out!”

The few fans of Ju Jingyi in the elevator immediately walked out of the elevator very cooperatively.

But others including Qin Fan are not happy.

“Why let us come out!”

“Yes, obviously we came in first.”

“We, Ju Jingyi, are in a hurry, please cooperate and come down immediately!”

The assistant still put on a high posture.

“We are in a hurry too!”

“Everything must be talked about first-come, first-come. We came first. Why would you let us down?”

“Don’t mess around, okay!”

The assistant frowned.

Seeing this assistant’s gesture, Qin Fan couldn’t help but want to laugh.

You let us people who are advanced elevators get down, we don’t want to, we still entangled this logically powerful and invincible! “Don’t think that stars can be high, and they can enjoy privileges wherever they go. Stars will be given priority to everything!”

Qin Fan sneered.

“My buddies are good, the stars are amazing, I won’t be down today!”

“You can’t get down! I’ll ask one last time!”

The assistant stared at Qin Fan coldly, with an impatient look on his face.

A few untouchables did not turn the elevator back to Ju Jingyi! We, Ju Jingyi, are the top traffic Xiaohua with tens of millions of fans! Time is precious! Is it just asking you to make an elevator? Is this too demanding? Obviously, it’s okay! Seeing that the Qin Fan people are not moved, the assistant is not nonsense, and directly shouts at the security guards of the Jinhui Building not far away: “Come here and let them hurry. Get down from the elevator!”

at this time.

Outside the elevator, several of Ju Jingyi’s brain-dead fans have “struck injustices” for their idols.

“Who are you!!!? Just let them make an elevator. Our Xiaoju schedule is full every day. How can we waste time waiting for the elevator here?”

“Xiaoju is the number one beauty in four thousand years. Fortunately, these people are all men. They are really not gentlemanly!”

“But that… handsome guy is so handsome!”

In Xia Guo, whether it is a male celebrity or a female celebrity, their fans are all women surplus men.

“Look at your nymphomaniac, really embarrassing my Xiaoju, where is he handsome, where is he, really handsome, how can he be so handsome!”

Outside the elevator, many of Ju Jingyi’s female fans were given to fans by Qin Fan’s appearance.

Deng Deng Deng! A security squad arrived.

“Hurry up, get them down quickly, they have already delayed us three minutes, these people are really unreasonable, low quality!”

The assistant urged the security team with his hips akimbo.

“We are low-quality dammit, I am so pissed off by you! Dare to let us not give you the elevator, it is a joke that the quality is low, you are not qualified, okay, this elevator is opened by your home, we I have an obligation to give you elevators”

“If you can speak well at the beginning, we will not stop giving you an elevator.”

“I can’t understand your high-pitched and arrogant posture. I really think that the stars are superior to others.”

“Your fans are accustomed to you, I am not…your fan, so I won’t be accustomed to your stinky body!”

When the people around him were filled with righteous indignation, Qin Fan was secretly observing Ju Jingyi.

The observation results disappointed Qin Fan.

It seems that many black materials about Ju Jingyi on the Internet are not aimless! For now, this Ju Jingyi remained silent throughout the whole process, watching everything coldly.

In fact, this has shown her attitude in disguise

Thank you book friend [Xie Yu] for your 100-point reward!! Thank you book friend [Xie Shengyu] for your 100-point reward!! Thank you book friend [Xie Shengyu] for your 100-point reward!! See no underline Version of the novel, please download 99 novels

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