Chapter 471 Dull and tasteless [please subscribe! 】

Seeing this, Qin Fan didn’t watch it anymore.

Well, this middle-aged aunt’s precious son is a senior licking dog.

This state of licking completely refreshed his three views! The licking ability can be said to be as stable as an old dog! It is amazing!! It is no wonder that the middle-aged aunt is anxious to send a help message in the WeChat [Mutual Help Group in the same city].

If this is his son, Qin Fan does not guarantee that he will be hammered to death. “In the words of your young people, my son is a licking dog, licking the dog and licking the dog until the end is nothing, Xiao Qin, what do you say? Do it!!!”

The middle-aged aunt said angrily: “Xiao Qin, you said that my son, Xiaogang, is a big man. Now he loses the dignity of a man at all. His father is angry and went to the hospital.”

“This unbelievable thing.”

“What’s so good about that girl that made my Xiaogang love her to die alive.”

“Auntie, don’t be so excited.”

Qin Fan: “By the way, has your son been in love before”

Seeing the middle-aged aunt shaking her head, Qin Fan didn’t feel any surprise.

If a man has had a period or even a few love experiences, it is reasonable to not lick it to such an extent.

Only the kind of… mother-to-child, who have been single for decades, can be so paranoid when they encounter emotional problems between men and women.

“Auntie, don’t worry, it’s like your son’s situation, it doesn’t actually mean that your son likes that girl.”

“No, Xiao Qin.”

The middle-aged aunt interrupted Qin Fan, “My son is like this, so he still likes other girls.”

“Auntie, listen to me.”

Qin Fan smiled: “Your son is like this, in fact, it can be said that it is a mental illness.”

“It’s always easy to lick a dog to create an infatuated illusion in a way of self-abuse to make yourself stand on the moral commanding heights of emotions and obtain a deformed sense of satisfaction and security.”

“In fact, whether it’s Xueye going to the other party to stand downstairs for a while or braving: the heavy rain gave her a cup of milk tea or something, in retrospect, the licking dogs often feel like Qiao Feng fought against Juxianzhuang, Guan Yu riding a thousand miles alone is as strong and intense. .”

“But for the other party, a cup of milk tea is a cup of milk tea, which cannot carry the feelings that people want to pin down on it.”

After listening to Qin Fan’s words, the middle-aged aunt nodded thoughtfully: “Xiao Qin, what you said makes sense.”

“It’s just that my son has this problem?”

Qin Fan took a sip of tea and pursed his lips, “Uh, this is actually because your son has been single for too long. In addition, your son is engaged in business, usually has little social interaction, and does not like to exercise. He is not in the office all day. Just staying at home and watching anime, it is easy to suppress these problems.”

“Then how good is this.”

The worried voice of the middle-aged aunt just fell, and her son Zhang Zhigang returned from get off work.

A young man in his 20s… looks like a middle-aged man in his 40s.

There is a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of the nose, the kind of mirror.

And the hair is already bald

Zhang Zhigang looked at Qin Fan and asked his mother.

“Xiaogang, he is”

Under the introduction of the middle-aged aunt, Zhang Zhigang was obviously hostile to Qin Fan.

“Dude, do you want to chase your goddess”

Qin Fan asked with a smile.

“Of course I want to, but it’s impossible, because

Wei Yuanyuan has a boyfriend, and now I just want to silently guard Yuanyuan’s side and shelter her from the wind and rain.”

Zhang Zhigang is always licking the dog as soon as he exports it.

Qin Fan smiled slightly: “If I have a way for you to chase the goddess”

“It’s impossible.”

Zhang Zhigang shook his head and said with a pious expression: “Yuanyuan is an angel who has descended into this world. She has a very good relationship with her boyfriend. How can she agree to other men’s pursuits, Qin Fan? Desecration to Yuanyuan!”

Speaking of the end, Zhang Zhigang’s face has already appeared a touch of sullenness.

“Angel, hehe, is clearly a piece of green tea.”

Qin Fan mocked.

“Shut up! I warn you Qin Fan, if you dare to say that to Yuanyuan, don’t blame me for being rude to you!”

Zhang Zhigang furiously said.

“Is it an angel or green tea? Just try it! Do you dare?”

“Try it!”

Zhang Zhigang pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said in a deep voice.

“Why do you want me to ask Yuanyuan out?”

Qin Fan couldn’t help but smile, and asked, “Can you ask her out”

Zhang Zhigang: “”

Heartbroken, old iron!! “You are like this”

After Qin Fan finished speaking, he took out Cullinan’s car key and put it on the table.

Seeing this key, Zhang Zhigang’s pupils shrank: “This is Rolls Royce”

When the middle-aged aunt next to her heard her son’s words, her face changed slightly.

Rolls Royce is a luxury car! This Qin Fan is still a rich man.

However, after knowing the identity of Qin Fan’s rich man, the middle-aged aunt couldn’t help but relax, feeling that his son could finally become a normal person this time.

The reason why she has this kind of psychology is actually a kind of human nature.

Because most ordinary people have inexplicable confidence in the strong.

And Qin Fan, who can afford luxury cars like Rolls-Royce, is the strong in the heart of the middle-aged aunt! Next, Zhang Zhigang updated a WeChat Moments dynamic.

The nine pictures are distributed in the nine palaces.

These photos were taken by Zhang Zhigang from various angles while sitting inside Qin Fan’s Cullinan.

And with the words: Tired, I have a showdown, in fact, I am a second-generation smiling face.

When Zhang Zhigang updated this post, he also set it up. It was only for that… Yuanyuan saw that after this post was released, within three minutes, the one who had never taken the initiative to find Zhang Zhigang before… Yuanyuan, this time, took the initiative. Zhang Zhigang was contacted on WeChat.

“Brother Zhang, your car is Cullinan, right”

“Yes, the cool face that was newly mentioned yesterday”

Qin Fan teaches Zhang Zhigang to chat

After talking all over the sky, Zhang Zhigang was ashamed.

His goddess turned out to be really green tea.

After he got out of the luxury car, the goddess chatted with him.

Zhang Zhigang felt that as long as he showed a little meaning in that respect, the goddess would definitely agree.

Don’t know why, Zhang Zhigang suddenly feels dull

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