Chapter 454 Isn’t this the god! [Please subscribe! 】

“Gaoqiang, we are like this”

After listening to his wife’s words, Xu Gaoqiang quickly gave a thumbs up.

His eyes gleamed: “High! Still the wife is tall!”

“Tomorrow, there will be the two of us on the scene, remotely directing our baby daughter, I am afraid that we will not be able to take that…

The other end.

After Qin Fan handed in his homework, he rode an electric bike to Jianghan University.

Our teacher Lu still has class in the afternoon

On the way back.

A BMW 3 Series has surpassed Qin Fan.

But soon he reversed back and moved forward at the same speed as Qin Fan.

When the car window fell, a young man greeted Qin Fan with surprise: “Qin Fan!”

“Hu Tiantian.”

Qin Fan smiled.

I called out the name of the BMW man

Hu Tiantian, his university alumnus, has been with him for the same term.

The two met in the student union.

When Hu Tiantian was in college, everyone greeted everyone with smiles.

Very good at socializing! Qin Fan has a good impression of him.

“It’s not easy to meet, let’s stop and have a chat.”


The two came to an ice cream shop, eating ice cream to relieve the heat, while chatting.

“Hey, it’s really hard to find a job this year. I didn’t get into an establishment until last month. I almost starved to death on the street.”

Hu Tiantian laughed at himself with an expression that life was too hard.

Qin Fan smiled: “I don’t think you can mix well, the BMWs are all on.”

Hu Tiantian shook his head: “What, I drove the 3 series, the low-end version, less than 300,000, so the picture is better.”

“It’s all because it’s hard to find someone right now. Go out for a blind date. If you don’t say you drive a BMW, many blind dated girls just leave.”

“We men are too difficult.”

“Stop talking about me, tell me about you, wherever you are recently”

“I do investment.”

Qin Fan replied

“I’m going to invest, and I’ll be tall when I hear it, and I’m very rich and free! Qin Fan, if I get rich in the future, I have to take my brother with me.”

Hu Tiantian’s face was full of enthusiastic smiles.

In fact, I sneered in my heart.

Investing. You are a fresh graduate of college. What can you do with investment? You don’t have enough contacts.

You play investment, play a ball, play.

For these two points, in Hu Tiantian’s view, Qin Fan does not possess them at all.

Moreover, Qin Fan is riding an electric donkey during this trip.

It’s not like an investor’s style anymore.

Look at the society, those who play investment.

Which travel is not a luxury car

In business.

Luxury cars are not only a symbol of a man’s status.

It’s still a stepping stone! You are riding an electric car. Who hangs you?

Therefore, Hu Tiantian is sure that Qin Fan is bragging to him.

Why do you brag that it is definitely unsatisfactory in the society.

Hu Tiantian, although I am still mixed now.

BMW 3 Series Mortgage.

If you work, it’s career.

It sounds decent, but the treatment is really bad.

In one year, it will be worth more than a hundred thousand.

However, I have a car and a house anyway.

It’s better than Qin Fan.

This Qin

Everyone in Chishi, reasonable, in Jiangcheng, there must be no houses.

In the garage.

He Hu Tiantian defeated Qin Fan!!! If it is better than work, this Qin Fan is definitely not as good as him.

Otherwise, Qin Fan will not vaguely say that he is an investment.

In short, Hu Tiantian is better than Qin Fan! I chatted with Hu Tiantian for a while.

Qin Fan also gradually discovered that during Hu Tiantian’s speech and manners, facing him, there will always be a slight sense of superiority.

Even if the other party is always there: cover up.

But Qin Fan still felt it.

After all, Qin Fan’s eyes have seen too many force kings

“Qin Fan, I will pick up my blind date later and come home to see my parents. You should also go to my house and have a light meal. It just so happens that our brothers will have a good chat in the evening.”

Hu Tiantian said with a look of enthusiasm.

“No, you take your girlfriend home to see your parents, it’s inappropriate for me to go.”

Qin Fan refused.

“Don’t Qin Fan, what’s this, just have a meal.”

“Our two brothers haven’t been sitting and chatting together for several months. We finally met this time. We have to have a good chat tonight and have a good time.”

Hu Tiantian said to Qin Fan that if you don’t go to my house for dinner tonight, I won’t let you leave.

“All right.”

Seeing each other so “enthusiastic”

, So “persistent”

How can Qin Fan fail the other party’s goodwill?

Who asked me to be the beauty of Qin’s adulthood? After eating the ice cream, the two separated.

Hu Tiantian drove his red BMW 3 Series to pick up his girlfriend.

Qin Fan rode an electric bike towards the community where Hu Tiantian’s family is located.

Arrived at Shui’an Mingdu Community.

After a while, Hu Tiantian returned.

“Ziwei, this is what I just told you, my good buddy Qin Fan.”

“How about, my buddy is handsome, when he was in college, he was the school grass of our Jianghan University.”

“Qin Fan, this is my girlfriend Xia Ziwei.”

Hu Tiantian introduced each other with a smile.

Qin Fan smiled slightly and nodded to Xia Ziwei.

Say hello to Xia Ziwei.

Xia Ziwei also responded with a smile.

A fascinating color flashed in her eyes.

This Qin Fan is really handsome.

If only she was a few years younger.

Most of them are really fascinated by this Qin Fan.

But now hehe, okay, I still can’t help but sink into it.

This man is too handsome! He is too handsome to control her! Xia Ziwei, you have to hold back! This guy is handsome though.

But just a poor man riding a battery car! Being poor is the most unforgivable sin of a man! At this moment.

Xia Ziwei saw Qin Fan’s electric car.

This made the former’s eyelids jump wildly! Let me go! This is not the electric car in the photo of Zhang Yong Audi’s share of friends in the morning! It is known as the most expensive electric car in the world.

It is worth 520,000! I have confirmed the look in the eyes, and it is the electric car! Xia Ziwei then turned her head to look at Qin Fan’s profile.

It was exactly the same as the man in the photo.

This is not a poor man, but a sacred man! A sacred man who is like a fake replacement! Thank you book friend [Zhen Xun] for your monthly pass support!! Thank you book friend [震 Xun] for your monthly pass support!! Thank you book friend [震巽] 】Monthly ticket support!! reminds you: Three things to read

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