Chapter 453 Zhizhu is in hand [please subscribe! 】

“Riding a battery car is 520,000 yuan, this f*ck is a god!”

“Gao, rich and handsome, this little brother has all three things, and I love it.”

“Multiple electric cars, terrifying!”

The corner of Zhang Yong’s mouth twitched, and then the movement was deleted numbly.

I wanted to take the opportunity to pretend to be in the circle of friends.

In the end, a group of people who have been overturned and depressed! Qin Fan and Lu Danqing returned to Tiandi Yunting Community.

“Ms. Lu, it’s time to check the homework.”

Qin Fan looked seriously + solemnly at our teacher Lu.

Lu Danqing: “”

At that time! Donghu area, a single-family villa, living room.

Xu Sihan was lying on the sofa with Erlang’s legs tilted, and chatting with Qin Fan in a beautiful mood.

Qin Fan: I was too difficult. When handing in my homework, I had to chat with other confidantes. But after his father Xu Gaoqiang said a certain sentence, our beautiful doctor suddenly sat up from the sofa.

The beautiful eyes widened and said: “Dad, what did you say, you arranged a blind date for me again”

While reading the newspaper, Xu Gaoqiang said lightly: “Yes, you are 26 this year, and you don’t even have a boyfriend. You want to put your mother and me to death.”

“You don’t care about finding someone, but if we are parents, we must care about it.”

“Parents, I can beg you.”

“Just let me go.”

“The first time you introduced me to a dead man.”

“The second time, that is, the person you introduced to me last time, he actually looked down on me. Do you know how hard this has caused my soul.”

“Up to now, I haven’t recovered from this blow.”

“As a result, you have to introduce me to a blind date again”

Xu Sihan complained with a look of grief and indignation.

Hearing the sound, Xu Gaoqiang’s mouth twitched, and he smirked: “Daughter, you misunderstood. The last time Qian Kai didn’t look down on you, but after he saw you, he felt ashamed and felt that he was not worthy of you.”

“Dad, you believe in this kind of scenes”

Feeling the look of contempt from the baby girl, Xu Gaoqiang looked embarrassed.

At the same time, he gave Qian Kai a stern greeting in his heart.

Damn!! My daughter of Xu Gaoqiang, you big idiot still don’t like it! I %! His daughter who killed him is talking about blind dates now! Say ah! At this time, the mother of Sihan was not talking about it, and smiled. Said: “Daughter, mom is here. Mom tells you that if we women want to get out of the shock of feelings, the sooner we have to start a new relationship.”

“This time, your dad and I selected this young talent for you. The first time he saw your photo, he made it clear that he liked you very much. Then, I am very familiar with the look in your eyes when you look at your photo.”

“Just licking the dog’s eyes.”

“So, if you also fell in love with him, then it will be straightforward this time.”

“Moreover, this young talent selected by your dad and I for you this time is extremely good.”

“He just returned from studying in the dominant country not long ago.”

“As soon as we returned to Jiangcheng, we started our own business and established Tiger Shark Information Technology Co., Ltd.!”

“Within less than a month since its establishment, Tiger Shark has been in the domestic live broadcast industry and is stable.

He stood on his heels, and the momentum of development was very strong. There is a faint tendency to catch up with Dou Shark.”

“This young talent is Liu Xuan.”

“By the way, Liu Xuan’s father, Liu Huiping, is the president of Hongye Ventures. This Liu Huiping is a financial crocodile.”

Xu Sihan’s mother persuaded her with all her heart.

“Mom, you actually want to match Liu Xuan and me. This guy used to be a stubborn boy and a scumbag!”

Xu Sihan said angrily.

Xu Gaoqiang: “You said that was before.”

“Previously, Liu Xuan was young and vigorous, and it was inevitable that he was a little bohemian.”

“But this time he returned from studying in the overlord country, but he has changed a lot.”

“A few days ago, your mother and I went to Hongye Ventures to find President Liu, and wanted to raise 200 million yuan from Hongye Ventures and turn the capital, but I met Liu Xuan.”

“He gave me the feeling that I was reborn.”

“The current Liu Xuan is low-key and humble, polite, and has left a deep impression on me and your mother.”

“Moreover, this Liu Xuan, in his spare time, will go out to participate in volunteer activities.”

Liu Xuan: Look up to Qin Fan, and salute

“Don’t you often participate in volunteer activities? I think you and Liu Xuan will definitely have a lot of common language!!!.”

“For this reason, your mother and I want to let you know each other.”

“I do not!”

Xu Sihan pouted and refused decisively! Her heart was filled with the figure of Qin Fan.

Never…can’t hold any man anymore.

Therefore, even if her parents praise Liu Xuan to the sky, she has no interest at all! “You have to go, and you have to go if you don’t!”

The power of Xu Gaoqiang’s domineering president came up.

He stared and said, “If you don’t go, then give me your doctor’s job quit.”

“If not, you will have to give you a chance to see Liu Xuan tomorrow.”

“Dad, you are unreasonable!”

Xu Gaoqiang’s chest was sharp, and he said proudly: “I am a domineering president, but I am unreasonable, what can you do to me!”

“you you”

Xu Sihan was irritated by his father’s arrogance.

“Huh, just go!”

Xu Sihan pouted finally, begging for everything, and agreed.

But there was some disapproval in my heart.

With my husband, Qin Fan, Liu Xuan can only retreat in the end, and stay cool! Huh! Master bedroom.

Xu Sihan’s parents converged and communicated.

“Gao Qiang, our daughter will have a blind date tomorrow, we also have to go to the scene,!”

When Xu Sihan’s mother spoke, an old fox smile appeared on her face.

“Ah, what are you going to do?”

When Xu Gaoqiang saw the appearance of his daughter-in-law, he knew that she was already holding Zhizhu! So, Xu Gaoqiang hurriedly asked with a startled spirit.

Thank you book friend [Xie Yu] for your monthly pass support!! Thank you book friend [Xie Sheng Yu] for your monthly pass support!! Thank you book friend [Xie Sheng] for your monthly pass!! To see the underlined version of the novel, please download 99 Novel Online Novel

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