Chapter 455 Pretending to cause the butterfly effect [subscribe! 】

“I didn’t mean Ziwei like that.”

Hu Tiantian was also a little angry when he spoke.

“I mean, your best friend is too pretentious.”

“Men can’t stand the women who love to be the most!”

Xia Ziwei’s voice is a bit higher: “Where did she do Jiamei, she is so sensible!”

“I think you are also a straight man!”

“No wonder you are good buddies, dare to love is a raccoon.”

“Eh, do you two keep talking about us secretly?”


Hu Tiantian Qi’s neck has blue veins protruding: “You can’t make sense”

“You do this again!”

“I really can’t stand you anymore!”

This statement came out.

Xia Ziwei got up and stood up, furiously saying: “Hu Tiantian! I don’t make sense.”

“Okay! Then break up!”

“You find a reasonable one!”

After vacating the ground, Hu Tiantian left the sofa and stood up, blushing and loudly saying, “If you break up, you will break up!”

“Regret who is the dog!”


“Don’t regret it!!”

Xia Ziwei picked up the bag on the sofa and turned away angrily.

The moment she turned around, a trace of pride flashed on her face.

Oye! I finally got rid of this Hu Tiantian! Hey! He is one step closer to the handsome guy Shenhao raising her. Oh, the reason why she was dating Hu Tiantian.

He also fell in love with Hu Tiantian’s car and house, stable work, and iron rice bowl.

He promised to associate with Hu Tiantian, just to stabilize him.

After finding a richer man, that’s when Xia Ziwei kicked Hu Tiantian away without hesitation.

This is the nature of the green tea girl-for men, choose the best! If it is not Qin Fan today, change to another man with better conditions than Hu Tiantian.

Waiting for Hu Tiantian’s ending will not change.

Oh, can’t say that.

If the man and Qin Fan have similar conditions, the ending will not change.

However, if the man in the hypothesis is only better than Hu Tiantian, it is limited.

Well, before Hu Tiantian took that man, he wouldn’t break up with Hu Tiantian so quickly and decisively.

The difference here is nothing more than a question of length of time.

An electric bike that Qin Fan rides is worth 520,000! This is in Xia Ziwei’s view.

Qin Fan is at least a multimillionaire! Facing such a rich man.

Plus Qin Fan looks so handsome.

Therefore, Xia Ziwei was eager to kick Hu Tiantian away.

So that she can win Qin Fan as quickly as possible “Qin Fan, this woman can’t get used to it!”

Hu Tiantian said to Qin Fan with a macho appearance: “Women!!!, if you are too used to it, she will not know what is good or bad.”

“Don’t watch Xia Ziwei yelling to break up with me, but I can guarantee that within three days, she will take the initiative to confess to me!”

In fact, what Hu Tiantian thought in his heart was: When tomorrow, Ziwei and I kneel down and confess a mistake, she will definitely forgive me.

Qin Fan shook his head and smiled, without saying anything.

“Eh, girl!”

Father Hu, Mother Hu rushed out of the kitchen in a hurry.

“Oh, Ziwei, don’t go, something is up.

Say it well.”

Xia Ziwei heard the sound, not only did not stop, but speeded up and ran out

“Son, hurry up and admit a mistake to Ziwei.”

Hu Mu looked at her son and persuaded her.

“How can one of my elders recognize a woman? The incident just now was that she went online. I blamed me for being so kind to her and making her float away.”

Hu Tiantian’s chest is straight, and a proud expression that I want to teach her a deep lesson.

Mother Hu stared: “Look at the young people nowadays, if they disagree: just break up.”

Father Hu: “They may not be suitable.”

Hu Mu heard the sound, looked at her husband with slanted eyes, and said lightly: “What do you mean?”

“You are blaming me”

Father Hu was a little speechless: “I didn’t blame you.”

Hu Mu: “At the beginning!”

“It was me who introduced Lao Xia’s daughter to my son, and now I broke up.”

Mother Hu spread her hand and shouted at Father Hu: “You are blaming me!”

“I really didn’t blame you.”

The corner of Father Hu’s mouth twitched.

“I’m not just talking about things.”

Hu Mu: “Come on.”

“That’s what you think.”

“I know, you’ve seen me displeased a long time ago.”

“My son broke up with his girlfriend today.”

“His temperament is exactly the same as yours!”

“If a big man has something to do in a day, it’s strange if he doesn’t say it in his heart, and he doesn’t break up!”

“You blame me!”

Father Hu couldn’t help getting angry when he was scolded by his wife by pointing his nose while there were outsiders.

“Don’t talk about yourself.”

“You are the one who made your son like this.”

“Make him unbearable any wronged.”

Mother Hu said with her arms akimbo: “You blame me, why did I blindly look at you like this.”

“There are so many people better than you.”

“It’s you, you don’t have any skills!”

The boss with staring eyes from Father Hu: “Do you want to go with me anymore”

“You said it earlier!”

Hu Mu: “Divorce Civil Affairs Bureau!”

Father Hu: “Who will not leave, who will be grandson!”

“Come and go!”

Hu’s father and Hu’s mother scolded and walked outside the house.

Shouting for a divorce.

Qin Fan: “”

What is this all about?

Hu Tiantian looked dazed.

Mom and Dad are going to get a divorce. “Mom and dad, what are you arguing about? A lot of age is going to divorce, so I’m not afraid of the people next door: jokes.”

Hu Tiantian rushed out, ready to bring his parents back.

Qin Fan followed.


There was a woman in a dress outside the door, putting her ear on the door to watch the excitement.

“Go, go home.”

A young man next to him said helplessly: “Don’t listen to the excitement here, what’s so nice about it.”

“Shhh! Listen again.”

“Let’s go, what do you listen to?”

at this time.

The door opens.

Father Hu and Mother Hu walked out together angrily.

While rubbing her bumped forehead, the girl in the dress took Hu Mu’s arm.

Persuaded: “Hey, Auntie Fang, I just talk a lot because they are all neighbors.”

“A couple of days a day’s grace, a little thing is not enough.”

“It’s up to you!”

Hu Musi showed no sympathy.

Walk downstairs with Father Hu.

“Parents, don’t leave, come back.”

Hu Tiantian chased it down.

“What kind of person.”

The woman in the dress was speechless.

She is a “good neighbor of Xia Guo”

, But was scolded “It hurts.”

The young man saw that his wife was still there: rubbing his forehead, he couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

“Just telling you to go, if you don’t want to go, you have to listen here.”

“What’s so nice about this bustle?”

“What do you mean”

The woman in the dress put down her hand rubbing her forehead and pointed at the young man.

Angrily said: “Now I am injured, you still don’t care about me, you still accuse me!”

Young man: “Eh, did I… let you go.”

“Ah, am I asking you to go back to eat, you have to listen here!”

Hearing the sound, the woman in the dress became even more angry: “It’s all the neighbors I care about what’s wrong!”

“You don’t care about me at all!”

“I’m injured!!”

Young man: “You are a bit unreasonable now, don’t you?”

“Ah, I am making trouble without reason”

The woman in the dress pointed her finger at herself: “Where am I making trouble?”

“You didn’t make trouble unreasonably!”

The young man stunned.

“You are making troubles unreasonably!”

The woman in the dress pushed her husband to her home.

“Did you push me?”

“I will push you!”

“You try to push me again”

“I will push!”


Hear the sound of ping-pong from the opposite room.

Qin Fan didn’t know what to say.

Because Hu Tiantian wanted to pretend to be coercive to him.

In the end, it caused a series of so many bad things. Pretending to be forceful can also cause the butterfly effect! Thanks to book friends [.

It’s a habit to pamper you with a monthly pass for support!! Thanks to book friends [.

It’s a habit to pamper you with a monthly pass for support!! Thanks to book friends [.

It’s a habit to pamper you with a monthly pass support!! 99 reminds you: Three things to read

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