Chapter 441 Thorough investigation, never tolerate! [3 more, please customize! 】

Of course Huang Yuan knew the nature of this.

The nature of the illegality.

Huang Yuan gritted his teeth.

I can’t admit the drug.

Anyway, in the video just now, there is no picture of him prescribing medicine.

“I haven’t given medicine, Director Qin, have you misunderstood something?”

Huang Yuan denied it.

Nie Yuanhang heard the sound and nodded secretly in his heart.

His stupid brother-in-law is not too stupid.

I still know the drug, but I can’t recognize it.

Qin Fan sneered: “You didn’t get the medicine”


“The bottle of mineral water, I have sent someone to the hospital to have it tested, do you want to see the test results”

“Director Qin, even if there is a problem with the bottle of mineral water, you can’t just say that it was my medicine.”

“I didn’t bring that bottle of mineral water to Lu Yaoyao to drink.”

“To be honest, Lu Yaoyao suddenly fainted, and I was also surprised and puzzled.”

“I thought she had low blood sugar.”

Huang Yuan said.

He never touched the bottle of mineral water.

As long as he doesn’t admit it, who can prove that it was his medicine.

Even with Li Man’s verbal identification.

Saying that he instructed her to administer the medicine, but that didn’t constitute evidence.

He can completely call this a slander against him.

Qin Fan also knew that Huang Yuan couldn’t just give in so easily.

“It seems you don’t cry without seeing the coffin, ah.”

“I will let you see someone again.”

“come in.”

Qin Fan’s voice fell, and the door of the meeting room was pushed open from the outside.

A man and a woman walked in.

The man has a pair of sword eyebrows, his heroic spirit is compelling, and his pupils are reserved.

He is Han Ying, our “shadow”

The woman is dressed in formal attire, and her phoenix eyes are affectionate.

A proper voluptuous young woman.

She is Liman.

“Li Man, let’s talk about it, what’s the matter with that bottle of mineral water with medicine”

Li Man at this moment already knows the identity of Qin Fan.

Therefore, after Qin Fan’s voice fell, he quickly reached out and pointed to Huang Yuan and said, “It was Director Huang who instructed me to prescribe the medicine.”

The relationship between this matter was so powerful that Han Ying had already explained to her last night.

If she doesn’t come out to testify.

She had to recite the crime of drugging.

The husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and they fly separately when the disaster is approaching.

Not to mention that the relationship between her and Huang Yuan is not even a lover.

In Huang Yuan’s eyes, Li Man was just a tool for venting selfish desires.

For Huang Yuan, Li Man has hatred in his heart.

After all, she has a happy family.

If it wasn’t for Huang Yuan’s persecution.

If it is not to keep the job.

How could she be willing to be subjected to Huang Yuan’s unspoken rules? Faced with Li Man’s testimony, Huang Yuan didn’t panic.

“Li Man, you are slander!”

“Director Qin, don’t you believe this woman’s side words?”

“She admitted that she had given the medicine.”

“So, how can she trust her words.”

This statement came out.

Everyone present was silent.

Although they all felt that Li Man did not lie.

But the law is about evidence.

It’s not as you think it will do.

As Huang Yuan said.

Relying on the testimony of Li Man alone, it really can’t prove anything.

Not to mention that Liman himself was involved in the entire incident.

Then what she said can’t be regarded as a confession.

“Huang Yuan, since I dare to come out to testify against you, naturally I have evidence in hand.”

Li Man sneered.

Hearing the sound, Huang Yuan, who was still a little proud, suddenly felt a slap in his heart.


“Can you have any evidence”

Li Man smiled, took out his phone directly, found a recording, and clicked to play.

This recording is exactly how Huang Yuan instructed her to administer medicine to Lu Yaoyao yesterday.

At that time, Li Man kept an eye on it and secretly recorded a note.

Unexpectedly, now, it really comes in handy.

This recording is finished.

Huang Yuan’s whole figure seemed to be drained suddenly.

Slumped from the chair to the ground with a sullen face, and slumped on the ground, eyes blank

“President Lin, according to the group’s rules and regulations, how should Director Huang deal with this matter”

Qin Fan looked at Lin Han and asked lightly.

Lin Han replied: “Director Huang, the unsuccessful employees in the unspoken rules department also instructed others to prescribe drugs. This action not only seriously violated the relevant systems of our group company, but also violated the law.”

“According to the company’s rules and regulations, we should effectively protect the vital interests of every employee.”

“Huang Yuan was fired from the company and transferred to the public security department for processing.”

“President Lin, this matter will be handled in accordance with the company’s rules and regulations.”

As Qin Fan spoke, the conversation changed: “In addition, set up an investigation team to thoroughly investigate Huang Yuan and check whether he has used his position to take bribes and other acts that violate the interests of the company during his tenure.”

“If there is, then how to deal with it, just deal with it, and never tolerate it!”

“Yes, Director Qin.”

Lin Han nodded solemnly.

“I don’t know if you have any objections to my handling of Huang Yuan”

Qin Fan looked at the other directors and asked.

“No no, I think Director Qin handled it properly.”

Li Gang was the first to speak out in agreement.

Then, several other directors successively spoke out, saying that they supported Qin Fan’s handling.

Even Nie Yuanhang didn’t dare to plead with Qin Fan for his brother-in-law.

Because he has seen Qin Fan’s determination to fuck his brother-in-law

99 reminds you: three things to read

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