Chapter 442 Lu Yaoyao as the Chief Financial Officer? [4 more, please customize! 】

If Qin Fan dealt with his brother-in-law in front of him, it is still hard to tell.

Then an investigation team was set up to thoroughly investigate his brother-in-law’s decision.

It was deliberately messing with his brother-in-law.

Because of a trillion-level group like Pin’an Insurance.

Those high-ranking executives will have a few more, but the butts are really clean and they will get some oil and water.

Their board of directors also knows this.

at the same time.

As long as it is within a certain range, their board of directors is also tacitly approved.

I want the horse to run fast.

Naturally, we should feed them more grass.

This kind of thing has been tacitly understood by both parties.

Now, Qin Fan takes this matter to the face of it.

This is the brother-in-law who made it clear that he was going to fuck him.

Nie Yuanhang felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

But he can only endure it.

Who made this matter, it was his brother-in-law who was at fault first.

Set up the bureau to engage in other people’s sister-in-law.

Think about it in another way.

If it’s him, he will do it like Qin Fan.

Because people with their status and status are most concerned about face.

If even the relatives around you have been punished, they will deal with it casually.

Give others a sense of how you talk.

After that, whoever will respect you will only be serious and strict! Others will be in awe of you.

Not to mention that Qin Fan is still a newcomer to the board of directors.

At this time, it is even more necessary to take this matter to show some of his attitude

Therefore, Nie Yuanhang did not stand up and intercede for his brother-in-law.

Let’s not say that he stood up and pleaded, whether Qin Fan would give him this face, and most of it would not give it.

In this case, as long as you stand up, it will inevitably cause Qin Fan to resent him.

The gain is not worth the loss, ah! This stupid brother-in-law, my brother-in-law, has been worthy of him all these years.

However, he himself is so dying this time that Director Qin’s head is on the head.

This is called! Seeing that my brother-in-law is on Qin Fan’s side.

Huang Yuan’s face suddenly became ashen.

I know my family’s affairs.

Of course his butt is not clean.

And I haven’t checked this Qin Fan is really ruthless, this is to kill him.

Soon, several security guards showed up and dragged Huang Yuan out. “Everyone, now our group financial director is vacant, I propose to promote Lu Yaoyao to financial director.”

After Huang Yuan was dragged away, Li Gang suddenly smiled and said.

He said this to please Qin Fan.

After hearing the sound, several other directors secretly scolded Li Gang, the old fox.

They were just trying to say

The words, I said it first.

Now their group has vacated an executive position.

As for the entire board of directors, at present, only Qin Fan and Nie Yuanhang have no confidants as executives in the group.

Therefore, the position of the financial director will also be placed on Qin Fan’s head.

Naturally, Nie Yuanhang was ignored. They were worried that Qin Fan’s appetite could not be satisfied by just a financial director.

After all, with the shares in Qin Fan’s hands, as long as he wants to, he can eat more of what Li Gang said.

To put it bluntly, it is a smooth favor.

But often the favor of people can win the favor of others.

And in this situation right now.

Who of them can win the favor of Qin Fan.

It can ensure that their cake is not eaten by Qin Fan. After all, the cake is so big.

If Qin Fan has a big appetite, he wants to eat more cakes.

Then, naturally some people have to let a part of the cake in their hands out. “Lu Yaoyao is young and has insufficient qualifications. With her current ability, she is still far from being qualified for the position of financial director.”

“So, the chief financial officer, let’s find another talent.”

Qin Fan met everyone’s gazes, smiled, and said.

“Haha, it’s okay, Director Qin, can you let other people help Lu Yaoyao on the sidelines.”

Li Gang: “I remember Wang Yue from the Finance Department. He is very capable. Let him assist Lu Yaoyao. That’s not it.”

“Director Li said yes.”

The other directors nodded in favor.

At the same time, I spit out fragrance to Li Gang in my heart.

Ma Dan!! You old fox!! You have said all the good things by yourself!! Qin Fan: “Wang Yue, I know, has outstanding work ability. In the finance department, no one can beat him. Loyal, and at the same time, she is Lu Yaoyao’s master.”

“If we promote a newcomer, Lu Yaoyao, let her as a master assist the apprentice, it would be a bit too chilling.”

“Therefore, I suggest to promote Wang Yue as the chief financial officer of our group. I don’t know how you feel.”

Our Li Gang reacted quickly to thieves.

As soon as Qin Fan’s voice fell, he immediately nodded, looking at Qin Fan with admiration, and said, “Haha, Director Qin is still thoughtful.”

“However, I also suggest that Lu Yaoyao be promoted to assistant chief financial officer.”

“They are mentors and apprentices, and they must be more tacitly coordinated with their daily work.”

“Moreover, Wang Yue is not young anymore, we should also focus on cultivating new talents.”

“I think that Lu Yaoyao is very clever, I think people can’t be wrong, she must be a talent, let her follow Wang Yue, and when Wang Yue retires or changes his job in the future, Lu Yaoyao will just be able to take over as the king. The seat of the month.”

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