Chapter 440 Catastrophe is imminent [2 more, please customize! 】

Looking at the closed meeting room door.

Huang Yuan’s pale face also gradually recovered a touch of blood.

Qin Giant didn’t unexpectedly mention the events of last night in front of his brother-in-law, which was beyond Huang Yuan’s expectation.

It seems that this giant has a good temper and is quite talkative.


His brother-in-law Nie Yuanhang is also a member of the board of directors.

It’s an old man from PinAn Insurance Group! Even though Qin Fan holds a lot of shares.

But he was just here.

I definitely don’t want to be upset with his brother-in-law just because of a woman.

It’s the same thing in the eyes of the beauties in the giants.

With his wealth of hundreds of billions, he can’t get any beautiful women.

Thought of this.

Huang Yuan’s flustered heart slowly calmed down.


I can’t think about that…Lu Yaoyao anymore.

Not only can’t think about it, but also repair the relationship with the other party as soon as possible

Conference room.

The big guys are talking and laughing

The so-called general meeting of shareholders.

In fact, shareholders get together and business blows each other.

Of course, I will also talk about the general direction of the whole group in the future.

Qin Fan is more listening.

When it comes to the development of the group, Qin Fan can’t compare with the old oil in these shopping malls.

If so, then talk less and listen more.

Qin Fan’s lack of words is in the eyes of other directors, which is unpredictable.

Well, this is the different effects of a person’s identity gap.

If Qin Fan’s strength is weaker than them.

That Qin Fan’s little talk will only make these big men despise Qin Fan.

But now, Qin Fan is stronger than them.

Then Qin Fan’s less talk is a kind of unpredictable

After almost half an hour.

A group of senior executives from PinAn Insurance entered the conference room, looked for a seat, and sat down.

The next meeting agenda is for these executives to report to the board of directors one by one on their work results for the past year and their work plans for the coming year.

Just when President Lin Han was about to stand up, Qin Fan spoke.

“President Lin, please wait a moment.”

“Everyone, before President Lin speaks, I would like to delay everyone a little time, please look at something.”

“Director Qin is serious.”

Li Gang smiled.

“Hehe, I don’t know what Director Qin wants us to see.”

Several other directors have a hint of curiosity on their faces.

Qin Fan smiled and didn’t talk nonsense.

Click on a video directly and project it on the conference wall for playback.

The first picture of the video is the entrance of the Baolixuan restaurant last night.

There are two women in the video.

They are our Lu Yaoyao and that…li Man, a young woman in a leather skirt.

Several directors

Shuo Shuo.

Director Qin played surveillance video.

Isn’t the woman in the video director Qin’s…beautiful sister-in-law?

This is a situation.

And Huang Yuan after seeing this frame.

The whole person was struck by lightning, and his limbs became extremely stiff.

He suddenly felt a sense of imminent disaster.

After a while, the video screen was transferred to the [Ruby Room] box.

Then Huang Yuan appeared in the video.

this moment.

Nie Yuanhang, who was still holding the mentality of eating melons and watching the show just a second ago.

At this moment, he almost didn’t jump out of the seat in shock.

I%! My f*ck!! What’s the situation!! How did my brother-in-law Huang Yuan show up!! With the video playing, Nie Yuanhang’s eyes grew wider and wider, and the other directors’ thoughts changed.

They all glanced at Nie Yuanhang with a little sympathy.

On the stall is such a cheating brother-in-law.

This Nie Yuanhang is not easy.

At the same time, these directors also breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Director Qin is going to do that… Huang Yuan.

The unfortunate thing is Nie Yuanhang.

This time, most of their interests will not be damaged.

When I saw Lu Yaoyao in the video suddenly fainted and lost consciousness.

Nie Yuanhang’s face became green.

This is obviously drugged, I%! Finally, Qin Fan rushed in and took Lu Yaoyao away.

This video surveillance video was officially broadcasted and everyone’s eyes fell on him.

Huang Yuan, who had long been indifferent, couldn’t help his teeth trembling.

“Huang Yuan, you bastard, idiot, I am %%!”

Nie Yuanhang directly got up and stood up, pointed at Huang Yuan’s nose, and cursed.

Even Director Qin’s sister-in-law dared to covet it.

This man who is riding a horse is going to heaven!!!! “Apologize, you who are riding a horse are not happy to apologize to Director Qin!”

Nie Yuanhang, who was in a state of rage, could no longer take care of his personal demeanor and self-cultivation, and his foul language broke out directly.

“Mr. Qin, I really don’t know that Road Yaoyao is yours!!!, otherwise, if I borrow 100 courage from me, I dare not think too much about Lu Yaoyao.”

Huang Yuan shivered, cold sweat drenched.

“According to Director Huang, if Lu Yaoyao has nothing to do with me, then there is nothing wrong with what you did.”

Qin Fan looked at Huang Yuan coldly and asked rhetorically.

“Ah Director Qin, I didn’t mean that.”

“Leave aside the relationship between Lu Yaoyao and me, Lu Yaoyao is also an employee of your department. You, a leader, set a bureau for his employees and even used medicine.”

“Do you know the nature of this?”

Qin Fan continued to ask

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