Chapter 439 Top-heavy, black eyes [1 more, please customize! 】

“Why are you here”

“Who asked you to come up!”

“Oh, did you have any company to negotiate business with our group”

Huang Yuan questioned Sanlian! There was a sneer on his face.

For Qin Fan, Huang Yuan is itch with hatred.

Yesterday, if not for this guy’s sudden appearance.

He took Lu Yaoyao away from him.

Then, his good deeds have long been done.

Moreover, that happened for the first time.

There will be a second time, a third time, and a first time later! The so-called everything is difficult at the beginning! This kind of thing, once it starts, there will be the first time.

Many women have accepted their fate! So, this guy in front of him ruined his happy life! Qin Fan didn’t bother to pay attention to this Huang Yuan.

Prepare to push the door and enter the meeting room.

“Stop, what are you doing!”

Huang Yuan shouted: “Can you enter this meeting room?”

“The people sitting there are all major directors of our Pin’an Insurance Group.”

“I told you that you ran in the wrong place.”

Huang Yuan hates Qin Fan.

Therefore, Qin Fan did not associate Qin Fan with the new director of their Pin’an Insurance Group.

Qin Fan looked back at Huang Yuan and said lightly, “I didn’t run to the wrong place.”

At this time, the meeting room.

A group of directors are talking and laughing.

Suddenly, several directors couldn’t help frowning.

Nie Yuanhang’s face was a bit ugly.

Such an important occasion.

His…brother-in-law is actually there: yelling outside.

Cheng He Titong!! Nie Yuanhang stood up.

Leave the seat and walk out with a shadowy face

“You didn’t run the wrong place”

Huang Yuan was stunned when he heard Qin Fan’s words, then his heart stunned.

this moment.

Huang Yuan thought of the new director of their Pin’an Insurance Group.

Could it be that this guy is the new director of the group, Huang Yuan, thinking of reaching the top floor of the Pin’an Building, so he can only take the exclusive elevator.

Today, outside the exclusive elevator doors, there are security guards on duty.

Since this guy can appear here, doesn’t it mean that Huang Yuan’s face turns white when he brushes it on.

Scary!!! And just then, the door of the meeting room opened.

Nie Yuanhang walked out.

When I saw Qin Fan there.

When Nie Yuanhang looked at Huang Yuan, his face was gloomy and water dripped.

Ma Dan!! Just now, his brother-in-law was yelling at Director Qin at me! At this moment! Nie Yuanhang’s desire to kill the brother-in-law is gone.

On the board of directors, he Nie Yuanhang holds the least shares.

Therefore, this right to speak is naturally the smallest.

It is not easy for him to support his brother-in-law to the position of chief financial officer.

There is also a lot of luck in it.

Regardless of

In which group company, finance is the top priority.

So the importance of the chief financial officer, it goes without saying.

At the beginning of the year.

All major directors hope to help their people to this position.

Finally, the reason why his brother-in-law can sit in this seat.

This involves the game of all parties and the technique of balance

Now their group suddenly lost 9 directors, and one more director Qin came out.

And this director Qin is the second shareholder.

His appearance has already broken this already balanced situation.

On this occasion, his stupid brother-in-law unexpectedly yelled at Director Qin without any eyes.

Isn’t this f*ck pitting him Nie Yuanhang.

And it’s a pitfall!!!! “Director Huang, did you disrespect Director Qin just now?”

Nie Yuanhang swept towards Huang Yuan with sharp eyes like a knife.

Hear what his brother-in-law said.

Huang Yuan is like an ice cellar.

God! This guy turned out to be the second largest shareholder of their Pin’an Insurance Group.

This is a billionaire, oh no, it’s a giant.

He actually yelled at a giant just now to know his biggest backer-brother-in-law Nie Yuanhang is in front of the giant, and that is also the younger brother, wait! That…what are Lu Yaoyao and this giant? The relationship thought of this.

Huang Yuan only felt top-heavy, and his eyes turned black.

Lu Yaoyao is so young and beautiful.

They shouldn’t have that kind of relationship, even if it’s not that kind of relationship.

Then their relationship must be very unusual.

Otherwise, last night, this giant wouldn’t show up, taking away that Lu Yaoyao and paralyzing it! What did I do, Nie Yuanhang saw his brother-in-law’s face.

Without saying anything, just step forward.

A big ear slapped Huang Yuan’s face.

“Something without eyesight!”

After slapped his brother-in-law, Nie Yuanhang hurriedly looked at Qin Fan with an apologetic expression.

“Director Qin, this Director Huang is my brother-in-law. He dashed against you with eyes and no beads. It is really flooding into the Dragon King Temple.”

At this time, Nie Yuanhang still didn’t know about his brother-in-law and Lu Yaoyao.

If you know it.

Nie Yuanhang is not righteous to kill his relatives.

That would definitely be a move for a strong man to break his wrist.

“Director Nie is serious.”

“Let’s go in.”

“Director Qin please first.”

Seeing that Qin Fan didn’t seem to be too angry, Nie Yuanhang couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It seems that Qin Fan is quite good at talking.

Before entering the meeting room, Nie Yuanhang turned his head and stared at Huang Yuan fiercely.

The little eyes seemed to say: “I’m also broken for you, you can’t drop the chain on me anymore.”

Thank you book friend [云枫 Mu Yu] for your monthly pass support!! Thank you book friend [云枫 Muyu] for your monthly pass support!! Thank you book friend [云枫 Muyu] for your monthly pass support!! ,push

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