Chapter 436 Lu Yaoyao: I want to resign [1 more, please customize! 】

“Lu Yaoyao!”

“As for your work attitude, how can you improve your work ability”

“I know college students like you who have just graduated, all of them are arrogant and have personalities, and they all think they are amazing.”

“But in my eyes, you guys are not farts. You said you just graduated. Do you have work experience?”

“Without work experience, where does the work ability come from thinking that the professional certificate obtained at the university is the work ability”

“It’s a good thing to have personality, but it’s a bad thing to have too much personality!”

“Let’s take it now. I admonish you a few words, you can’t stand it anymore.”

“I feel wronged, right”

“I guess you still think in your heart that I am deliberately targeting you, pick your thorns, right”

“If you Lu Yaoyao really think so, then I’m really disappointed in you.”

“My Huang Yuan is straightforward, and I always say what I think of.”

“What I said just now may be a bit heavy, but what I said is all for your good.”

“I hope you can make progress in your future work.”

Huang Yuan akimbo his hips, forced to talk, saliva and stars fly across, his face is red.

His favorite thing is the meeting.

I’m bored or have encountered something upsetting.

He is going to have a meeting! At the meeting.

Just find an employee, “education”

After a while, I was so angry that I felt a sense of existence, just don’t be too cool! Just when Huang Yuan was beeping and energetic.

Our Lu Yaoyao stretched out his hand and took out four sheets and walked to Huang Yuan.

Then, he slapped the four of them on the table in front of Huang Yuan.

“Farewell, I quit my job, this is my application for resignation!”

This statement came out! It was beyond the expectation of everyone present except Wang Yue.

Lu Yaoyao unexpectedly quit his job at the headquarters of Pin’an Insurance Group, which is still very popular in Magic City.

Every time you recruit, you will attract a lot of job seekers.

And their finance department is the core department of PinAn Insurance Group.

Every time their group recruits financial specialists, the ratio of the number of admissions to the number of job applicants exceeds 1:7! It can be said that every one of them was killed out of tens of millions of soldiers and horses, and finally got this Hard work.

With such a good job, Lu Yaoyao was willing to resign, which many people did not expect.

It was also something Huang Yuan didn’t expect.

The real reason for Lu Yaoyao’s resignation is clearly understood

“You want to resign”

Huang Yuan looked at Lu Yaoyao incredulously.

The staff stability of their finance department has been the highest in the entire group over the years.

It has been 5 years in a row, no one


The reason why no one quit is because the job is so fragrant.

And this is how he can “educate” at will

The capital of employees.

Work is fragrant, you are reluctant to resign, I “educate”

What’s wrong with your few words.

If you don’t dare to resign, no matter how uncomfortable you are, you have to hold back for me.

But now, Lu Yaoyao is leaving his job, which Huang Yuan had never thought of.

According to his understanding, the family conditions on this far road are the average level of a well-off society.

Under such family conditions, she was willing to resign F*ck! Are these young people so self-willed now “Yes, I want to resign.”

Lu Yaoyao said decisively.

Originally, she was going to finish this month.

But after experiencing the incident last night, Lu Yaoyao decided to quit today.

No matter how sweet the money is, it is not as important as your own safety.

Although her brother-in-law wanted to vent her anger, she didn’t know when.

Therefore, after our Lu Yaoyao went home last night, he wrote the resignation report in advance.

“Lu Yaoyao, you have to be more cautious about this resignation.

Huang Yuan used the tone of predecessors to educate younger generations, and persuaded Lu Yaoyao bitterly: “Now the global economy is sluggish, such a good job is not…you can find it if you want to.”

Ma Dan! This little lady, he hasn’t won it yet.

If the other party just resigned and left.

Then he really has no hope at all.

No, you have to stabilize this road first.

If you want to resign, it is so special that I will resign after picking it.

Thinking of this, Huang Yuan thought of last night.

When he thinks about what happened last night, he is furious to death.

Last night, he almost succeeded.

But in the end, a big handsome ratio suddenly appeared, and he took Lu Yaoyao away, and he didn’t even touch Lu Yaoyao’s little hand.

The fat to the mouth is so lost! The cooked duck flies like that! It made him fall short, and was depressed all night! “I have already thought about it, I want to resign!”

Lu Yaoyao said firmly again.

Hearing the sound, Huang Yuan’s mouth twitched: “Do you know that if you resign now, you won’t be able to get your salary this month.”

“I know.”

“Then you have to resign”


Thank you book friend [13] for your monthly ticket support!! Thank you book friend [16] for your monthly ticket support!! Thank you book friend [13] for your monthly ticket support!!

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