Chapter 435 Zoom in, zoom in again [4 more, please customize! 】

“Sister Wang, don’t make fun of me.”

Lu Yaoyao blushed and said embarrassedly.

“Yaoyao, who handed you the problematic bottle of mineral water”

“Li Man!”

Lu Yaoyao gritted his teeth.

Tonight, if it wasn’t for her high heels that happened to be broken and her brother-in-law Qin Fan happened to be staying at the Bulgari Hotel next door, she would not dare to imagine the consequences.

She and that… Li Man who had no grievances in the past and recent days, but the other party cooperated with Huang Yuan to set up a situation for her. In her eyes, this kind of person is even more hateful than Huang Yuan and Damn it! “Unfortunately, we have no evidence. Otherwise we can call the police and let the law sanction them.”

As soon as Wang Yue’s voice fell, our Qin Fan smiled inexplicably: “Who said we have no evidence.”

Wang Yue: “”

Lu Yaoyao: “”

Qin Fan: “Yaoyao, tomorrow you go to work normally, I will give you your tone of voice, and those who set up the game for you tonight, one of them counts one, they can’t run away.”

“Qin Fan, don’t you know that… Huang Yuan’s background? His brother-in-law is a shareholder of our Pin’an Insurance Group, a wealthy man with a net worth of billions, and we have a lot of energy in the magic city. If you don’t have any conclusive information As far as the evidence is concerned, there is nothing to do with that… Huang Yuan’s.”

Wang Yue saw Qin Fan’s confident and calm look, although she couldn’t bear the blow, but she still told the truth.

Wang Yue didn’t know the details of Qin Fan, so she questioned Qin Fan.

However, our Lu Yaoyao still knows a little bit about Qin Fan.

Her brother-in-law, Qin Fan, dared to say this, and he was sure of it.

Thinking of this, our Lu Yaoyao’s originally depressed mood instantly became elevated, and she was full of expectations for tomorrow.

Fatty Huang Da, let you bully me, my brother-in-law will definitely avenge me, hum! “Sister Wang, my brother-in-law is very powerful, um… Huang Yuan will definitely be unlucky in the near future.”

When Wang Yue heard Lu Yaoyao’s words, this time she was really shocked.

If Qin Fan doesn’t know Huang Yuan’s background

, She can still understand.

However, Lu Yaoyao knew it.

Lu Ran, who is clear about Huang Yuan’s background, still believes in her brother-in-law Qin Fan. Doesn’t that mean that Qin Fan is also a very powerful character the next day! Pin’an Building, Pin’an Insurance Financial Director Huang Yuan convened all of the department Staff, meeting! The so-called meeting is actually a personal criticism meeting specifically for Lu Yaoyao.

At the meeting, Huang Yuan spit on Xingzi directly, degrading Lu Yaoyao’s work ability to nothing.

Most of the employees in the finance department looked at each other with a glance.

To be reasonable, even though Lu Yaoyao is a newcomer who has just passed the internship period, he has become a regular employee.

However, under Wang Yue’s careful guidance and his own efforts, his work ability is no less inferior to their old employees.

A newcomer who has only been on the job for more than three months, can achieve this step, and can already be rated as an excellent employee by the end of the year.

However, no matter how strong your work ability is, there is no use.

Especially a smiling tiger like Huang Yuan.

Although this old-fashioned batch of people have poor work ability, he has a sharp tongue, and he can speak well, and he can tell you white.

Take this road far away, obviously a newcomer with outstanding work ability, an excellent employee, but after Huang Yuan’s upper and lower lips touched, he became a poor employee with low work ability and mixed life.

It just happens that you can’t hear anything wrong when you hear it at first, so just say that this is not annoying.

Lu Yaoyao also knew that Huang Yuan was deliberately targeting her.

She told herself over and over again in her heart, don’t be angry, don’t be angry, if you are angry because of this kind of scum, you will lose.

But it’s not very useful, our Lu Yaoyao will still be angry.

The key point is that the fat man’s ability to smear black people is too strong.

He catches a small mistake that is not important to you, amplifies the small mistake, and then enlarges it, keeps zooming in, and zooms in to the end. This small mistake has become a very serious big problem, a big mistake!: In reality, most leaders do Good at this, know everything.

This makes Lu Yaoyao feel very uncomfortable and very angry

“Fatty man, stop me!”

In the end, our Lu Yaoyao couldn’t help it anymore, and forcibly interrupted Huang Yuan’s continued smearing of her.

This statement came out.

Many people couldn’t help but twitch at the corners of their mouths.

Lu Yaoyao actually called Huang Yuan to die Fatty directly, it seems that Lu Yaoyao is ready to harden Huang Yuan directly.

But Huang Yuan is the chief financial officer and an executive of Pin’an Insurance Group.

And you, Lu Yaoyao, are just a newcomer who has only been a regular employee for less than a month, so how come you just passed Huang Yuan.

“Lu Yaoyao, what is your attitude!”

Huang Yuan was also angrily to death.

Ma Dan!! This Lu Yaoyao openly called him fat me% in front of so many people! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download 99 Novel Online Novel

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