Chapter 437 Line up to welcome shareholders [2 more, please customize! 】


At this moment, Huang Yuan’s cell phone rang.

At the sight of the electric display, Huang Yuan answered the call.

After finishing the call, Huang Yuan looked at our Lu Yaoyao with a smile on his face and said, “Lu Yaoyao, you are afraid that you have forgotten that you have another task today.”

Lu Yaoyao: “”

Huang Yuan said lightly: “It was the phone number of Director Wu in the office just now.”

“Isn’t it that our Pin’an Insurance Group is going to hold a general meeting of shareholders? You are going out to be a courtesy lady. Welcome to our Pin’an Insurance Group’s major shareholders.”

“You have forgotten it?”

Hearing the sound, Lu Yaoyao was speechless for a while.

She really forgot this one.

The general meeting of shareholders is a very important matter for any group company.

This time, their Pin’an Insurance Group was preparing for this year’s general meeting of shareholders, but they started preparations one month in advance.

Because of our outstanding personal image and temperament, Lu Yaoyao was promoted by the Finance Department as a courtesy lady to welcome major shareholders.

This month, Lu Yaoyao took part in the etiquette training organized by the office every three times.

Lu Yaoyao took out his mobile phone and found that there were more than a dozen missed calls from the office director Wu.

: Because of the meeting, Lu Yaoyao turned the phone into silent mode, which resulted in no call.

“Lu Yaoyao, today our group is going to hold a general meeting of shareholders, and the company’s leaders are very busy. Therefore, even if you want to resign today, this resignation procedure will not be completed.”

“If you are really determined to resign, then wait until tomorrow, oh no, tomorrow is the weekend, then next Monday.”

“Take advantage of these three days, you should also calm down, think carefully, and decide whether to resign or not.”

“Now, you go to Director Wu quickly, everyone else is putting on make-up, and Director Wu can’t contact you, so I’m so anxious.”

“Wang Yue, you will come to my office later.”

Hearing Huang Yuan’s words, Lu Yaoyao pursed his lips, then turned and left.

What this wretched middle-aged fat man said is the truth.

If she really wants to leave her job, she can only wait until next Monday at the earliest

In front of the Pin’an Building! Two rows of dresses dressed in cheongsam and tall, stand upright.

These courtesy ladies are composed of beautiful female employees with good temperament selected by various departments of PinAn Insurance Group.

Our road is far away in it.

If you compare these women to bright flowers.

Then, Lu Yaoyao is the independent fairy in the flower! A dozen middle-aged people gathered together, all of them in suits, quite majestic! They are all a group of senior executives of Pin’an Insurance Group.

The president, vice president, general manager, deputy general manager, and board secretary are all present.

They are here

Naturally to welcome the eight major shareholders of Pin’an Insurance Group! “President Lin, why hasn’t our Director Huang come here yet”

A vice president looked around and couldn’t find Huang Yuan, so he couldn’t help but ask President Lin.

Huang Yuan is the chief financial officer, and the chief financial officer is also an executive.

It stands to reason that Huang Yuan should be here on this occasion.

“Hehe, our Director Huang only took office at the beginning of the year, and he will report to the board of directors on the financial situation of the group and accept the inquiries of the board of directors at the general meeting of shareholders.”

“Director Huang has not experienced this kind of occasion, it is inevitable that he will be a little nervous and worried about making mistakes. I guess at this time, he should be familiar with himself.”

President Lin’s mouth turned up slightly, and he said with a hint of teasing on his face.

He has always looked down upon Huang Yuan.

At the beginning of the year, the position of chief financial officer was vacant.

As a member of Pin’an Insurance Group, he recommended Wang Yue to the board of directors as a suitable candidate for the chief financial officer.

Naihe was finally rejected by the board of directors.

Lin Han naturally knew the truth in it.

It is nothing more than Huang Yuan’s brother-in-law who is a member of the board of directors.

He also knows that Huang Yuan usually delegates many of his duties to Wang Yue.

Wang Yue did the job, and he picked the fruit.

It is the annual financial plan that Huang Yuan wants to report to the board of directors today. In all likelihood, it is also from Wang Yue.

Um… Huang Yuan naturally has to hurry up and become familiar with it.

If not, if something went wrong and made a joke at this year’s general meeting of shareholders, it would be impossible for his brother-in-law to make a difference.

Moreover, this year’s board of directors has undergone major changes.

In previous years, there were 16 board members in total; this year there are only 8 members.

The reason is that a mysterious tycoon bought the shares held by nine directors of their Pin’an Insurance Group in one fell swoop and became the second largest shareholder of the entire group.

This…the second largest shareholder is an uncertain factor.

If Huang Yuan made a mistake when reporting on his work, which aroused the disgust of the second largest shareholder, it would be hard to say what would happen at that time.

Other directors may give Huang Yuan’s brother-in-law face.

But this… new director is not necessarily.

The market value of the shares held by Huang Yuan’s brother-in-law is only five hundred million.

But the market value of the shares held by this…new director has reached 15 billion! With so many shares in the hands of the new director, there is no need to say more.

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