Chapter 434 I leave it to you here [2 more, please customize! 】

After listening to Huang Yuan’s words, and then aware of Huang Yuan’s unscrupulous eyes, our Lu Yaoyao suddenly felt a little in his heart.

An ominous premonition surfaced in his heart.

Right now, there are only 5 of them in the entire box. Among them, Li Man and three 3 women have a leg with that…wretched middle-aged fat man. “Since everyone is not here, I will go back.”

Lu Yaoyao dropped these words, turned around and left.

But at this time, Li Man took our Lu Yaoyao’s arm and said with a smile: “Yaoyao, this is all here, let’s eat a meal before leaving.”

“Yes, Yaoyao, other colleagues are not there, aren’t we still a few of us.”

“Yaoyao, if you just leave directly like this, it won’t give Director Huang any face.”

The other two women also smiled and persuaded

At that time, Wang Yue was checking an account that Huang Yuan had given him at home.

But after checking, Wang Yue felt that something was wrong.

For the work of the finance department, she doesn’t have to be familiar with Huang Yuan.

The so-called urgent work that Huang Yuan confessed to her is not urgent at all in her opinion.

Why did Huang Yuan do this? He didn’t want me to appear at the department dinner tonight! It was just a meal, and that guy shouldn’t have targeted her like that.

No, there must be something weird in it.

Thinking of this, Wang Yue started calling other colleagues in the department.

As a result, after three phone calls, Wang Yue’s left eyelid jumped, and she already had some kind of speculation in her heart.

Therefore, Wang Yue quickly found Lu Yaoyao’s number and dialed the Baolixuan, (Ruby Room) box.

“Let go of me, I want to go home!”

“Yaoyao, what’s wrong with staying for a meal, we can still eat you?”

“Sister Man, please let go, or don’t blame me for turning my face.”

Lu Yaoyao said coldly.

“Yaoyao, what do you mean, I kindly advise you to stay for dinner, why, I’m still wrong, don’t you?”

Li Man’s voice fell, and our path felt weak.

At the same time, a deep tiredness quickly struck, and at the beginning, the eyes became blurred.

Lu Yaoyao secretly said badly in his heart.

She struggled to rush out of the bag, but there was a wave of vain under her feet, and she fell directly to the ground.

Lu Yaoyao anxiously wanted to call people, but the deep tiredness caused his eyelids to close uncontrollably, and at the same time the few traces of consciousness still in his brain disappeared quickly, and Lu Yaoyao’s consciousness was completely complete. Disappeared and fell asleep deeply.

And in her handbag, the phone is constantly shaking Yaoyao. Why don’t you answer the phone? Hurry up! On the other side of the phone, Wang Yue is anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

When the phone hangs up automatically because no one answers, Wang Yue directly picks up the car key on the desktop

Saji, ran out in a hurry, “All three of you go out and let me get the wind away.”

The three daughters of Li Man heard the sound, silently retreated, and brought the door of the box softly.

Huang Yuan got up and looked at Lu Yaoyao, who was lying on the ground, where Ren Jun was picking.

Little lady, you still fell into my Huang Yuan’s hands.

At this moment, Huang Yuan rubbed his hands in excitement.

For most of his life, there are not a hundred women who have played with them, and they add up to seventy or eighty.

But those women are compared with Lu Yaoyao on the ground, they are a group of vulgar fans!!! God treats him really well, and even sent such a superb little lady to Huang Yuan’s side

at the same time.

Qin Fan carried an Hermès shoe box and came outside the [Ruby Room] box.

“You are Lu Yaoyao’s colleagues, Lu Yaoyao is inside, right”

Qin Fan asked with a smile when seeing the three daughters of Li Man standing at the door.

Hearing that the handsome guy in front of him was looking for Lu Yaoyao, the three women, especially Li Man, were panicked because of their guilty conscience.

“Ah, yes, but Yaoyao has already left just now.”

Li Manqiang pretended to be calm, his eyes were erratic, and he dared not look into Qin Fan’s eyes.

Seeing Li Man’s twinkling eyes, Qin Fan knew that this woman was lying! “Get out of the way!”

When Qin Fan spoke again, the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by endless indifference.

“What’s the matter with you, I’ve said everything, far away her”

Li Man didn’t finish a word, Qin Fan suddenly grabbed the opponent’s hand and lifted it forcefully, and then Li Man’s body flew out.

After seeing this scene, the other two women let out Qin Fan’s body unwillingly.

In the box, when Huang Yuan, who was so excited in his heart, was about to extend his sinful hand towards our Lu Yaoyao, the door of the box was kicked open by Qin Fan! This… Huang Yuan was so scared. .

“Who are you, who let you in!”

Huang Yuan yelled at Qin Fan sternly.

Looking at Lu Yaoyao, who was lying on the ground, asleep, Qin Fan’s eyes suddenly became cold.

At this moment, Qin Fan’s bodyguard trio also walked in quickly.

Qin Fan stepped forward to Lu Yaoyao, making a guilty conscience, and Huang Yuan, who was in a psychologically weak position, took a step back subconsciously.

Qin Fan leaned over and hugged Lu Yaoyao, looked at Han Ying on the side, and said, “Shadow, I’ll leave it to you.”

Han Ying nodded: “Mr. Qin, don’t worry, I know what to do.”

Next, Qin Fan left the box holding Lu Yaoyao

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