Chapter 433 Do you think you can escape from my palm? [1 more, please customize! 】

“Director Huang, are you sure you want to do this?”

One of the young women in leather skirts stood up, pursed her lips, looked at Huang Yuan and asked.

Huang Yuan nodded, and then faintly said: “She should be coming soon, go out and get ready to go.”

Hearing the sound, a hesitant and struggling color flashed on the face of the young woman in the leather skirt, and finally turned around, stepped on the black stilettos, and silently walked out of the box.

Lu Yaoyao parked the car, stood in front of the Magic City Chamber of Commerce building, looked at the Magic City Bulgari Hotel next door, our Lu Yaoyao’s dark eyes moved wisely, took out his mobile phone, found Qin Fan’s WeChat, and typed I sent it out: “Hehe, brother-in-law, our department is having a dinner at Baolixuan Chinese Restaurant tonight. Would you like to come over and eat?

Playful face with tongue out”

As soon as Lu Yaoyao was about to put the phone back in his handbag, he heard the WeChat prompt, so he clicked on it and found that it was Qin Fan’s reply.

The reply is quite fast

“I have eaten the smile face”

“do not drink alcohol!”

“You’re so blinded”

“You call me brother-in-law, I naturally have to take care of you.”

“Well, when you find a boyfriend in the future, I won’t bother to care about you.

Smiling face”

Lu Yaoyao pouted Lao Gao with a small mouth, and typed: “Alright, alright, I see, I don’t know how to drink.”

After sending this message, our Lu Yaoyao put the phone back in his bag, and then walked towards the Magic City Chamber of Commerce Building.

As we walked, Lu Yaoyao suddenly slammed his feet, but fortunately, our Lu Yaoyao reacted quickly and stabilized his body in time, so that he did not fall.

Taking a look at his feet, Lu Yaoyao was a little depressed.

It turned out that she didn’t pay attention to her feet just now. As a result, the heel of the high-heeled shoes accidentally stepped into the grid gap of the gutter cover, which caused the heel to break. Lu Yaoyao wanted to find a shoe store to buy a pair of high-heeled shoes, but It is now 7:7-50, and if she goes to buy it herself, she will definitely be late.

And Lu Yaoyao is a person with a strong sense of time.

So Lu Yaoyao had to find someone to help.

Who to look for, it is naturally Qin Fan.

Because Qin Fan is at the Bulgari Hotel, very close to her

Just after going to the bathroom, I went back to bed and lay down, preparing to find some of his own Qin Fan who had been talking on the phone, and received another WeChat from Lu Yaoyao.

“Brother-in-law, I accidentally broke the heel while walking. Our company department party is about to start in ten minutes. It’s too late for me to buy shoes by myself. I will buy a pair and give it to me?

“Which box is the shoe size?”

“Thirty-six yards, [Ruby Room] box, hee hee, thank you brother-in-law.

Playful tongue-out face”

After knowing the size of the shoes that Lu Yaoyao usually wears, Qin Fan directly picked up the landline on the bedside table and dialed his one-to-one tube.

Home phone.

: The presidential suite generally has a dedicated butler, and 24 presidential suite guests provide services.

“Hello Mr. Qin, what can I do to help you”

Qin Fan’s one-to-one butler is a female butler with a face value of 90 points! This is the new hotel that Dai Wanjie specially exchanged for Qin Fan after he manages the Magic City Bulgari Hotel. Dai Wanjie will naturally provide Qin Fan with the best quality Services.

“I need a pair of high heels, size 36.”

“Mr. Qin, may I ask about the lady’s age, appearance and personality so that I can choose the most suitable high-heeled shoes for that lady for you.”

Hearing the sound, Qin Fan’s mind popped two big characters “Professional!”

“Years old, looks a little higher than you, and has a very lively and cheerful personality.”

On the other end, Riemann heard Qin Fan’s sentence “A little bit taller than you.”

He couldn’t help rolling his eyes suddenly.

This… Mr. Qin, who the general manager specially confessed, is really upright. “Good Mr. Qin, our Magic Capital Bulgari Hotel has its own high-end shoe cabinet. In 10 minutes, I will give you the shoes.”

at this time.

Lu Yaoyao has already come to the door of Baolixuan Chinese Restaurant.

“Yaoyao, you are here.”

“Sister Man.”

Lu Yaoyao shouted at the young woman in a leather skirt in front of him.

“Hey, Yaoyao, why are you barefoot?”

“I just accidentally broke the heel of my shoe outside.”

“Oh, that’s it.”

Li Man handed a bottle of mineral water to Lu Yaoyao, and said enthusiastically: “Come on, drink some water.”

“Thank you Sister Man.”

Lu Yaoyao didn’t doubt that he had him, but she happened to be a little thirsty, so she took the mineral water that Li Man handed over, unscrewed the bottle cap, and started drinking.

“Go away, let’s go in.”

Following Li Man into the [Ruby Room] box, our Lu Yaoyao suddenly became vigilant.

“Sister Man, why are you, other colleagues?”

“Hehe, the company has an account to check temporarily. I asked them to stay at home to check the accounts. They won’t come over tonight.”

Huang Yuan said with a smile, looking at Lu Yaoyao with a trace of fiery gaze.

This little lady, he has been staring at him for a long time, but the other party has been ignorant.

However, she thought she, a college student who had just graduated, could escape his Huang Yuan’s palm.

Naive!! Tonight, don’t you still have to fall into my hands

Thanks for the monthly pass support from the book friend [Luo Zhidan]!! Thanks for the monthly pass support from the book friend [Ro Zhidan]!! Thanks to the book friend [Ruo Zhidan] for the monthly pass support!! ,push

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