Chapter 432 Director please dinner [4 more, please customize! 】

Lu Yaoyao has been working in the finance department for three months, and she has slowly learned about many things in the department.

In terms of ability and seniority, Wang Yue has thrown away that… a few streets of wretched middle-aged fat man.

However, the obscene middle-aged fat man’s brother-in-law is a shareholder of Pin’an Insurance Group.

It is precisely because of this relationship that at the beginning of this year, when the position of chief financial officer was vacant, Huang Yuan has been up for the past three months, and Lu Yaoyao has also seen a lot of work that should have been done by chief financial officer, that… The wretched middle-aged fat man was not capable enough, so he finally ordered Wang Yue to do it for him.

The work is done well, the company’s reward, Huang Yuan is alone.

If there is a slight flaw in the work, then… Huang Yuan will use the topic to make use of it and severely reprimand Wang Yue.

Lu Yaoyao saw all this in his eyes, so our Lu Yaoyao persuaded Wang Yue to leave the job with her.

Facing Lu Yaoyao’s suggestion, Wang Yue said bitterly: “Forget it, I’m in my forties, I have a stable family, and I don’t want to toss about it anymore.”

“And this kind of thing, no matter

It exists in any large group company. Even if I leave my job and go to another company, I may not be able to get better than I am now.”

“Let’s do it, I will retire after another ten years of work. What else to toss about.”

“Okay Sister Wang.”

Hearing Wang Yue’s words, Lu Yaoyao did not continue to persuade him.

After all, everyone has their own ideas and considerations

Towards the end of get off work, a middle-aged greasy fat man walked out of the [Director’s Office] in a tight formal suit.


Huang Yuan looked at a group of employees in his department, raised his chin, and said with a smile: “During this period, everyone has been working hard. To reward everyone, I will be the host tonight. Please have a good meal.”

The words fell.

Many people suddenly cheered.

“Yeah! The director should be considerate of us.”

A female financial commissioner with considerable capital looked at Huang Yuan with a smile and said.

“Follow the director and have meat to eat.”

“Thank you Director.”

“Long live the director!”

Everyone, if you say a word to me, the whole office quickly became active.

Who asked the leaders to invite them to dinner?They, ordinary employees who are in the hands of others, naturally have to support the leadership’s field.

This is the inevitable human worldliness.

“Haha, at 8 that night, I’ll see you in the Lixuan Ruby Hall, no one can’t help but come.”

Huang Yuen Long laughed.

“Director Huang of Baolixuan, it’s the Baolixuan Chinese restaurant in Bulgari Hotel”

“Of course.”

Huang Yuan shook his head and said.

“Wow! The director is so proud. I heard that the chef of Baolixuan Chinese Restaurant is in charge of many Michelin restaurants.”

“We are lucky this time.”

“The director is amazing. There are only 6 private rooms in Baolixuan, and most people can’t book a room.”

“General people can’t make reservations, but our Director Huang is no ordinary people!!!.”

Hearing these compliments from his employees, Huang Yuan couldn’t help but feel a little airy.

Comfortable!! “Everyone will be there at night, no one can’t arrive at night, right”

When Huang Yuan said this, he deliberately looked at Lu Yaoyao a few more times.

“Director, please eat, it must be there.”

“Bao Lixuan’s delicacies, whoever doesn’t eat it, is not a fool.”

The leader invited dinner, and made repeated orders for everyone to come.At this time, if anyone came up and couldn’t say it, wouldn’t it be a slap in the face of the leader.

Lu Yaoyao was originally going to stand up and say nothing, but after seeing Wang Yue’s eyes signalling, our Lu Yaoyao bit his lip, and finally chose to be silent.

Humph, just go, my colleagues are there anyway.

Tolerate him for a few more days. When this month passes, I immediately resign and leave, hum! “Well, at 8 o’clock in the evening, Baolixuan Ruby Hall, I will be there waiting for you.”

After Huang Yuan finished speaking, he carried a briefcase and left work early.

5:30: 5: Everyone gets off work.

Because there was still two and a half hours before 8 o’clock, everyone did not go directly to Baolixuan, but returned to their respective residences first.

Just take advantage of this time, take a good look at yourself

At 7:30 in the evening: 7:3, our Lu Yaoyao changed into a snowflake dress, braided in a braid, and drove towards the Geli Hotel in his own little one.

At this time, our Lu Yaoyao still doesn’t know, many colleagues in her department have received calls from Huang Yuan.

On the phone, Huang Yuan arranged for them an urgent job and asked them to stay at home and work overtime.

Since I had to stay at home and work overtime, I naturally couldn’t participate in the dinner party that night.At that time, there were three women and one man sitting in the private room of the Baolixuan Chinese Restaurant on the third floor of the Magic City General Chamber of Commerce Building.

The man’s face is greasy and fatty, and the old god is sitting on the main seat. It is Huang Yuan, the financial director of Pin’an Insurance Group! The three three women are all Lu Yaoyao’s department colleagues, and they are secretly acquainted with each other. Huang Yuan has a leg.

Said it is secretly, in fact everyone knows it well, but they are all pretending to be confused.

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