Chapter 431 Lu Yaoyao, who says no to the unspoken rules of the workplace [3 more, please customize! 】

Xia Guo Pin An Building is located at the intersection of Pudong Avenue, Yincheng North Road and Dongyuan Road, adjacent to Bank of China Tower and Bank of Communications Tower.

The Pin’an Building has a total investment of 300 million yuan in Xia Guoyuan, and the project land 2.

10,000 square meters, with a total construction area of ​​16.

10,000 square meters! Pin’an Building has 38 floors above ground and 3 floors underground, with a building height of 170 meters, the dome commanding height is 203 meters! Pin’an Building is a high-quality Grade A office building.

The architectural style of the building adopts the western classical architectural form.

The Pin’an Building echoes the classical cultural buildings on the Bund, and is a landmark building in the Xiaolujiazui area.

The headquarters of Pin’an Insurance Group is located in Pin’an Building

Pin’an Insurance Group Finance Department.

Lu Yaoyao has been in a bad mood recently.

After graduating from university this year, she successfully entered the headquarters of Pin’an Insurance Group.

Position: Financial Specialist! This job is still very good, and many college students are envious of her.

However, after working for a while, she ran into bad things.

The financial director of their department, a wretched middle-aged fat man, stared at her and gave her all kinds of hints.Lu Yaoyao naturally chose to ignore it.

This financial director is fat, short and ugly, his son is in junior high school, and he still has ideas about her, Lu Yaoyao feels sick after thinking about it.

In the past few days, this wretched middle-aged fat man has become more and more excessive.

Deliberately arranging more harder work for her, and the purpose of Lu Yaoyao is not stupid, naturally he knows it well.

Lu Yaoyao has made a secret decision. When this month is finished, she will quit her job when she collects a full month’s salary! When encountering the unspoken rules of the workplace, our Lu Yaoyao chose not to compromise!! The job is gone, and you can look for it again.

But her bottom line of life must be held fast! “Yaoyao, Director Huang scolded you again.”

When Wang Yue saw the newcomer she was responsible for, after the road supervisor’s office came back, she couldn’t help but ask distressedly.

Just now, the reprimands from the director’s office can be heard throughout the department, as long as they don’t hear them.

“Yes, Sister Wang, when he scolds, he scolds, I’m him again.”

Lu Yaoyao came to his worker and sat down:, said to Wang Yue with a smile.

Wang Yue is more than 40 years old this year…, since Lu Yaoyao joined the company, she has been Lu Yaoyao’s mentor.

Lu Yaoyao treats Wang Yue with great respect.

Because the other party is really trying his best to teach her, and he cares about her, Lu Yaoyao can still feel this.

In our Lu Yaoyao’s heart, Wang Yue is more like an elder whom she respects, not only teaching her professional knowledge, but also teaching her how to behave in the world.

“You, your mouth is hard.”

Wang Yue held Lu Yaoyao’s hand and said distressedly.

Lu Yaoyao is forcing a smiling face, how can she not see it.

Hearing the sound, Lu Yaoyao’s eyes flashed red, first he lowered his head and bit his lip, then raised his head to look at Wang Yue, lightly opened his lips, and whispered: “Sister Wang, I have already decided. After this month, I will I quit my job.”

Wang Yue thought for a while, nodded, and said in a low voice: “Alright, you have just graduated, and there will be more opportunities in the future.”

Several male financial commissioners in the finance department hated their financial director.

Every time, there are women in their department, but everyone who looks good, that… old sex critics will look at them as a young and beautiful, proper goddess, and that… old sex critics will not let go.

However, that old pornography has not yet succeeded, which makes these single male commissioners more and more favored by Lu Yaoyao.

She looks like a goddess, and she resolutely says no to the unspoken rules of the workplace.Such girls are rare in today’s society.

Not to mention their work at the headquarters of Pin’an Insurance Group, which is still very popular in today’s society.

Don’t ask why you are popular, ask is the high salary! And the better the job, the more likely the young and beautiful working women will encounter the unspoken rules of the boss’s workplace.

And because of the good work, many women in the workplace face this kind of unspoken workplace rules.

That old star criticizes “work hard”

After three months, I still haven’t succeeded.

However, these single male commissioners are also very uncomfortable in their hearts.

A goddess of the level like Lu Yaoyao, but it is hard to find with a lantern, they naturally want to pursue it.

But there is that…the old celebrities are there. For this hard-won job, they can only choose to look at the old celebrities that Lu Yaoyao has not strong ability, but the background is too hard.

His brother-in-law is a shareholder of their Pin’an Insurance Group.

Its status in the company is as stable as an old dog! Even the general manager, president and other senior executives of their Pin’an Group must be polite in front of that old critic.

“Sister Wang, won’t you resign with me?”

“With your abilities and qualifications, you should have taken the position of chief financial officer.”

“Since there is shady in the company, I have promoted that… Huang Yuan as the chief financial officer, then sister Wang, you might as well find another job. I believe that with your abilities, you can definitely find a better job. Why bother to stay? …Huang Yuan’s face.”

Lu Yaoyao looked at Wang Yue and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear

99 reminds you: three things to read

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