Chapter 430 Different choices, different endings [1 more, please customize! 】

【Emerald Room】Boxes.

Li Gang looked at Li Mingzhu’s face, gloomy and terrifying.

In a large group like Pin’an Insurance with a market value of more than one trillion, the power struggle is very fierce, and only major shareholders like Qin Fan… can truly stand by with a smile and watch the ebb and flow. .

After a major change in the equity structure of Pinan Insurance, as far as he knows, there are already several shareholders in Pinan Insurance, including himself, who have privately contacted Qin Fan.

One is to release his kindness, and the other is to probe Qin Fan’s intentions.

If the other party intends to get involved in the dispute over the rights of Pin’an Insurance Group.

So, the chairman of the board is almost always Qin Fan’s.

However, Qin Fan clearly told them on the phone that he is flawless and has no interest in managing Pinan Insurance Group. He only participates in Pinan Insurance Group’s shareholder dividends.

Upon hearing this, while all major shareholders breathed a sigh of relief, they all hoped to get the favor of Qin Fan.

After all, Qin Fan is the second largest shareholder of PinAn Insurance Group.

At this shareholders meeting, if they get the support of Qin Fan, they will definitely be able to fight for greater rights and interests for themselves at this shareholders meeting! But now, his son has offended Qin Fan, which makes Li Gang was so angry that he would explode! If this is in the shareholder meeting later, Qin Fan will give him a stumbling block, let alone that Li Gang can win more interests.

It’s the cake he has now, and most of it has to be cut into pieces. “Li Mingzhu, let’s talk about how you offended Mr. Qin.”

Li Gang suppressed his anger and asked his son.

Simply anger can’t solve the problem.The most important thing at the moment is to figure out the problem, and then think about what remedies are available.

Now Li Gang no longer expects to get Qin Fan’s favor.He only hopes that Qin Fan will not hate him or retaliate against him, and he is already very satisfied.

A group of Lu Danqing’s classmates cast a glance at each other.

How do you look at Li Gang’s attitude, it seems that Qin Fan’s boyfriend of hard road Danqing Qin Fan is even more powerful than Li Gang, and this must be the case! Otherwise, why does Li Gang, Li, think of Qin Fan so much?

Thinking of this, a deep regret flashed across everyone’s faces.

Lu Danqing’s boyfriend is even more powerful than Li Gang. Adding them to this party, Yu them always say, it is a great opportunity! If they can make Qin Fan well, they will have to spend a little bit of snacks on them in the future. I am afraid that the fate will change.

However, not only do they do not have Qin Fan, some people still ridicule Qin Fan behind the scenes of He Yuqing’s petty temper. At this moment, Qin Fan is willing

I must have known it and regret it!! A great opportunity that could change my life was just missed by them.

On the other hand, He Yuqing and Yang Rong had been speaking for Lu Danqing and Qin Fan before, but afterwards, they flew into the air if they didn’t speak well! Later, it turned out that their guess was not wrong.

It has only been a few days since today’s classmate gathering. He Yuqing and Yang Rong were in their respective companies. Their positions were promoted several levels, and their salaries directly doubled! After these people learned about it, they even regretted that their intestines changed. It’s green.

Of course, these are all things to do

He Hongye and Zhang Fei were shaking.

They never dreamed that Lu Danqing’s boyfriend Qin Fan would be such a terrifying giant.

The thought of what they did, especially He Hongye, broke down in a cold sweat.

“Dad, it’s like this”

Li Mingzhu also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he honestly confessed everything.

After knowing the whole story, Li Gang’s face twitched endlessly.

Ma Dan!! His bastard son is so frivolous Qin Fan’s girlfriend, I %%! “Follow me back!”

Li Gang led Li Mingzhu away with a black face.

Before leaving, Li Gang glanced at He Hongye coldly.

Feeling the coldness in Li Gang’s eyes, He Hongye instantly turned pale.

He knew that his career development in Pin’an Insurance Group had come to an end. It turned out that He Hongye’s feeling was not wrong.

The next day, he was fired by Pin’an Insurance Group for a reason.The impact on He Hongye was not just as simple as losing a job.

Later, when He Hongye was looking for a job in the magic city, he bumped into walls. At that time, He Hongye had a sad choice and let him fall directly to the ground from the sky.

Tragic!! “You guys were fired!”

Dai Wanjie took a look at the several security guards who were still lying on the ground and wailed, and said coldly.

When the security guards heard the sound, their pale faces became even paler.

They wanted to curry favor with Li Mingzhu and Li Dashao, but it turned out to be good.

However, when they knew that the person they offended was the new Bulgari Hotel, they actually expected the result of this kind of treatment a long time ago. Thanks to the book friend [Huo Hua Xuan] for the monthly ticket support!! Thanks to the book friend [Huo Hua Xuan] for the monthly ticket support !! Thank you bookmate [Howardson] for your monthly ticket support!! 99 reminds you: Three things to read

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