Chapter 429 Thank you Mr. Qin for educating the dog [4 more, please customize! 】

At this time! [Emerald Hall] Outside the box.

Our Li Gang Li craned his neck spookyly and looked into the box.

As a result, I saw my son kneeling in front of someone, and this immediately made our big brother Li furious! Presumptuous!! In the magic city, there are people who dare to humiliate his son like this, this f* Didn’t ck hit him Li Gang in the face! Thinking of this, Li Gang held his head high and walked in, walking in with a three-meter aura.

Li Gang also knows the virtues of his son, although he is usually “willful”

A little bit, he likes to pretend to be a little bit forced, but his son is definitely not the kind of…

For people with identities and backgrounds, his son will naturally not pretend to be forceful to these people.

Therefore, Li Gang decided in his heart that the person who humiliated his son was mostly a stunned man who didn’t know the height of the sky.

And Dai Wanjie hurried to this place, he must have heard the report from his subordinates, and then rushed over to solve the matter.

Just now, Dai Wanjie said that there was an urgent matter to deal with, and it must be referring to this matter.

His Li Gang’s son was humiliated in the restaurant under the name of the Magic City Bulgari Hotel.After Dai Wanjie heard about it, he naturally had to come over and deal with it personally.

After all, he, Laozi, is Li Gang, and after a chance encounter with himself just now, Dai Wanjie must have wanted to handle the matter properly, and then report to him so as to sell his personal affection to him.

That’s right! That must be the case! Li Gang thought that he already knew everything, so his face sank, and the coercion of the boss was three meters away, which made people feel it.

I, Li Gang, is angry, and the consequences are serious!! “Turn around!”

Li Gang spoke lightly to Qin Fan’s back, and instantly attracted the attention of many people.

F*ck! Why is Dad here? Li Mingzhu is a little anxious, his dad is the one who protects the calf the most.

This time I saw him being humiliated.According to his father’s temperament, it is absolutely necessary for him to stand out.

But this Qin Fan is a giant that even his dad can’t offend.

Thinking of this, Li Mingzhu began to crazed to Li Gang with his eyes.

However, at this moment, Li Gang’s attention is all on Qin Fan alone.

For the look in his son’s eyes, it was completely absent.

I’m embarrassed! Li Mingzhu is really anxious now. Just when he was about to remind his father, Qin Fan had already turned around and looked at Li Gang.

Four eyes face each other.

Li Gang’s eyes turned round all at once.

I f*ck! Isn’t this Qin Fan Qin Dao: The shareholding structure has changed. As a shareholder of PinAn Insurance Group, Li Mingzhu has seen Qin Fan’s photo.

Li Gangsheng was afraid that his eyes would be dazzled, so he rubbed his eyes, fixed his eyes and looked again.

I have confirmed the look in my eyes, it is really the mysterious second shareholder of Pin’an Insurance Group, Qin Fan

Dao Qin! Wocao! His son is offended. Dao Qin thought of this, Li Gang breathed out fragrance to his son in his heart, and rushed to Qin Fan with an enthusiastic smile on his face. He said to Qin Fan: “Mr. Qin, thank you!”

“My son is usually arrogant and domineering, and he likes to pretend to be forced. Thank you Mr. Qin for helping me educate him.”

When Li Mingzhu, who was about to remind her father, heard this, the corners of her mouth twitched.

That’s okay! He no longer needs to remind Lu Danqing’s classmates that they are dumbfounded.

This middle-aged man with a big belly turned out to be Li Mingzhu’s father, and the well-known rich man in their magic capital, Li Gang! But what Li Gang said, they flashed their waists.

What the hell, your son is kneeling in front of Qin Fan, you, a father, don’t give his son a head start, why don’t you thank them Qin Fan in turn?

Even if Qin Fan is the owner of the Magic City Bulgari Hotel, and his wealth is several billion, he still does not have as much money as your Li Gang.

At this moment, the waists of He Hongye and Zhang Fei were flashed by Li Gang’s words.

Although Qin Fan owns the Bulgari Hotel Group, his wealth is more than that of Li Gang, but it doesn’t exceed that by much.

To be reasonable, Li Gang shouldn’t be so “counseling”

Yeah, after all, it’s a big man, but they are all very concerned about their own face.

The baby son is kneeling, Li Gang not only is not angry, but also thank people Qin Fan for calling them Qin Fan as Mr. Qin. What is the situation? You should know that Li Gang’s baby guard is well-known in the devil. Thinking carefully, He Hongye couldn’t help but be frightened

“You are Li Gang”

Qin Fan asked lightly.

Li Gang nodded and said with a smile: “Yes, Mr. Qin.”

“Thank you Mr. Qin for educating the dog.”

Dai Wanjie and the management of the Bulgari Hotel on the side are now more and more in awe of Qin Fan.

Even Li Gang respectfully called their new Mr. Qin.

It seems that their newness is far more powerful than they thought.

“It’s up to you to be your father to educate your son.”

Qin Fan smiled and said.

“What Mr. Qin said is that I must educate the dogs well when I go back.”

Li Gang replied seriously.

“Okay Dai Wanjie, you can handle the next thing, I’ll go first.”

Abandoning this sentence, Qin Fan and our teacher Lu left directly. He Yuqing and Yang Rong also followed. Thank you book friend [13] for your monthly ticket support!! Thank you book friend [13] for your monthly ticket support!! Thank you book friend [13] for your monthly ticket support!! To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download 99 Novel Online Novel

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