Chapter 428 A giant [3 more, please customize! 】

Others didn’t know Dai Wanjie, but He Hongye and Zhang Fei knew that Dai Wanjie was the general manager of the Magic City Bulgari Hotel.

It is precisely because of knowing that at this time, the two people’s hearts will be shocked to the point of no more.

As the general manager of the Bulgari Hotel in Magic City, Dai Wanjie, the actual top manager of this hotel, usually runs quite well in the Magic City, and has a good relationship with many of the Magic City bosses.

Such a person is now bowing to Qin Fan ninety degrees. This is scary!!!! Even if Li Mingzhu’s father Li Gang is here, this Dai Wanjie would definitely not be like this.

The person who can be treated so respectfully by Dai Wanjie is probably only the real owner behind this hotel, but that’s not right.

Mordu Bulgari Hotel belongs to Bulgari Hotel Group.

The Bulgari Hotel Group is jointly controlled by Bulgari and Marriott Group.

The latter two group companies are foreign companies with strong capital.

In other words, there should be nothing to do between Qin Fan and the Bulgari Hotel in Magic City.

Thinking of this, He Hongye and Zhang Fei couldn’t help but become confused.

What on earth is this Qin Fan? Who is this Qin Fan? “Manager Dai, this… Mr. Qin is”

Li Mingzhu asked wildly.

Dai Wanjie glanced at Qin Fan secretly, and found that Qin Fan did not mean to prevent him from revealing his identity, so Dai Wanjie understood it, coughed up his throat, and introduced in an accented tone: “Mr. Qin is my new, Bulgari Hotel. New owner!”

When these words fell, all of Lu Danqing’s classmates all had their eyelids jumped wildly.

I’m going! Lu Danqing’s boyfriend turned out to be the owner of the Magic City Bulgari Hotel. The rich and rich Magic City Bulgari Hotel can be called the most luxurious hotel in the Magic City. .

Lu Danqing’s boyfriend turned out to be a billionaire! It’s so terrifying!! No wonder I dared to fight Li Mingzhu’s face-to-face hard! Xu Ting regrets it so much, but He Yuqing really guessed it right. People Qin Fan is really rich It’s a big money, and it’s still a fried chicken rich, what did she do, because it was given by Lu Danqing who bought Qin Fan with the card, Qin Fan was a soft-mouthed man with a bad mouth and was in today’s class reunion. , Said it.

Although she did not explicitly say that Qin Fan eats soft rice, she said it, in fact, it already represents her attitude. After that, people Lu Danqing and Qin will no longer take care of her, Xu Ting will feel uncomfortable! If she didn’t say those things just now, then Qin Fan, a repeat customer, hasn’t she made a lot of money? She has such a super rich in her customer base, then she will be the flagship of the magic capital Givenchy in the future.

The professional development of the store will benefit greatly from this.

In their store, whoever has better customer resources will have more room for promotion in the future.

But now, it’s really regrettable that she had lost all these things by herself! He Hongye and Zhang Fei’s hearts were beating wildly.

These classmates of theirs only thought that Qin Fan was the owner of the Bulgari Hotel, but what Dai Wanjie said was clearly the owner of the Bulgari Hotel, whether there is magic or not. The difference here is big. !Because there is no magic city prefix, it means that the entire Bulgari Hotel Group is owned by this Qin Fan! And the entire Bulgari Hotel Group owns 6 Bulgari hotels! And in these 6 Bulgari Hotels Among the beautiful stores, the Magic City Bulgari Hotel is not the top-notch! If Qin Fan is only the owner of the Magic City Bulgari Hotel, then Qin Fan’s net worth is probably more than 2 billion:.

But if the entire Bulgari Hotel Group is Qin Fan, then Qin Fan’s net worth directly exceeds 10 billion! And listening to Dai Wanjie, it clearly means that the entire Bulgari Hotel Group is Qin Fan! After all, like Dai Wanjie This kind of person speaks very rigorously.

Scary!!!! Bulgari Hotel Group turned out to belong to Lu Danqing’s boyfriend

When Li Mingzhu heard Dai Wanjie’s words, his eyelids couldn’t help but jump wildly.

Big Qin was so terrifying.

Not only is Pin’an Insurance Group’s second shareholder, but he also owns Bulgari Hotel Group!! This big Qin is so rich! Whenever he thinks that he offends such a giant, Li Mingzhu has a heart for shit. NS.

Ma Dan! He’s got a big somersault this time

“Mr. Qin, this is”

When Dai Wanjie saw Li Mingzhu kneeling in front of Qin Fan, and then saw the security guards of the Bulgari Hotel lying on the ground wailing, his heart jumped.

Dai Wanjie was very shrewd, and after a little speculation, he figured out what happened.


He greeted these security guards sternly in his heart.

A group of idiots! Wanting to please Li Mingzhu, he didn’t rub his eyes with bright spots, and even provoke him on his head. Isn’t f*ck putting eye drops on Dai Wanjie?

After all, the top manager of the Magic City Bulgari Hotel is him.

At his hotel, he was targeted by the security of his hotel. This made Mr. Qin think about him Dai Wanjie, and Mr. Qin would have doubts about his ability to Dai Wanjie.

99 reminds you: three things to read

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