Chapter 427 Shocked teacher Lu and classmates [2 more, please customize! 】

Li Gang straightened his chest slightly, and the boss was three-meter-eight! He waited for Dai Wanjie to stop and greet him on the initiative.

This is not his narcissism, but his Li Gang, a big man with a net worth of close to 10 billion, looking at the entire magic capital, as long as he knows him, whoever sees him, can’t say a few words with him.

But goose, this time, Li Gang Li has miscalculated.

Because our Dai Wanjie was so eager to see Qin Fan, he ignored Li Gang who was standing on the side. It was our bald guy Dai Wanjie who simply didn’t see Li Gang looking at him and passing by without squinting. For Dai Wanjie, Li Gang’s mouth twitched slightly.

While a little embarrassed, Li Gang was still curious about whom Dai Wanjie was anxious to meet, and even his living tens of billions of big brothers stood up here, didn’t he see me Li Gang’s presence is so low?” Manager Dai, who are you in a hurry to meet?”

In the end, Li Gang couldn’t help being curious, and shouted at Dai Wanjie’s back.

Hearing someone calling himself, our Dai Wanjie stopped subconsciously, turned around, and found that it was Queen Li, and suddenly said, “It turned out to be President Li.”

“I have something to do, President Li, let’s talk later.”

Abandoning these words, Dai Wanjie hurried away again.Li Gang’s mouth twitched again.

F*ck! This seems to be the first time I Li Gang took the initiative to talk to someone, but the other party felt that it was a terrible delay for him!! However, this also succeeded in lifting Li Gang’s curiosity.

Li Gang rolled his eyes and followed him secretly.

He wanted to see what Dai Wanjie looked so urgent and what was going on in the [Emerald Room] box.

Facing Li Mingzhu’s “Who are you?”

, Qin Fan said lightly: “Qin Fan.”

Hearing the sound, Li Mingzhu’s cheeks twitched endlessly, numb!! I asked if your name is what I want to know is your identity and background, etc. Wait!! Qin Fan, Qin Fan is his name!! Li Mingzhu One brush of his face is as white as white paper.

He remembered that a few days ago, his father told him at home that the shareholder structure of PinAn Insurance Group had undergone major changes.

A mysterious rich man bought Pin’an Insurance Group 11.

% Of shares.

Then he became the first individual shareholder of Pin’an Insurance Group and the second largest shareholder of the entire group! He remembers his father told him that the name of that…the amazing mysterious rich man is Qin Fan, from Jiangcheng. Thinking of this, Li Mingzhu Ren I couldn’t help but the Adam’s apple slipped down, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then, anxiously, he trembled and asked: “You are from Jiangcheng”

When I saw Qin Fan nodded.

Li Mingzhu only felt black in front of his eyes.

I f*ck! It turns out that this big guy is dying. He actually provokes the second shareholder of Pin An Insurance Group to estimate the market value of Pin An Insurance Group. 11.

% Of the shares are close to 15 billion! In front of this big Qin, the less than 1% of the shares his dad holds in his hands is so pitiful. If his dad knows that he has offended this…mysterious Dao Qin, then he can’t be hammered to death.

I’m embarrassed! What I kicked here is not an iron plate, but an iron mountain! “Mr. Qin Qin, I was wrong, please don’t remember the villain’s past, don’t be like me.”

After knowing the identity of Qin Fan, Li Mingzhu stunned, knelt in front of Qin Fan, looked up at Qin Fan, and said weakly and helplessly.

The words fell.

The whole box suddenly fell into a strange silence.

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you, all wondering if they had auditory hallucinations just now.

Li Mingzhu, a young man in the capital of the devil, had a dissatisfied face a second ago + I wanted you to look at Qin Fan with a good-looking expression. In general, does f*ck really come from Li Mingzhu’s mouth? He Hongye is even more confused.

He still knows Li Mingzhu quite well.

He pretends to be compelling, good face! This is He Hongye’s six-character mantra evaluation of Li Mingzhu.

It is because of understanding that he will be even more embarrassed.

In a daze, a very ominous premonition suddenly appeared in He Hongye’s heart.

No, no! It is also possible that under the current situation, Li Mingzhu feels scared and admits it. This is the reason why Qin Fan has been softened.

This kind of weird silence was not officially broken until the appearance of the management of the Bulgari Hotel led by Dai Wanjie.

Dai Wanjie walked into the box. After spotting Qin Fan for the first time, he rushed to Qin Fan with a vigorous walk, bowed ninety degrees and shouted, “Mr. Qin, I am Dai Wanjie, the general manager of Bulgari Hotel.”

“I have seen Mr. Qin.”

The other managements all bowed to Qin Fan ninety degrees and looked respectful.

This battle made all of Lu Danqing’s classmates almost stared out

Hiss!! What the hell is a group of middle-aged people headed by this bald guy Crooked Nuts, all in suits and shoes, the powerful aura that comes with them, at first glance, they are not ordinary people.

But it’s just such a group of people who are so respectful to Lu Danqing’s boyfriend, and bowed ninety degrees. This is no longer a simple respectful thinking and terrifying!!!! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download 99 Novel Network Novel

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