Chapter 426 Did you misunderstand something [4 more, please customize! 】

“Qin Fan, I said how you beat people, Li Shao is funny, just joking with Lu Danqing, why are you taking it seriously?”

Zhang Fei rolled his eyes, made a decisive decision, and jumped out.

His clothing factory has now reached a critical period and urgently needs to raise five million yuan.He originally placed his hopes on He Hongye.

It’s just that He Hongye has been there: playing Tai Chi with him, so that he can’t see any hope.The Li Mingzhu in front of him is the son of the major shareholder of Pin’an Insurance Group.

If he can win the favor of the other party, maybe the financing will be promising

And now standing up and shouting for this Young Master Li, isn’t it just a good opportunity to please the other party.

As for the others, they remained silent and decided to eat melons and watch the show.


Qin Fan glanced at He Hongye and Zhang Fei coldly, a look of disgust flashed across his face.

“Qin Fan, what do you mean, this dinner was organized by me. I think you are Lu Danqing’s boyfriend. This is why you kindly invited you to dinner. As a result, you did something at the dinner organized by me. You did that? Excessive.”

He Hongye said solemnly.

“He Hongye, who is too much, everyone knows!”

Lu Danqing’s face turned slightly blue.

Hearing the sound, He Hongye was speechless for a while.

Li Mingzhu’s flimsy words at the dinner he organized, Lu Danqing, is actually a great disrespect for him, He Hongye.

Not to mention that Lu Danqing is still his goddess.

Although he is also very uncomfortable, who is Li Mingzhu?

No matter how unhappy he is, for his own career and future, he has to choose to stand with Li Mingzhu.

“Dan Qing, what Zhang Fei said just now is right. Shao Li is a straightforward person and he likes to make jokes. Your boyfriend Qin Fan is too small and can’t make jokes.”

He Hongye, how did you find such a small boyfriend, I felt sorry for you and looked at Lu Danqing.

Hearing this, Qin Fan smiled: “I can’t afford to make a joke. I kicked him just now, and I was also joking with him.”

While talking, Qin Fan suddenly looked at Li Mingzhu with a gloomy expression with an incredible expression, and said in amazement: “You won’t be angry anymore.”

“If you get angry then you can’t really play a joke.”


Li Mingzhu’s angry face turned green.

I’m f*ck! You kicked me so hard, but now you are telling me a joke! But just now, He Hongye said that his behavior of teasing Lu Danqing with his words was a joke. At that time, he did not speak, that is silent


At this time, Qin Fan said that the act of kicking him was also joking. It seems that there is nothing unreasonable. If he turns his face, isn’t it just hitting his own face? The body! The uncomfortable duck skin! He Hongye and Zhang Fei were also very uncomfortable when Qin Fan said lightly.

They made a wise defense, but in the end they became a rock that was lifted and hit their own feet.

He Hongye gritted his teeth, lost face, and forced a wave of words: “Qin Fan, you are arrogant, secretly changing the concept, you have all started to beat people, how can you be as joking as you.”

Qin Fan: “Do you know what a well-known double standard is”


He Hongye’s face is dark, and Qin Fan ridicules that he is a double-standard dog, how can he not hear it.

“Qin Fan, let’s go.”

As soon as our teacher Lu’s voice fell, Li Mingzhu sneered and said, “I just wanted to leave as soon as I walked and beat me.”

Lu Danqing: “Then what do you want”

Li Mingzhu smiled sorrowfully: “Kneel down and knock three heads!”

Hearing the sound, the corners of Qin Fan’s mouth turned up slightly, and he smiled: “Kneel down and knock three heads, okay, I will satisfy you.”

This statement came out.

A look of contempt flashed across Li Mingzhu’s face.

Spicy chicken! I thought you were so stiff. That’s why I haven’t exerted any strength, and your bones have become soft. They all showed contempt.

For this, He Yuqing and Yang Rong were extremely disappointed with Qin Fan.

Before, Qin Fan was so angry that he became a beauty and kicked Li Mingzhu, which still admired the two of them very much.

At the same time, it also made them feel that Lu Danqing really found a boyfriend who truly loved her.

Now, this is our teacher Lu, and he looked at Li Mingzhu with a little pity. At this moment, the bodyguard trio of Qin Fan received Qin Fan’s message and spent no more than five seconds before and after. Time, I rushed to the box and appeared in front of Qin Fan! “Qianzi, this guy wants to kneel down and knock his head three times, please help him.”

Qin Fan ordered He Qiang.


He Qiang nodded, turned around and walked towards Li Mingzhu.

“What do you want to do”

Being extremely proud, Li Mingzhu, with an arrogant face, was stunned at this moment.

What the hell he said to kneel and knock three bangs refers to making Qin Fan kneel and knock three bangs! That’s so special, did Qin Fan misunderstand what to read the underlined version of the novel, please download 99 novels

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