Chapter 425 Foot kick demon are all big and young! [3 more, please customize! 】

“Oh, Shao Li, why are you here.”

He Hongye got up and greeted him with enthusiasm.

This is the biggest force he prepared today! After he knew that Li Mingzhu would be dining here today, he immediately set the meeting place at Baolixuan.

At that time, Li Mingzhu was invited to come over and show his face, which made him pretend to be a force in front of a group of high school classmates.

At that time, to be reasonable, the goddess Lu Danqing should treat him He Hongye differently.

After all, Li Mingzhu’s father is a shareholder of Pin’an Insurance Group, with a net worth of close to ten billion! He Hongye can have a relationship with this level of wealthy second-generation, that is awesome! And Li Mingzhu is to He Hongye. His request to support the scene was also readily accepted, and he agreed very readily! What he liked most was pretending to be forced.

Especially enjoy the look of ordinary people looking up at him, “I’m going, is this Shao Li?”

The eyes of the classmates looking at Li Mingzhu were full of awe and envy.

Different people have different fate!!!! In this world, some people are born with a golden spoon and don’t have to struggle for a lifetime, such as this Li Mingzhu.

And some people have been working hard, struggling, and struggling for life day and night. For example, these people are fate!!!! “Everyone, please allow me to give you a grand introduction. The position… is Li Mingzhu, Li Dashao.”

He Hongye spoke loudly to the crowd in an accented tone.

“Li Shaohao.”

“Li Shao is so handsome.”

“As soon as Shao Li appeared, I felt that our box was brightened up all at once.”

Everyone complimented.

Li Mingzhu said, “Don’t be so polite, everyone, you are He Hongye’s classmates, and you will be my friends from now on.”

Hearing the sound, He Hongye felt very comfortable.

Today, Shao Li really gave him enough face, and it is not in vain that he knelt and licked Li Mingzhu for many years.

It has to be said that this big force pretend carefully prepared by He Hongye is quite successful.

When many students looked at He Hongye again, the reverence in their eyes became a little bit more.

It’s still the squad leader, who is so good with Li Dashao.

The squad leader invited to dinner, and Li Dashao personally came to join him, and the cow broke! After showing his face, Li Mingzhu was ready to slap him, but at this moment, his eyes inadvertently caught Lu Danqing.

At the end of this glance, Zhu was shocked to the heavens! I’m going!! This woman is the best!!!!! The women around him are a group of vulgar fans in front of her!!!! Li Mingzhu’s mouth twitched. , Walked in front of Lu Danqing, Xie Mei smiled and said: “Beauty, do you believe in love at first sight?”


Qin Fan glanced at Li Mingzhu coldly.

“Hehe, buddy, who are you”

Li Mingzhu sneered.

“He is my boyfriend.”

Lu Danqing replied.

“It turned out to be just a male friend.”

Li Mingzhu laughed and said, “Beauty, I also want to be your male friend.”

Lu Danqing: “Please respect yourself!”

At this time, He Hongye’s eyes flickered, and finally he chose to watch from the wall.

Anyway, there is that… Qin Fan is in front of him, and I can’t stand up and speak out.

“Say it one last time, get out of here!”

“Otherwise you will be at your own risk.”

Qin Fan said coldly.

“Dude, I gave you a face, right?”

Li Mingzhu was condescending, looking down at Qin Fan, and said coldly: “I advise you to come from a different place, come to our magic city, it is best to put your tail away and be a human being.”

“Madu is not…”

Just when Li Mingzhu Bibi: When he was crooked, Qin Fan suddenly stood up, raised his foot, and kicked Li Mingzhu, who was just over 1.7 meters tall, and flew two meters away.

Everyone’s eyelids jumped wildly.

This Qin Fan is a ruthless person. If he doesn’t agree with him, he will kick him. You need to know that the one who was kicked is Li Mingzhu! This Qin Fan is so courageous, this kind of second-generation big boy, just kick him.” Qin Fan, how do you beat people!”

He Hongye’s eyes widened, he really didn’t expect that Qin Fan would actually do it directly.

“Shao Li, are you okay, Shao Li.”

He Hongye who reacted quickly ran to Li Mingzhu’s side and helped Li Mingzhu up.

At this moment, Li Mingzhu’s face was ugly to the extreme.

He, Li Mingzhu, a great young man, was kicked by an outsider to eat shit.

What a shame and shame! If this matter is spread out, how can he get involved in the circle of Demon Capital Master in the future, Li Mingzhu.

When everyone saw Li Mingzhu’s gloomy expression, they all had a foreboding that a storm was coming.

“You are the first person to dare to do something to me, very good!”

Li Mingzhu smiled sharply at Qin Fan.

At this moment, except for He Yuqing and Yang Rong, Lu Danqing’s other classmates have chosen to hang up high.

“Young Master Li, it was you who was wrong just now, you were in front of others, and you were molesting their girlfriends. Of course they couldn’t help it.”

“He kicked you, and you are all even, this matter is over.”

“He Yuqing, Yang Rong, please shut up, Qin Fan, he can’t hit anyone anymore.”

He Hongye knew that he could not stay out of the matter, so he hurriedly spoke out and stated his position.

In Pin’an Insurance Company, the reason why he climbed so fast, Li Mingzhu played a decisive role in the middle.

So, without even thinking about it, he was on Li Mingzhu’s side.

99 reminds you: three things to read

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