Chapter 382 Another man hurt by love [1 more, please customize! 】

Ye Zheng said to Qin Fan with some trepidation, “Mr. Qin, let’s go out to eat. How can you eat in the cafeteria?”

“Yes, Mr. Qin, I’ll call the restaurant right away, let’s go eat out.”

Guo Xuan also spoke.

At this moment, Liu Hao on the side shivered a little.

Looking at the attitude of their top leaders towards Qin Fan, it is obvious that they are a big boss, or a big boss who even has to kneel and lick them!! Zhou Xiaoxiao has a calm expression on his face.

Because it was similar to this scene, she had seen it a lot, and the body had already developed immune function.

“No, I’m half eating this.”

Qin Fan smiled and declined, “I can’t eat even if I change another place.”

Next, Ye Zheng made a phone call, and the auntie in the cafeteria brought food over.

Ye Zheng and Guo Xuan sat down and ate with Qin Fan.

Both of them are sitting in distress, especially Ye Zheng, one heart is up and down.

This scene fell in the eyes of the surrounding staff and caused many people to whisper.

“I have never seen Manager Ye eat with anyone, and I have been so cautious as I am now.”

“Yes, last week, when people came from the provincial company, our Manager Ye talked and laughed when we ate with them, not humble or overbearing.”

“Isn’t this what I looked like when I ate with Manager Ye when I first joined the company three years ago.”

“Well… what kind of guy is this handsome guy who made our Manager Ye so restrained.”

“It must have a big background, otherwise Manager Ye wouldn’t be like that.”

“I just saw Manager Liu taking him to dinner at window 1. Is our manager Liu inviting the boss to eat in the cafeteria?”

“Let me go, Manager Liu deserves to be the Liu Tieji we know. Even if he invites the big guys to dinner, they are all in the company cafeteria. I am completely convinced by this wave of operation shows.”

“Our Manager Liu has never changed, he is really good!!”

After a meal, Qin Fan and Zhou Xiao laughed at Ye Zheng and Guo Xuan, and drove Cullinan away.

Phew!! Ye Zhengxuan’s heart finally fell back into his stomach.

Mr. Qin didn’t have any work related to the meal just now. It seems that he had guessed wrong before. Mr. Qin came here not to make an unannounced visit, na!!!.

“Manager Ye, who is Mr. Qin?”

Liu Hao asked with some fear.

“Mr. Qin is”

As Ye Zheng spoke, he turned around: “Ahem, Liu Hao, you only need to know that Mr. Qin is a big man.”

The corner of Liu Hao’s mouth twitched.

I don’t even have the qualifications to know the identity of Qin Fan!!

Liu Hao, Qin Fan didn’t treat him well.

This person is the one he has ever met the most able to live a life, not one of them.

What do you say if a woman can live without him? This person is not bad.Qin Fan naturally will not treat him because of the other party’s pursuit of Zhou Xiaoxiao.

Qin Fan acts for people and has a scale in his heart

Since Zhou Xiaoxiao rented a house and left, it was already past 11 o’clock in the evening.

As he walked to the Renmin Road, Qin Fan saw a young man sitting on the road jocks with a beer bottle in his hand, and six or seven empty beer bottles were already lying under his feet.

Qin Fan stopped, dropped the car window, and asked the young man who was drinking beer with concern: “What’s wrong, buddy, it’s almost 0000, why are you sitting here alone and drinking?”

“Brother, I am suffering, can you chat with me for a while”


After Qin Fan parked the car, he walked directly to the blue shirt youth and sat down.

“Brother, don’t you drink.”

The young man in the blue shirt took out a bottle of beer from the beer box next to it and handed it to Qin Fan.

“If you drive, you can’t drink it.”

“Oh yes, you drove.”

After the young man in the blue shirt put the beer back, he raised his head and looked at the night sky deeply, with a look of reminiscence, and said: “I met her in Hepburn. We are both single-parent families.”

Upon hearing this opening remark, Qin Fan couldn’t help but sighed in his heart: “Another person who is hurt by love!!!.”

“I’m one year younger than her. At that time, I added WeChat and teased her in various ways. In the end, I succeeded in teasing her.”

“I like to go to Bengdi, but after I was with her, I stopped quitting, but she kept going.”

“I am not a rich second-generation, and my monthly salary is only 5,000. She is a micro-business and can have tens of thousands a month.”

“She didn’t look down on me, she would secretly put money in my wallet, and fill up my car’s gas. I also like her very much.”

“We have been together for more than a year, and I have been telling her to quit the bar, but she can’t quit. Every time I drink too much, I will pick her up.”

“Actually, I also know that it is not clean, but I can’t help it. I love her very much.”

“Recently, I feel something is wrong. I often go out at night and go home during the day.”

“So today I lied to her that my dad’s phone was useless and let her use it for me, and then I found a lot of her hidden photos, all of which are of the spicy eye.”

“It’s really a little bit of a stubbornness. I have been wearing a green hat for a year.”

99 reminds you: three things to read

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