Chapter 383 Half-derailed? The most chaotic relationship in history! [2 more, please customize! 】

“It’s really a little bit of a stubbornness. I have been wearing a green hat for a year.”

“Applause to them in the bar and was also filmed video, and various videos in the hotel.”

“Forget it, brother, let me show you the WeChat chat history between me and her today.”

The young man in the blue shirt was talking, took out his phone from his trouser pocket, opened WeChat, and handed it to Qin Fan.

Then he picked up the beer on the ground and continued to drink.

“You said, brother, how can I drink this beer more and more vigorously.”

Seeing the man in the blue shirt’s WeChat nickname [Hulk], Qin Fan’s mouth twitched.

Brother, your nickname is really green enough to silently feel sorry for the other party for three minutes.

[Hulk]: See [Hulk]: Green Me [Dear Wife] Remarks: [Dear Wife]: Why do you have these [Hulk]: Are you afraid of me seeing these things you do?

[The Hulk]: Only these videos of you can make a blockbuster! [Hulk]: Damn you! [Dear Wife]: Don’t talk about my family, [Dear Wife] What do you mean you want to break up with me [Hulk]: Keep watching your video and call them Dad [Hulk]: Why are you so shameless? You [Dear wife]: I’m not cheating, okay.

[Hulk]: [Hulk]: Stupid [Dear Wife]: Listen to me! [Dear Wife]: I am also half-derailed at best. Although my body is cheated, my spirit is not there. Cheating! Qin Fan: A good woman, as good as that… Guan Zilin who proposed the boyfriend’s opinion! [The Hulk]: Haha! [The Hulk]: You mean I have to learn from those stupid online girls, girlfriends Rolling on the bed and calling someone’s father, I still have to choose to forgive my girlfriend and tolerate my girlfriend, no matter what

Whatever the girlfriend did wrong, I have to forgive [Hulk]: You mean that bitch! [Dear wife]: So you care about my half cheating [Hulk]: Hmm! [Dear wife]: Have you ever thought about our marriage?

[Dear wife]: I am with them just to show freshness.

[Dear wife]: Me and you are love, you don’t like me and I won’t go anymore.

[Dear Wife]: Alright [Hulk]: Where did you cheat so much nonsense! [Dear Wife]: You [Dear Wife]: I and them are just trying, just like you have to eat too much Eat noodles.

[Dear wife]: Otherwise, how do you know who you like, I want to marry you, I will try their stuff, I will find that you are what I want, and later, I will be more Love you better, live with you better.

[Dear wife]: It’s like you always like to eat Lao Tan, and occasionally change the spicy noodles. The two are the same.

Qin Fan: Fa Ge wicked smile and applaud

[The Hulk]: I only know that you call someone else’s father! [The Hulk]: I only know that you green me, do you know how uncomfortable I am [Dear wife]: I know.

[Dear wife]: But you have to tolerate me, I am a little girl and need your tolerance and understanding.

[The Hulk]: Tongue twister [The Hulk]: Your mother’s dog stuff, I want to do it. [The Hulk]: The brainwashing god [Dear wife]: I said, don’t talk about my family members! [Dear wife]: This [Dear Wife]: Must break up [Hulk]: Hmm! [Dear Wife]: You wait! [Hulk]: Yo, I’m waiting! [Dear wife 】: Screenshot of WeChat chat

Screenshot of the WeChat chat history with the male dad in the blue shirt [Dear wife]: Give you two minutes to choose! [Dear wife]: Want a wife or stepmother [Hulk]: [Dear wife]: Only two minutes can be withdrawn[ Dear wife]: After you look at the smiley face, Qin Fan feels that his old waist is slammed.

To be a wife or a stepmother is amazing!! This woman is so good!! “Man, then your choice is”

Qin Fan is very curious about what choice the blue shirt youth will make.

If you don’t choose to forgive the cheating girlfriend, people will be his stepmother and choose to forgive, then this buddy will become the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This multiple choice question is not easy to do.

“A woman is unfaithful, she won’t use it for life!”

The young man in the blue shirt gritted his teeth.


The young man in the blue shirt turned his words: “I can’t swallow this breath.”

Qin Fan: “”

The blue shirt youth said quietly: “Now, she is my stepmother, but I don’t suffer, because I have also become her stepdad!”

Boom boom boom!! Qin Fan only feels thunder rolling on his head!! Three views are split! A couple, in the end, you are my stepmother and I am your stepmother. The relationship seems very messy. !!!.

“Man, you are awesome!”

“I’m very curious how you call each other if you meet each other”

The young man in the blue shirt looked at Qin Fan with an expression of why you asked such a stupid question: “What else can I call her mother, she calls my dad.”

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