Chapter 381 Sure enough, Liu Hao [4 more, please customize! 】

Outside the canteen.

Two middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes walked towards the cafeteria side by side talking and laughing.

Along the way, many employees of Pin’an Insurance Company respectfully shouted to one of the middle-aged people: “Manager Ye.”

This manager Ye is Ye Zheng, the head of the Jiangcheng branch of Pin’an Insurance Group.

Standing next to Ye Zheng is the deputy president of Pin’an Bank Jiangcheng Branch, whose name is Guo Xuan.

The two are classmates, so the relationship has always been good.

“Lao Ye, you are really stingy, I came to see you, and you invited me to eat in the canteen of your insurance company.”

“My Pin’an Insurance is not as wealthy as your Pin’an Bank. Don’t you know that these years, the insurance industry is getting more and more difficult to do. My hair is losing a lot every day.”

“By the way, Lao Guo, you are not authentic.”

Ye Zheng looked at Guo Xuan with slanted eyes as he walked.

Guo Xuan rolled his eyes: “Why am I not authentic?”

“How did Xia Jun fall, I heard some inside information.”

Ye Zheng lowered his voice: “Xia Jun was capsized because of Mr. Qin, the mysterious second largest shareholder of our Pin’an Insurance Group, right?”

Guo Xuan’s expression changed, and he also lowered his voice, “Lao Ye, where did you hear about this?”

Ye Zheng was a little proud: “There is no airtight wall in this world.”

“Lao Guo, we are old classmates, you are hiding it from me.”

Guo Xuan: “It’s not that I deliberately concealed it from you, it’s our… Mr. Qin is a low-key person. If it is not necessary, he does not want to receive too much attention.”

“Lao Guo, this…what kind of person is Mr. Qin!!!”

Entering the canteen, Ye Zheng led Guo Xuan while queuing for a meal while asking.

“Mr. Qin is very young, he is very easy-going, oh yes, he is very handsome.”

Guo Xuan was talking, and suddenly he caught Qin Fan inadvertently.

I’m going!! Isn’t that Mr. Qin! Guo Xuan rubbed his eyes and fixed his eyes.

It’s really Mr. Qin!! After confirming that he didn’t admit the wrong person, Guo Xuan rushed towards Qin Fan with a quick stride.

“Lao Guo, you say Mr. Qin is him”

Ye Zheng turned around but found that Guo Xuan had already run away.

“Lao Guo, why are you going?”

Ye Zhenghuai chased it out with doubts

“Qin Fan, I have talked with you so much, I found that you are a relatively casual person in life, without the concept of financial management, and can’t live at all, and Zhou Xiaoxiao can’t live either.”


Zhou Xiaoxiao stared and said, “How come I can’t live anymore.”

“You don’t know how to live your life”

Just when Liu Hao wanted to continue to say something.

Our Guo Xuan has already arrived at this time

In front of Qin Fan, he respectfully shouted at Qin Fan: “Mr. Qin, I didn’t expect to meet Mr. Qin here.”

“It is you.”

Qin Fan also recognized Guo Xuan as a management of Pin’an Bank Jiangcheng Branch, but Qin Fan had no impression of his name.

“Lao Guo, this… is Mr. Qin Qin”

Ye Zheng also ran over. After hearing Guo Xuan’s address to Qin Fan, he thought of Guo Xuan’s description of Mr. Qin just now: young and handsome! These two points, the young man in front of him fits well! So, its The identity is ready to be revealed.

“Yes, Manager Ye.”

In front of Qin Fan, Guo Xuan was also commensurate with Ye Zheng by his position.

After getting the confirmation, Ye Zheng quickly looked at Qin Fan respectfully, and introduced himself in fear, “Mr. Qin, I am the manager of Pin’an Insurance Group Jiangcheng Branch, Ye Zheng.”

At this moment, Ye Zheng’s heart is hanging.

Tangtang Pin’an Insurance Group’s second largest shareholder, a billionaire worthy of billions, came to the company cafeteria of Pin’an Insurance Group Jiangcheng Branch for dinner. What is it doing? I don’t know what the result of this big guy’s unannounced visit, if the big guy is dissatisfied, his position as the top leader may be unstable.

You said Ye Zheng could not panic.

“Manager Ye, you are”

Liu Hao looked dumbfounded.

Why is the leader of the Jiangcheng branch of Pin’an Insurance so respectful of this Qin Fan, and even a little sincere? Is this Qin Fan the leader of the provincial company, but he has not heard of any leader of the provincial company that is so young? “Manager Liu, what are you and Mr. Qin”

At this time, Ye Zheng noticed that Liu Hao, the department manager of his Jiangcheng branch, was also here.

So he asked.

Liu Hao: “I invite Qin Fan, ah, ah, I invite Mr. Qin to eat here.”

“Please eat”

Ye Zheng’s face twitched: “You invite Mr. Qin to eat in our company cafeteria”

Seeing that Ye Zheng’s face was wrong, when our Liu Hao spoke again, his voice gradually weakened: “Yes, yes.”

Guo Xuan: “”

Ye Zheng: “”

I invited the second largest shareholder of Pin’an Insurance Group to have dinner, and the place of the treat was actually: What a nest of grass the company canteen is! However, Ye Zheng, who understands Liu Hao’s personality, couldn’t help sighing in his heart: “Please in the company canteen. People eat, this is really Liu Hao.”

And this Liu Hao almost never knew Mr. Qin’s identity.

Otherwise, this Liu Hao will not be so “heartbroken” if he plans carefully and will live his life again.

Things come out

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