Chapter 356 I think you want to pick up corpses [1 more, please customize! 】

Park Yongjun came to a car rental company for 300 oceans, rented a car, then drove the car, and walked around the entrance of some bars.

Bars are undoubtedly “picking dead bodies”

There is no one of the most successful places.

“A lot of beautiful girls from Xia Guo.”

Watching the in and out, wearing a cool sister paper, Park Yongjun’s eyes glistened in the car.

If it weren’t for only 500 yuan left on his body, he couldn’t help but enter the bar to have a hot dance with these beautiful and charming Xia Guomei papers.

Thinking of the fact that he came to Xia Country with a huge amount of 60,000 yuan, only one day, and only 00 left, Park Yongjun felt that he had liver pain, stomach pain and slight pain! Park Yongjun drove to the Red Rose Bar without waiting. After a while, Park Yongjun’s eyes lit up and became excited.

There is a goal! A beautiful woman in a black leotard and leather skirt walked out of the bar alone, staggering and staggering, and she was drinking too much.

Good figure! The face value is still 82 points! Nice!! Baby, it’s you! Park Yongjun got out of the car and walked to the beauty of the black leotard and leather skirt.

At this moment, the beautiful woman in leather skirt is squatting on the ground, her face is red, her eyes are blurred, she is really beautiful!!!! “My dear, booze and hiccups, why are you here? Take me back.”

The beauty in the leotard and leather skirt really drank too much and mistaken Park Yongjun for her boyfriend.

“Hi, good, good, I’ll take you home right away.”

Park Yongjun said with the tremolo of the soul of a veteran mother-to-be for more than 20 years.

Just as Park Yongjun was walking towards the car he rented with the beauty in a tight-fitting dress and leather skirt, a young man with a plane head came from not far away, whistling to Park Yongjun, and said, “Man, this is your girlfriend. what”

Park Yongjun nodded proudly: “Yes.”

“Then your girlfriend is pretty.”

Park Yongjun pretended to be forced: “Smecta is normal.”

“I won’t tell you, I’m going to take my girlfriend home to sleep with Smecta.”

As soon as Park Yongjun’s voice fell, our jet-headed youth slammed into Park Yongjun with a long fist.

With a bang! Park Yongjun’s eyes were staring at Venus, and his nose was bleeding. “Grass mud horse! The corpse was picked up on the head of Laozi’s girlfriend.”

Hearing the sound, the trace of anger in Park Yongjun’s heart was instantly extinguished, and then he ran the plane and chased for a while, and kicked Park Yongjun to count his feet, because he was worried that his girlfriend would be picked up by others, our plane’s nose The young man didn’t dare to chase Park Yongjun too far, so he returned.

The corners of Park Yongjun’s mouth twitched, and his face was green.

Damn it! He is too bad, so turn the table! “Pick up the dead”

Fail 1! Returning to the car, Park Yongjun kneaded two paper balls and stuffed them into his nostrils to block the nosebleeds, and continued to wait.

Tonight, Park Yongjun must succeed in picking up the corpse! Huh, this is my last stubborn smecta! Point, pick up or not: After seeing one coming out of the bar, he fell asleep with his back directly on a street light pole , Park Yongjun couldn’t help but struggle.

This “corpse”

It must be very stable to pick up.

But his face value was only 7 points, and I struggled for a while, and finally Park Yongjun decided not to go.

I’m a noble Smecta, and I definitely don’t make Xia Guomei paper with a score of less than 80. This is also my stubbornness and pride as a Smecta man! Almost ten minutes later, this man was carried into a car by a man Inside, I don’t know who the man is…After waiting for a while, Park Yongjun’s eyes lit up again.

I go, the 85-point Xia Guo sister is so beautiful and fierce! I love it!! Park Yongjun got out of the car and secretly came to the 85-point beauty.

This beauty squatted on the ground, buried her head on her knees, and looked at her falling asleep because she was drunk.

Park Yongjun observed the surrounding environment, and after making sure it was safe, he leaned over and hugged the 85-point beauty.

F*ck! The beauty is quite heavy!!!! Just after Park Yongjun sighed, the beauty in his arms suddenly opened her eyes, and then screamed: “Who are you, what are you doing!”

This… Park Yongjun was so scared that he quickly put the beauty on the ground, doing a guilty conscience, and smiled: “Beauty, I see you are drunk and unconscious. I am going to send you to the hotel to rest, this big night. Yes, it’s not safe for you to sleep outside by yourself, Smecta.”

“Who said I was drunk? I obviously didn’t drink at night, but I was too tired to be drunk, so take a rest.”

As soon as the beautiful woman saw Park Yongjun’s guilty conscience, she couldn’t help but sneered: “Okay, I think you want to pick up the corpse.”

“I kicked you to death!”

Activate the skill of severing children and grandchildren’s life-threatening legs! Ouch! Park Yongjun was attacked, his legs were clamped in an instant, and then he arched his waist and jumped and jumped in place, breathing air in his mouth continuously.

“Huh, this is just a little lesson for you.”

The beautiful woman dropped a word, then stepped on high heels, and left proudly

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