Chapter 355 I always feel something is wrong [5 more, please customize! 】

“Xiao Zhang, you go to the back and get a bowl of rice.”

The restaurant manager told the waiter on the side.

When the waiter came back, he had an extra bowl of rice in his hand.

“Madam, don’t worry.”

“Try to swallow the whole rice, don’t need more, take a bite, don’t chew: just swallow it, you will probably be able to take away the stuck fishbone.”

Said the restaurant manager.

After seeing the long-haired girl who swallowed a mouthful of rice as he said, our restaurant manager quickly asked: “Madam, how do you feel?”

“Is there any… better now.”

The long-haired girl coughed a few times continuously, and her face became more painful. When the restaurant manager saw it, she couldn’t help but become anxious.

Just then, his assistant ran over with a box of apple cider vinegar.

“Manager Wang, I heard that apple cider vinegar can soften fish bones.”


The restaurant manager took the apple cider vinegar from his assistant, opened it himself, and handed it to the long-haired girl, saying: “Come on, you can try apple cider vinegar.”

“Drink more.”

The long-haired girl was very obedient, holding the box of apple cider vinegar, raised her head and drank it.

After seeing the long-haired girl putting the empty box on the table, the restaurant manager asked anxiously: “Madam, how is it now, is it all right?”

The long-haired girl shook her head, crying, “Still uncomfortable.”

“Xiao Zhang, go get a banana, hurry, hurry!”

“Manager, here comes the banana.”

The restaurant manager peeled the banana, and while handing it to the long-haired girl, he comforted: “Madam, don’t worry.”

“Come on the banana, take a few bites and wrap it in your mouth, then swallow it in one bite.”

“Yes, yes, that’s it.”

“How about it, how are you now”

The long-haired girl shook her head, almost crying: “It still doesn’t work, it’s so uncomfortable.”

“This, this, Xiao Zhang, go get a chicken drumstick, get a bigger chicken drumstick, hurry!”

“Madam, the big drumstick is here, you can try the drumstick.”

“The last time I got stuck in a fishbone, I ate chicken legs and swallowed it.”

When the restaurant manager was talking, our long-haired girl had already picked up the big drumstick and started eating.

After eating a big drumstick, the long-haired girl returned, indicating that it was not good.

The restaurant manager was anxious and asked the waiter to continue serving hard dishes to the long-haired girl. Twenty minutes passed. The long-haired girl’s table was already full of dishes and the plates were all properly hard dishes! We ate our long-haired girl. That’s a greasy mouth.

Oh yes, there is also a red wine bottle.

“What to do with Manager Wang.”

“The steak is served, the red wine is drunk, the prawn is also eaten, the fish bones still can’t get off.”

“Or, let’s take this lady to the hospital.”

Hearing the sound, the restaurant manager bent over to the long-haired girl who was eating out, and said: “Madam, if it really doesn’t work, we can only send you to the hospital.”

“We really can’t help it.”

As soon as the restaurant manager’s voice fell, we saw our long-haired girl suddenly swallowed her throat with a look of astonishment.

“Are you okay”

The restaurant manager asked, grabbing his heart.

“Go down!”

The long-haired girl spread her hands and said in surprise: “The fish is stabbed!”

“Ah, go down, finally go down, great.”

The restaurant manager was excited and excited.

“But it scared me to death.”

“Oh, how much is this fish I ordered, let’s pay the bill.”

Hearing the sound, the restaurant manager hurried his hands together and said, “Oh no, no, it is our restaurant that is causing you trouble.”

“This fish, our shop invites you for free.”

“Thank you then.”

After the long-haired girl said thank you, she picked up the bag on the dining table, got up and left.

Before leaving, I touched my stomach and made a loud hiccup.

The assistant looked at a table of dishes, pursed his lips, frowned and said, “Manager, I always feel something is wrong.”

“Where is it”

At this time, our restaurant manager also noticed the table full of dishes and fell into deep thought. Qin Fan: “”

Wu Qianqian: “”

Other diners: “”

Well, at this time, everyone in the restaurant was plunged into deep contemplation. At the end, they couldn’t help but give a thumbs up to the girl who left just now… the long-haired girl! Really live to learn and learn. After eating, Qin Fan drove Wu Xiqian’s red Hyundai back to the airport, and then rode on to his beloved Chaotiandi Yunting Community

At this time, Park Yongjun was wandering the street! Well, he was resurrected with full blood.

Because he has found a new way to make a girl.

This way not only has an immediate effect, but you can directly enter the theme, and the key is not to spend money! This way is “picking the dead”

! Yes, it’s just “picking the corpse”

I’m Park Young Joon, what a genius! So, this night, our Park Young Joon walked out of the hotel alone and came to the street.

This “corpse picking”

Naturally it will be at night.

In broad daylight, you have to go to work, and whoever comes out to drink.

Only at night, when the nightlife begins, will there be “corpses”

Can pick it up!!!! 99 Novel Network reminds you: three things to read

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