Chapter 357 I know it was wrong [3 more, please customize! 】

Looking at the faint smile on Qin Fan’s face, our Park Yongjun is becoming more and more guilty, and his heart is panicked.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not… Smecta. I saw this lady drunk on the street and worried about her, so I decided to do something good and send her to the hotel to get her to rest. ”

“I didn’t say you pick up the corpse.”

Qin Fan pretended to be surprised.

Park Yongjun’s face is green: “”

In the end, Qin Fan naturally took the hot pants girl wearing the mask and left Park Yongjun and looked up at the moon, silently tearing two lines!

Failure 4! On the second day of coming to Xia Country, hit the street!! Tragedy!! Audi 8 in the back seat, Qin Fan looked at the mask woman snoring beside her, a little speechless this “corpse”

What to do to bring it back to Tiandi Yunting Forget it, Qin Fan doesn’t have the idea of ​​taking care of the drunk girl.

Thinking of this, Qin Fan looked up at He Qiang who was sitting in the main driver’s parking space and said: “Qianzi, go to Yida Ruihua Hotel.”


As for Qin Fan’s, Qin Fan’s bodyguard will naturally ride back.

Arriving at Yida Ruihua Hotel, Qin Fan greeted the front desk and left.

Now the front desk of Yida Ruihua Hotel knows Qin Fan’s identity.

So for Qin Fan, it is naturally executed as an imperial decree

“Madan! I am penniless, and I will be living on the street tomorrow, what should I do?”

On the other end, Park Yongjun, who was lying on the bed, gritted his teeth and muttered to himself: “It seems that I have to go to them, although it is very shameless.”

The next morning.

In a business suite of Yida Ruihua Hotel, Zhang Zifeng, who was lying on the big bed room, woke up leisurely.

My head swells.

Zhang Zifeng rubbed his eyes, looked at the surrounding environment, and his eyes widened suddenly.

Where is this hotel?How could I figure out where I am in the hotel, and Feng’s face turned white with a single brush.

At this time, she also thought of something.

Last night, in a irritable mood, Ping went to the bar for the first time.

First danced for a while, then booked a box, drank a sullen wine by herself, and then drank the fragments and what happened to her after the fragments, she didn’t know at all how I got to the hotel Zhang Zifeng Si Looking next, Zhang Zifeng couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when she was sure that she was the only person in the entire room.

After seeing that the clothes on his body were still there, and there was no discomfort in his body, Zhang Zifeng was completely relieved.

She was scared to death.

Never go to the bar in the future.

This time I should have met a kind person who sent me to this hotel.

After washing, Zhang Zifeng, who put on his mask again, came to the front desk of the hotel and said to the lady at the front desk: “Hello, I would like to ask, who sent me to your hotel last night.”



Miss Taiwan couldn’t help being a little bit troubled.

After all, this matter involves Mr. Qin.

“Is there anything inconvenient to say about this?”

Zhang Zifeng said with some dissatisfaction.

“Is it right? Miss Zhang, let me show you the surveillance video.”

“okay, thank you.”

When he saw that he was being hugged into the hotel by a man in the pose of a princess, Zhang Zifeng’s face turned red with a brush, and his heartbeat became much faster.

After seeing Qin Fan’s front face clearly, the mouth under Zhang Zifeng’s mask became more and more unbelievable.

Oh my God, what a handsome little brother! How can he be so handsome!! She swears that this is the most handsome little brother she has grown so much and she has ever seen, not one of them.

When I thought that I was hugged by such a handsome little brother, and that he was still hugged by a princess, Zhang Zifeng’s eyes suddenly became a pair of crescents.

So happy!! More importantly, she was discovered by such a handsome little brother in a state of drunk and unconscious. Not only did the little brother not take advantage of the danger, but also sent her to the hotel, so kind and possessive Loving little brother, I’ve fallen in love and thought of this, Zhang Zifeng couldn’t help being afraid for a while.

If she was discovered last night by another man with a bad heart, what will be the consequences waiting for her, she can’t imagine “Hello, do you have the contact information for this little brother, I I want to thank this little brother in person.”

Zhang Zifeng asked the lady at the front desk.

Seeing the lady at the front desk shaking her head, Zhang Zifeng felt disappointed.

“check out.”

Zhang Zifeng came to the outside of the Yida Ruihua Hotel building and directly sat in the co-pilot parking space of a red Audi car.

“Zifeng, you are too foolish. Last night you went to the bar to have a drink by yourself, and you didn’t return all night. You are going to scare me to death so that you are comfortable, right?”

Sitting in the main driver’s parking lot was a very fashionable woman.As soon as Zhang Zifeng got in the car, she began to scold her: “Zifeng, don’t blame Sister Sheng for telling you, you are too silly this time. ”

“You have to know that you are a star and that you are in a period of rising career. You have to think twice about your every move.”

“Take the incident last night, if you meet a person with a bad heart, have you ever thought about the consequences?”

Zhang Zifeng took off the mask, revealing a face full of vitality.

“Sister Sheng is all right, I know I was wrong, I swear I will never be so headstrong in the future.”

Zhang Zifeng acted like a coquettish and cute to his agent.

Sheng Xue is 8 years older than her, and in the eyes of outsiders, she is her agent.

But in Zhang Zifeng’s eyes, Sheng Xue is more like her intimate big sister

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