Chapter 349 How uncomfortable this dog is [3 more, please customize! 】

At this moment, Qin Fan came back after going to the bathroom, and followed him with Williams, the general manager of Jiangcheng Yida Ruihua Hotel.

It turned out that when Qin Fan went to the bathroom, he happened to ran into Williams who was also in the bathroom.

Qin Fan was taken aback when he saw Park Yongjun who was pretending to be forced.

F*ck! Isn’t this guy the one he just got through with the funny sound… Bus Salted Pig Hand——Smecta?

As a result, he was severely beaten by his boyfriend and openly said that the Smecta man was noble and the Xia Guo man was humble and brain-dead.

This idiot still wants to live in the Jiangcheng Yida Ruihua Hotel. Qin Fan: “That…Smecta, you should go to another hotel.”

Hearing the sound, Park Yongjun looked at Qin Fan.

Suddenly, there was a whisper in my heart.

This man is too handsome, he is much more handsome than Song Junji, who is known as the most handsome in their Smecta country.

How could Xia Guo have such a handsome man.

“Qin Fan.”

Our beautiful doctor Xu Sihan and Qin Fan touched each other, and their faces were sweet.

Seeing this scene, Park Yongjun’s eyes on Qin Fan became more and more jealous.

F*ck! This guy turned out to be the boyfriend of this beautiful and shameless Xia Guo woman! Unhappy!! “Why did you let me go to another hotel to stay in Smecta.”

Park Yongjun asked coldly.

Qin Fan smiled: “Because you are so ugly, I think the guests of Yida Ruihua Hotel will see you, which will affect their good mood.”

Xu Sihan: “”

Many residents in the surrounding area laughed unkindly when they heard this.

Some of them also gradually recognized that Park Yongjun was the one on the funny…Bus salty pig hand, and also clamored that Xia Guo men were humble towards such people. Naturally, they were as extremely disgusted as Qin Fan.

“Haha, this handsome guy is right, this Smecta is so ugly, I have seen so many eyes, I don’t want to eat lunch anymore.”

“It’s not your fault to be ugly. It’s wrong to come out to scare you. The key is that you still run abroad to scare people, which is even more wrong.”

“plus one!”

Hearing these remarks, Park Yongjun became green all at once.

Raise the table! “Simida!”

Park Yongjun was so angry that he exploded and glared at Qin Fan: “You are so handsome, Smecta.”

“I just want to stay in this hotel, what can you do with me, Smecta.”

After that, Park Yongjun shook his head and shook his head at Qin Fan, staring at Qin Fan with a triumphant expression of anger that you are not paying for his life. Qin Fan said, “How can you do me Smecta!”

At this time, Williams, who was standing next to Qin Fan, looked at Park Yongjun and glanced up and down at Park Yongjun, and said: “Hello, gentleman, I am the general manager of Jiangcheng Yida Ruihua Hotel.


Williams didn’t finish speaking, but was interrupted by Park Yongjun with a big smile on his face.

“Hello, hello, hello.”

Like most Smectans, Park Yongjun looked down on Xia Guoren, but he always knelt and licked the blue-eyed and blue-haired Europeans.

At this time, when Park Yongjun talked to Williams, it was another face.

Well, I changed to flattering and licking the dog’s face.

“General Manager William, I think what this…Xia Guo man said just now was a great humiliation to me, a Smecta. For a man like Xia Guo with no quality, he should be driven out of your hotel Smecta.”

When Williams heard the sound, his face couldn’t help but twitch.

Qin Fan is the big boss of their hotel, this Smecta is really a stupid and poor Smecta who asked him to drive away his boss.

I don’t even know what kind of man Xia Guo is standing in front of him. Williams looked at Park Yongjun very seriously: “I think this… Mr. Xia Guo is right. Look at you. You look so ugly, what should you do if you stay in my hotel and scare the guests of my hotel, so please leave Jiangcheng Yida Ruihua Hotel immediately, our hotel will not do your business.”

As soon as he said this, don’t say that Park Yongjun was stunned, even the people around him were stunned.

F*ck!! This…Yida Ruihua Hotel’s Crooked Nuts Manager actually listened to the handsome guy’s words, and wanted to drive away the Smecta, and a 666 floated above everyone’s head! This style of painting is growing! It’s getting crooked! “You are actually on the side of the Xia Guo man against me, a Smecta!”

Park Yongjun looked at Williams with an expression of disbelief, and at the same time felt a dull pain in his heart.

Their Smectas have always degraded the people of Xia and licked the whites of the continent! And the relationship between Xia and the countries of the continent has always been not so harmonious. It is a combination of various factors. In Park Yongjun’s view, the elder of the continent will definitely stand with him. On one side, after all, I am the smecta who licks you.

At this moment, Park Yongjun’s heart is uncomfortable.

This feeling is very uncomfortable! Let’s make an analogy.

For example, a dog usually kneels and licks its owner.

Suddenly one day, a person who had a tense relationship with his owner came over and clashed with the dog.

This dog thought the owner would help him, because I am a dog you raised, and we are my family.

But in the end, it didn’t do what the dog thought. Instead of helping his dog, the owner helped the man teach his dog together. It is conceivable how uncomfortable this dog is! Ahhh! My Park Yongjun But it doesn’t say that we Smectas are dogs.

I’m just making an analogy, making an analogy just to read the underlined version of the novel, please download 99 Novel Network Novel

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