Chapter 348 He was even despised by the man Xia Guo [1 more, please customize! 】

“Oh Smecta!”

Park Yongjun, a veteran otaku with more than 20 years of motherhood, is not our usual opponent of the sports and fitness tattoos, so naturally he was beaten.

What’s worse is that there are many people in the carriage, and Park Yongjun has nowhere to escape.

“Soul Smecta!”

“I am the noble Smecta countryman, you”

Park Yongjun opened his mouth, but got a punch, and was beaten back into his stomach for the second half of the speech.

“You humble Xia country man dare to beat me, a noble Smecta countryman, I fought Smecta with you.”

Park Yongjun yelled, trying to work hard with the little pretty boy, but the ideal is very full, the reality is very backbone, the tattooed little pretty boy teaches him how to be a man every minute, and the beater Park Yongjun cries for his father and his mother.

“Don’t hit Smecta.”

“Smecta will be beaten to death again.”

“I think mom has Smecta.”

Ding dong! At a certain bus stop sign, the bus stopped, and as soon as the back door opened, Park Yongjun ran out of the bus with his head in embarrassment.

When Park Yongjun opened the mirror software of his mobile phone and saw that his nose and face were swollen, he jumped his feet in anger and yelled, “Smecta is a light soul, Xia Guo man is really a savage Smecta!”

As soon as he said this, several Xia Guo men who were waiting for the bus at the bus stop stared at Park Yongjun.

Park Yongjun was so scared that he ran away desperately, for fear that he would be slow, and he would be beaten again! Ma Dan!! Soaked Xia Guomei paper and started to pounce on the street!! Tragic!! At this time, the bus that just left Inside the car, a passenger shared the video he just shot on Douyin.

Title: Bus Salted Pig Hand turned out to be a Smecta nationality and racially discriminated against it!! Because the title is eye-catching, this amusing sound quickly caused many netizens to leave messages and forward them.

“Some girls come out and have a look. This is the oba you usually kneel and lick.”

“Dammit, scold our Xia country man for being humble, I said, don’t let me meet him, otherwise I will blow him up.”

“Some girls keep your dog eyes open and take a good look. The Smecta man in your heart is the representative of romance and coolness. See it now, this Smecta man, he also scolds us Xia Guo man for being humble. , This is to scold your father too.”

“It’s a little bit painful, I won’t be kicked out of it, Smecta.”

The person who had exchanged Xia Guoyuan from the bank, walked a few steps out, and it was a little painful, which made his face green.

“Xia Guo’s woman is too cruel Smecta.”

Park Yongjun cursed for a while, and finally decided to find a hotel to stay in and take a good rest.

“Go to Jiangcheng Yida Ruihua Hotel Smecta.”

Park Yongjun stopped a taxi and said to the taxi driver.

Before he came to Jiangcheng, he did some preparatory work.

The most trench in Jiangcheng,

The most advanced hotel is the Jiangcheng Yida Ruihua Hotel.

I, Park Yongjun, came to Xia Guo. Of course, I have to stay in the best hotel and make the most beautiful sister paper.

Although with his current wealth, staying at the Yida Ruihua Hotel is completely swollen and fat, but in Park Yongjun’s view, it is not a problem.

Because Xia Guoren is rich, after a few days, his plan has been implemented smoothly and he has become famous, so he can naturally make a lot of money.

Isn’t it just a few nights in a seven-star hotel? When I succeed in collecting money, this little money is drizzle.

Arriving at the Jiangcheng Yida Ruihua Hotel, looking at the main building of the hotel with a height of 34 in front of him, Park Yongjun nodded in satisfaction.

As expected, the 7-star hotel is really magnificent.

When Park Yongjun walked into the lobby of Yida Ruihua Hotel, his mouth opened unconvincingly, and his face was full of shock.

I’m going! It’s a luxury, a luxurious Smecta!! Especially the huge relief of Eight Views of East Lake that is hand-carved from colorful jade, it makes Park Yongjun’s mouth grow bigger and bigger.

Park Yongjun’s family conditions are actually very average.He grew up so old.In Smecta, he has not even stayed in a five-star hotel, let alone a seven-star hotel like Jiangcheng Yida Ruihua Hotel.

At this moment, Park Yongjun entering the Yida Ruihua Hotel is tantamount to Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

Both are the same.

A handsome young man who was passing by saw the appearance of Park Yongjun and couldn’t help but sneered: “Earth turtle, your saliva is flowing down.”

When Park Yongjun heard the sound, he subconsciously wiped the corner of his mouth with his hand, and then reacted, knowing that he was being teased, which made Park Yongjun annoyed and stared at the handsome young man.

The handsome young man smiled and walked away.

Park Yongjun secretly scolded himself for being unworthy, and was actually despised by a man from Xia Guo.


Park Yongjun regained his mood, puffed up his chest, and walked towards the front desk of the hotel lobby vigorously.

As a result, Park Yongjun’s mouth opened again unconvincingly.

This time the Harazi really shed.

“Good Smecta, how can there be such a beautiful Xia Guo woman Smecta!”

Park Yongjun confronts Xu Sihan who is waiting for Qin Fan to come back from the toilet and commits a nympho.

1. Give me one more point% I am afraid that you will be proud!

This Xia Guo woman is the most beautiful and goddess among all the women he has seen so far, no one! Thank you book friend [震巽] for your monthly pass! Thank you book friend [震巽] for your monthly pass Support!! Thanks for the monthly ticket support from the book friend [Zhen Xun]!! To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download 99 Novel Online Novel

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