Chapter 350 Mom Sang, I miss you Smecta [4 more, please customize! 】

Seeing that Park Yongjun is like a bereaved dog, leaving dingy, everyone is gone

“William, I remember you are the head of the Jiangcheng Star Hotel Alliance.”

“Yes, Mr. Qin.”

Williams replied.

“Hello, I want to make that…Smecta person in Jiangcheng can’t stay in a star-rated hotel.”

“Okay Mr. Qin, I’ll do it right away.”

Qin Fan nodded and smiled, then led Xu Sihan to the opened room.

Our beautiful doctor Xu Sihan two o’clock in the afternoon: 2: Hurry up if you have to go to work! Outside the Jiangcheng Yida Ruihua Hotel.

Park Yongjun’s face is longer than the horse’s face.

Before taking a taxi and leaving, Park Yongjun looked back and bitterly at the Jiangcheng Yida Ruihua Hotel Building.

If you don’t stay here, there is a place to stay at Smecta! There are more than a dozen five-star hotels in Jiangcheng.

As a result, after these more than a dozen five-star hotels ran down, Park Yongjun looked suspicious of his life!! These more than a dozen five-star hotels refused to do his business and refused him Park Yongjun to stay in their hotel.

And the reasons for rejection are even more bizarre!! “Sir, I look at your face and our Shangri-La Hotel is in conflict, you should go to another hotel.”

“Neurotic Smecta!”

“Mr. Park Yongjun, your birthday character does not match our boss’s birthday character, so I’m sorry”

“Neurotic Smecta!”

“Our manager watched the sky last night and said that when we go down at 2:03:30 today, there will be a lone star from the heavens coming to our hotel. Our manager specifically urged us to the front desk, and we must not let the lone star stay in us that day. Hotel, this gentleman, I am sorry to tell you that at 2:03:30, you happened to come in, so you are the lone star of the gods, sorry.”

“Neurotic Smecta!”

“This gentleman, you just put one, it’s very rude, so sorry”

“Neurotic Smecta!”

“Sir, our wine is currently holding a prize-winning contest. Would you like to participate in the answering activity? If the answer is correct, you can stay in the presidential suite of our hotel for 3 days. If the answer is wrong, we will only ask you to leave. Would you like to participate?

Hearing this, Park Yongjun responded without thinking about it.

Just kidding, I’m Park Young Joon, a top student who graduated from Seoul National University in Smecta.

How can it be rare for me.

As long as he answers the question correctly, he can stay in the presidential suite for free for three days.

Park Yongjun was confident, slapped his chest, slammed, and said in a heroic tone: “You can ask, if you can’t answer, I lose Smecta!”

The lady at the front desk smiled slightly: “Okay, please listen to the question.”

“What thread do animals like monkeys and orangutans fear most?”

Park Young Jun: “”

F*ck, what the hell is this! “Ouba, can’t you answer?”

The lady at the front desk was surprised.

Park Yongjun blushed and was speechless.

“Oba, this question is very simple. Monkeys and orangutans are obviously most afraid of parallel lines, because parallel lines don’t intersect bananas!”

“Neurotic Smecta!”

“Dammit! There are so many star-rated hotels in Jiangcheng, and you can’t stay in a five-star hotel. There are four-star, three-star, two-star, two-star, and one-star hotels.”

As a result, the subsequent trip to find a star hotel has become Park Yongjun’s skeptical life journey.

Ran till 9pm, no one-star hotel would let him stay in, even one-star hotels were “disgusted”

He is numb!! People in Xia are stupid! If you have money, you don’t make any money!! Park Yongjun scolds.

No, I must have been fucked by someone! But I just came to Jiangcheng, and I didn’t offend anyone.

Moreover, all the star hotels in Quanjiang City can unite and reject him, which shows that that person must be a bigwig.

How can ordinary people have such a great energy! It is him!! A figure suddenly appeared in Park Yongjun’s mind! That figure is Williams!! Williams: I am just an executor, and the decision maker is Mr. Qin. To wrong me, Park Yongjun recalled the experience of the day today. It was a miserable one! He coaxed to Xia Guo, thinking that his spring was coming, but in the end he rushed all the way to the bus on the street, and he hit a record. He broke off his son and killed his grandson’s leg, and he still has a faint pain. He is worried about whether he really scrapped the back and was beaten by the boyfriend of the beautiful girl in sailor suit. It was tragic!! Looking for a hotel trip, it is even more unbearable to look back at him now. , Still standing alone in the street, the night breeze was blowing, it was a bit cold! Mom Sang, I miss you Smecta! Park Yongjun looked up and found that there was a hotel beside him.

Um, that kind of…the small hostels on the roadside alleys, the kind that can’t be rated as stars.

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