Chapter 344 Husband was kidnapped [1 more, please customize! 】

Qin Jie: “”

Liu Yiyao: “”

How did it feel that Tang Jun was acting in front of them?

Annoying!! Hang up!! “Tang Jun, your phone rang several times, why didn’t you answer it”

Qin Jie couldn’t help saying.

“Oh, this is a harassing call.”

On the other end, a middle-aged fat woman holding a mobile phone looked anxious.

She called her husband several times and was hung up directly, which made the middle-aged fat woman unable to help but become anxious.

Well, this middle-aged fat woman is Tang Jun’s wife, and also the patient of Zhou Xiaoxiao’s father at Yaxin Hospital. She was discharged from the hospital with Zhou’s father yesterday.

Today, the middle-aged fat woman and her husband come to the East Lake to play and breathe.

Just now she had a stomach trouble and went to the toilet, but when she came out, her husband disappeared, so she called, but she kept being hung up. Could it be that her husband was kidnapped by someone.

My family is so rich, I can’t guarantee that some murderer is really looking at him, kidnapping my husband, and blackmailing me.

I usually call my husband, and it takes less than ten seconds1, and my husband will answer the call.

Not only did her husband not answer her phone this time, but she kept hanging up on her phone.

Hiss!! This is obviously a situation! It must be the murderer who kidnapped my husband. He is on the way back and it is not convenient to answer my call.

When they reach a safe hiding place, they will probably call me on my husband’s phone to blackmail me.

You said that there are so many people in the East Lake Scenic Area, how dare someone kidnap it, what age is it now, do you think you have to roll up your sleeves, pick up guys, and violently? When they were madly replenishing their brains, the two policemen who were escorting the thief back to the camp happened to pass by.

The middle-aged fat woman suddenly rushed over when she saw it, and shouted: “Comrade police is not good, my husband has been kidnapped!”

“What happened to your husband being kidnapped, where was the kidnapping place and when and what the kidnapper looked like, have you seen it?”

The two policemen stopped and asked condensedly.

In the current public security environment, the kidnapping incident is one thing.

The middle-aged fat woman shook her head blankly.

“You don’t know anything, then how do you know that your husband was kidnapped”

“Comrade Police, it’s like this”

After listening to the narration of the middle-aged fat woman, the two young policemen were speechless for a while.

“Ms. Wang, you mean you went to a toilet and you couldn’t find your husband when you came out. You called and your husband didn’t answer the call, so you think your husband was kidnapped, right?”

Seeing the middle-aged fat woman nodding, our police couldn’t help rolling their eyes.

Just by

With this information, you can determine whether your husband was kidnapped. Is it a bit too sloppy? Maybe you and your husband quarreled, and your husband didn’t want to answer your phone? It might be that something happened to your husband at this time and it was inconvenient to answer. It’s just half an hour since you and your husband were separated on the phone. “Ms. Wang, have you and your husband… have any unpleasant things happened before?”

The middle-aged fat woman rolled her eyelids and thought for a while and said, “No.”

“Oh, yes, I wanted to drink fat house water before and asked him to open the bottle for me, but he splashed the fat house water on my face. When I was angry, I slapped him with a slap in the face. This is considered an unpleasant thing. ”

“It shouldn’t be counted, I don’t do such things less often.”

Two policemen: “”


F*ck! Big sister, you are awesome!! Hand over to the big sister!! “Ms. Wang, what is your husband’s phone number, let me call it.”

The young policeman with sharp eyes like an eagle spoke like this.


I dialed the phone, but it didn’t ring a few times and I was hung up.

Another policeman saw and took out his mobile phone to call Tang Jun, and was also hung up.

On the other end, Tang Jun cursed and turned off the phone.

Hemp egg!! Laozi finally met her old classmates.

One is his own goddess.

The other is the love rival who robbed his goddess.

Acting on these two people is simply amazing! However, his phone kept ringing, disrupting the rhythm of his acting several times!! Tang Jun, who was extremely upset, turned off his mobile phone. NS.

Today, he is going to pretend to be happy! Don’t bother him!! “My husband’s cell phone is turned off, it’s over, my husband must have been kidnapped.”

“I blame my family for being too rich. I was targeted by the kidnappers. Comrade police, you must save my husband.”

The middle-aged fat woman yelled and was very emotional.

Many tourists passing by are attracted by the movement here.

“What’s the situation, this eldest sister’s husband was kidnapped”

“No, this is a scenic spot. Those kidnappers shouldn’t be so crazy, right?”

“It’s not good.”

“Ms. Wang, don’t get too excited.”

“Let’s check the surveillance video of the East Lake Scenic Area first to confirm if your husband was really kidnapped.”


The middle-aged fat woman nodded her head like a chicken pecking rice

Thank you book friend [15] for your monthly ticket support!! Thank you book friend [18] for your monthly ticket support!! Thank you book friend [15] for your monthly ticket support!!

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