Chapter 343 Blame the lives of those drunken fans [5 more, please customize! 】

Qin Fan couldn’t help but laugh.

It seems that the habit of watching the excitement has penetrated into the bones of the general public in Xia Guo

At the other end, Qin Fan’s parents are sitting on chairs in the pavilion, enjoying the beautiful view of East Lake

Suddenly a handsome middle-aged uncle passed by, stopped, and shouted at Qin Fan’s parents with a face full of disbelief: “Qin Jie, Liu Yiyao”

“You are Tang Jun”

Qin Jie asked with some uncertainty.

“Yes, yes, I am Tang Jun.”

The middle-aged handsome uncle was very excited: “I didn’t expect to meet you here.”

“You have also moved to Jiangcheng”

Tang Jun asked.

Liu Yiyao shook her head and smiled: “No, Lao Qin and I are traveling in Jiangcheng.”

Tang Jun came to the chair opposite Qin Fan’s parents, and said with emotion: “Since graduating from high school, we have not seen each other for 20 years.”

“Qin Jie, you are still so handsome.”

“Yiyao, you are still so beautiful.”

It turns out that Tang Jun is a high school classmate of Qin Fan’s parents.

In the past, in the class, Qin Fan’s father was the first handsome, and this Tang Jun was the second.At that time, Tang Jun also pursued Qin Fan’s mother Liu Yiyao.

However, Qin Fan’s parents grew up in an orphanage, and the relationship between childhood sweethearts and horses is something that Tang Jun can shake.

After graduating from high school, Tang Jun came to Jiangcheng alone to work hard. Since his parents passed away, Tang Jun has not returned to Taixian. After calculating, it has been more than ten years.

Seeing Qin Jie and Liu Yiyao sitting together, they matched their faces, like a pair of immortal couples.

Thinking about the tigress in his own family, the jealousy in Tang Jun’s chest began to burn.

I am not happy to see you so loving.

I’m not happy anymore, so I just want to pretend.

These days, only pretending to make me happy

“By the way, what are you doing in Taixian now?”

Tang Jun asked secretly.

Before pretending to be coercion, you must do a good job first, if the other party is even better than you, if you pretend to be coercive, it is not pretending to be coercion, but stupid.

Although he doesn’t think that these two people can have a good life with him, but to be on the safe side, he still asks clearly.

I, Tang Jun, is so steady! I never pretend to be unsure.

Qin Jie: “I’m writing an online novel.”

Liu Yiyao: “I usually make some handicrafts and sell them.”

Tang Jun said in surprise: “Qin Jie, you write online novels. You are not the authors who write novels that make millions, or even tens of millions, of great gods.”

Qin Jie shook his head and smiled: “No, I’m just a street writer.”

“Tang Jun, how about you, I think you have spent so many years

I haven’t returned to Taixian. I think it should be pretty good in Jiangcheng.”

Ringing! At this moment, Tang Jun’s cell phone rang.

Seeing that it was from his own tigress, Tang Jun hung up the phone. Then, he looked at Qin Fan’s parents with a complicated expression that didn’t know where to start, and said, “How can I say, the first five years in Jiangcheng? , I have a very bad life. I work in the factory and work in two shifts from day to night. That kind of life is miserable.”

“But in the sixth year, I can be considered to have survived.”

“You got promoted to be a leader, right.”

Qin Jie said with a smile.


Tang Jun shook his head and said, “In that year, I met the most important woman in my life, which is now my wife.”

“She is a Bai Fumei, suddenly broke into my life and pursued me.”

“At that time, I felt that I was a poor boy from a small county, no matter where I was worthy of others’ white, rich and beautiful, inferiority, I always refused her love for me.”

“I said I don’t have a house in Jiangcheng, so I can’t give you a home. She said her family has three houses in the city center.”

“I said I didn’t have a car. She said that her family had a Mercedes-Benz, a BMW, and an Audi.”

“I said I didn’t have a deposit, and she said she had a seven-figure deposit.”

“I’m a bit speechless. I don’t know what she is a white, rich and beautiful poor boy. I asked her my doubts. I still clearly remember that she was bowing her head, blushing, and shy. Murmured in a low voice: I want to see you as handsome”

“When I heard her answer, I was angry at the time, and said to her angrily: So you are just greedy for my body, this is not love, I will not be with you!”

“But when she faced my rejection, not only was she not discouraged, she pursued me more crazily, do you know how crazy she is? I was taken away by her, and in the end I confessed my fate and stayed with her.”

“However, after all these years, she has never let me down. She is very good to me. If there is any good thing, the first thing that comes to mind is me.”

The bell rang, and the phone rang again, Tang Jun looked at the phone display and hung up!! Annoying! When I was most annoyed by pretending to be forced, someone called me! And it was a tigress phone.

At this time, it is even more impossible to answer.

“This is my experience in Jiangcheng for so many years.”

“Originally, I also had the ambition of Lingyun, and also wanted to do a career in Jiangcheng. As a result, when I was with her, I gradually became salty. I blame the life of drunken gold fans. Obliterated my Ling Yunzhi.”

Tang Jun said sadly

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