Chapter 345 Suspicious car without evidence! [3 more, please customize! 】

“You still pretend to be forced by Mr. Qin’s parents, you are a fool!”

“Quickly apologize to Mr. Qin’s parents, or my mother will kill you today.”

The middle-aged fat woman sounded like thunder, like a fierce Zhang Fei possessing her body.

Said that he likes to pretend, but when he comes to this tigress, he is a younger brother.

Many of his pretending routines were learned from this tigress.

However, his tigress is not brainless.

She can only pretend to be weaker than herself.

For those who are better than herself, not only will she not pretend, she will lick her face to flatter the attitude of looking at the tigress. Qin Jie’s son is a big brother! His wife’s family property is quite big. Ten thousand yeah! This thought is extremely scary!!!! I didn’t expect Qin Jie and Liu Yiyao’s sons to be so awkward! I have always been steady, but today I experienced a major car accident. I heard this, Qin Fan is finally Understood.

Dare to love is a story about an old classmate who met an old classmate by chance, but the old classmate pretended to be coerced to his parents.

“Forget it, forget it, they are all classmates.”

Just now, Tang Jun pretended to force them out. To be honest, Qin Fan’s parents still felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, we used you as a classmate, but you acted too hard on us! But when Qin Fan’s parents saw Tang Jun’s family status, the discomfort in their hearts would have long since disappeared. This Tang Jun is really not easy. Suffered all these years! At 5 o’clock in the afternoon, Qin Fan’s parents left the East Lake Scenic Area and drove to Jianghan University to pick up our Lu teacher back to Tiandi Yunting.

After parking the car, the four of them walked to a Hao Duo supermarket very close to Tiandi Yunting Community, and they were ready to buy vegetables and go back to cook for dinner.

The current teacher Lu and Qin Fan’s mother Liu Yiyao are already very close. Along the way, the two women talked and laughed.

Four people 4 just arrived at the supermarket and entered the supermarket. After a slightly fat girl glanced at her mobile phone, she questioned her boyfriend with a dissatisfaction: “Now at 6: 6: 01, I’m a minute late, saying, What are you doing in this minute!”

That buddy was speechless, rolled his eyes wildly and said: Say Xiaojuan, don’t you be so suspicious all day, okay, just one minute, what can I do.”

The plump girl glanced at her boyfriend on one side and said lightly: “I don’t know you yet, one minute, enough for you!”


When the buddy heard the sound, his face turned green.

Qin Fan’s parents: “”

Qin Fan: “”

Lu Danqing: “”

Other people around: “”

The suspected car is unfounded, the suspected car is unfounded!! After dinner at night, Qin Fan’s parents went to the second bedroom to sleep.

master bedroom.

Qin Fan looked at our teacher Lu and said with a smile: “Mr. Lu, I have to hand in my homework and wait for you to correct it.”

Lu Danqing blushed: “No, I’ll pay it later.”

Qin Fan has a righteous and awe-inspiring face: “No way, no way, I am a good student. I have accumulated several days of homework. I must hand it in to my teacher Lu for correction tonight.”

Lu Danqing: “”

On the second day, Qin Fan continued to take his parents to visit several other well-known attractions in Jiangcheng.

On the third day, Qin Fan’s parents drove the Audi 8 and left Jiangcheng, and went to the next city. An international plane from Smecta landed at Jiangcheng Airport.

The cabin door opens.

Passengers get off the plane in an orderly manner.

One of them, a young man in a neat suit, is particularly eye-catching.

He has his head held high, his eyes are on the top of his head, and his face is full of pretentious and pretentious arrogance! His name is Park Young Joon, who graduated from Seoul National University, and is a noble Smecta countryman! He has been obsessed with summer since he was a child. The ancient culture of China, especially the calligraphy of Xia country.

Although Park Young Joon is obsessed with the ancient culture of Xia, he has no favorable impression of Xia.

After his research, Xia Guo did have a long and glorious history.

In ancient times, the country of Xia was a country of etiquette. The culture of the country of Xia was far-reaching, especially for neighboring neighboring countries. Today, the country of Xia is no longer good! Although the country of Xia is rich, it is in culture. , But he is not confident anymore.

In today’s Asia, his country of Smecta is the most culturally powerful country! Nowadays, the country of Smecta is popular throughout the country of Xia.

Now the stars of their Smecta country like to come to Xia country, because coming to Xia country can easily make money, and they can make a lot of money.

The celebrity artists of their Smecta country came to Xia Country from China, and the appearance fee and endorsement fee have skyrocketed more than ten times! Xia country people haha, people are stupid and have a lot of money!! A battery explosion accident occurred in a two-star 2 mobile phone.

For this reason, Erxing 2 is recalling Erxing 2 mobile phones around the world at any cost, but the areas that are recalled, except for the Xiaguo area, don’t ask why, ask is how foolish the people of Xiaguo are! What’s wrong with not recalling Don’t the people of Xia Guo still scold the two-star 2 company while continuing to buy the two-star 2 mobile phone, saying that it’s really fragrant.

Thank you book friend [Xiahahong] for your monthly pass support!! Thank you book friend [Xiahahong] for your monthly pass support!! Thank you book friend [Xiahahong] for your monthly pass support!! ,push

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