Chapter 342 Curiosity killed the cat [4 more, please customize! 】

Qin Fan drove the Audi 8 and came to the vicinity of the East Lake Scenic Area, and found an open-air parking space on the side of the road.Qin Fan parked the car directly.

The three of them got out of the car and saw a lot of people surrounded by a red modern car not far away.

The three were curious, so they walked over

“In just an hour, four pieces of my car window glass were stolen. Who is so wicked?”

The owner of a modern car is a young beautiful girl with a stylish dress. At this time, this beautiful girl has a black face like the bottom of a pot and frantically complains about the thief who stole her window glass.

“Even the car window glass is stolen, what kind of person!!! Are you so poor? A piece of glass is worth a lot of money.”

“I bought a new car for less than a week. The window glass was stolen, and I didn’t even leave a piece of it.”


“Beauty, there is no surveillance around here, I guess you can’t find that… the thief who stole your car window glass.”

“This thief is a master at first glance. Look at the scene, there is no trace of the crime left, a group of skilled actions.”

“I’ve seen someone stealing a car’s wheel. It’s the first time I’ve seen someone stealing a car’s window glass today. I’ve seen it in a long time.”

“That thief is a habitual offender!!! You see, there is no trace of the car door being smashed. There are also a few shoe prints in the car.”

“After a wave of distressed beauties, I only bought a new car for a few days, and four pieces of window glass were stolen. This is a huge loss of thousands.”

Qin Fan walked to the car door and looked at it for a while, and then pressed the window lift button.At this time, it was time to witness the miracle.Only the four stolen car window glasses rose up at the same time.

For a while, the eyes of the onlookers became bigger and bigger!! Then many people laughed unkindly.


“Dare to believe that the window glass was dropped, making the owner think that his window glass was stolen”

“F*ck, we were all taken off by the female car owner, sweat one.”

“I am ashamed of the title of old driver, shameful!!!.”

An embarrassing batch of female owners of modern cars.

Qin Fan waved his hand and said no thanks! After buying the tickets, Qin Fan took Mom into the East Lake Scenic Area and started the official play

After playing for more than an hour, Qin Fan urinated urgently, so he greeted his parents and went to the toilet.

Qin Fan’s parents came to a nearby pavilion to sit and rest, while enjoying the beauty of East Lake, while waiting for Qin Fan

Qin Fan searched and searched, searched and searched, and soon found a scenic bathroom.

Well, at this time, Qin Fan saw a lot of people surrounded by a certain place.

Qin Fan first went to the bathroom to fill the water, then came out, and went to watch the excitement


Eating melons and watching movies is what Xia Guo people like to do.

It turned out that a female tourist’s wallet was stolen, so the female tourist called the police.

Two policemen rushed over and found the staff of the scenic spot. They were viewing the surveillance video, hoping to find the thief who stole the wallet.


A young policeman stared at the surveillance video with sharp eyes like an eagle, and said, “The thief is him!”

Scenic area staff: “Although I know the thief, it is not easy to find him in the scenic area. After all, our East Lake scenic area is too big.”

The young policeman: “It’s okay. It’s easy to handle this guy once he shows his face. When we go back and check, we can retrieve all the thief’s information, and he can’t run away.”

“Ms. Yang, just wait for our news. No accident. Tomorrow our police will be able to arrest the thief. We will call you when the time comes.”

Female tourist: “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

At this moment, the young policeman with eagle-eyed eyes raised his head and inadvertently glanced at the onlookers.As a result, the young policeman’s eyes suddenly became sharper.

“He, he is the thief!”

The young policeman reached out and pointed to a thin young tourist.

The young tourist was so startled, he was about to run.

It happened that Qin Fan was standing beside him.

Seeing this scene, Police Assistant Qin went online as Le Fan!! Qin Fan kicked out decisively and knocked the young thief who was about to escape to the ground.

When the young thief got up from the ground, the two policemen had arrived and took the young thief into uniform neatly.

The young policeman: “Boy, you are so brave. You stole someone’s wallet and dare to stay here.”

When the young thief heard the sound, he burst into tears and said, “Brother, I was planning to leave, but when I saw a lot of people around here, I didn’t know why, so I ran to watch the excitement. Who knows? I just squeezed into the crowd, I was recognized by your brother.”

“Brother, you are so glamorous!!!.”

Hearing this, many onlookers laughed directly.

“F*ck laughed at me, this thief is a man, he overturned because of the excitement”

“This rollover posture is too coquettish, and there is a sense of joy inexplicably.”

“Ah! This is the actual curiosity that killed the cat.”

“Silent distressed thief for three seconds 3.”

99 reminds you: three things to read

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