Chapter 341 Teacher Lu schemed once [3 more, please customize! 】

“Uncle, good aunt”

Lu Danqing cried out nervously while looking at Qin Fan’s parents while cooking.

Liu Yiyao and Qin Jie liked our teacher Lu at first sight.

This daughter-in-law is so beautiful, and she fits their son very well.

And there is a gentle temperament on the body, which makes people feel particularly clean.

Satisfied, so satisfied!! “Girl, let me help you, what’s your name.”

Liu Yiyao stepped forward to help with a smile.

“Auntie, my name is Lu Danqing.”

“Lu Danqing, this name sounds so good.”

Qin Fan, Qin Jie went to the sofa in the living room and sat down:.

“Son, your kid’s blessings are not as shallow as your father’s!!!.”

“Well, Teacher Lu is really good.”

“Mr. Lu”

Qin Jie looked at his son in surprise.

Qin Fan smiled: “Dad, Dan Qing is my university counselor.”

Qin Jie was speechless for a while, and finally gave his son a thumbs up.

It’s amazing. My son actually got a point with his university teacher. The restaurant table has ten dishes, which means perfection.

With meat and vegetables, every dish is cooked very delicately.

“Uncles and aunts, don’t know whether you are in harmony: your appetites.”

Our teacher Lu sat next to Qin Fan and said nervously.

“These dishes look delicious, I’ll try them first.”

Qin Jie picked up a piece of braised pork with chopsticks and delivered it to his mouth, chewed, and immediately gave Lu Danqing a thumbs up and praised: “This braised pork is so delicious, I almost bit my own. The tongue.”

Hearing the sound, our teacher Lu’s uneasy heart can be regarded as settled down.Although he knows that Qin Fan’s father has a little exaggeration when he speaks, the other party at least recognizes her cooking skills.

Happy! “Dan Qing, our Xiaofan doesn’t bully you normally. If he bullies you, you can tell your aunt when you turn around. Auntie will take care of him for you.”

Liu Yiyao now sees how Lu Danqing sees and is satisfied.

A graduate degree, she is beautiful, she has a good personality, and she can cook. Such a daughter-in-law is perfect.

Qin Fan: “”

I feel that my family’s status is declining in an instant. Lu Danqing said sweetly: “Ah, Qin Fan is usually very good to me.”

“Well, that’s good, I’m afraid Xiaofan won’t take care of others, so you will be wronged.”

“Dad, let’s take one.”

Qin Fan raised his glass and clinked with his father

After half a wine tour, Lu Danqing gave the prepared gifts to Qin Fan’s parents.

Things, not expensive, represent a mind.

Liu Yiyao took out a pair of jade bracelets and handed them to me

Our teacher Lu said, “Danqing, this pair of bracelets are for you. I don’t know if you young people like this.”

“Thank you auntie, I like it very much.”

Lu Danqing took the jade bracelet and put it directly on his wrist.

“My mother has a unique vision. These bracelets are worn on Dan Qing’s hands, and they complement Dan Qing.”

The meal ended in a warm environment

“Uncle and aunt, I’m going back.”

After eating, Lu Danqing said goodbye to Qin Fan’s parents and prepared to return to Jianghan University.

Qin Fan’s parents are here, she is naturally embarrassed to stay overnight.

“Don’t Danqing.”

Liu Yiyao took our teacher Lu by the hand and smiled and said: “Let’s live here at night. You see, their father and son are drinking, and they can’t drive you. We don’t worry about asking you to take a taxi back at this late hour.”


Lu Danqing hesitated.

“Come here, at night, we sleep in a room.”

“Auntie has a lot to say to you.”

“Okay Auntie.”

Lu Danqing pursed his lips, she could feel Qin Fan’s mother like her.

The first time I met, I was recognized by Qin Fan’s mother, which made our teacher Lu very happy.

Staying at night, just to deepen the feelings with the aunt. Our teacher Lu is a rare “scheming 1”.

Qin Jie: “”

Qin Fan: “”

The father and son looked at each other bitterly.

They slept horribly alone at night!! The next day.

Qin Fan naturally wants to accompany his parents to have fun in Jiangcheng.

The Audi driving his father first sent Lu Danqing back to Jianghan University.

No way, today is Monday, our teacher Lu has a lesson and can’t play with Qin Fan and them

East Lake is located in the east of Jiangcheng.

The total area of ​​the East Lake Scenic Area is 880,000 square kilometers, and the planned construction area is 73 square kilometers, accounting for about a quarter of the urban area. It receives more than two million tourists every year and is the largest scenic spot in Jiangcheng.

Beautiful mountains and rivers, abundant plants, rich Chu style and unique garden in the garden are the four major characteristics of the East Lake Scenic Area.

The East Lake has an area of ​​333 square kilometers, is vast, the Mingjing Harbor is staggered, the shoreline is tortuous, and it is known as ninety-nine bends.

And half of the shoreline is surrounded by thirty-four peaks.

There are lakes under the mountains, and mountains in the water.

Climbing the peak and looking at the clear ripples, walking on the white waves to see the mountains, from different perspectives, you can appreciate the exquisite taste of different mountains and waters.

Take your parents to play the river city trip from the East Lake Scenic Area! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download 99 novels

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