Chapter 332 Carrying two black-skin watermelons [1 more, please customize! 】

When Zhong Yushu heard the female junior high school student say this, he gritted his teeth and looked at Su Yingjie and said, “Manager Su, I agree to your condition.”


“Little sister, it’s okay.”

Zhong Yushu touched the female junior high school student’s hair, pretending to smile nonchalantly.

“Zhong Shao is bright.”

Su Yingjie felt happy in her heart.

The only competitor who voluntarily withdrew, then the Asian Heart Hospital’s western medicine purchase order must belong to their Yuanda Pharmaceutical.

As stable as an old dog!! Many people onlookers were touched by Zhong Yushu’s decision.

“The old way is warm, you must like it.”

“But he may have lost a drug purchase order for this. To be honest, his decision is indeed beyond my expectation.”

“Good guys!!!, there is a wave of Aimin Pharmacy. I used to buy medicines only to Yuanda Pharmacy. In the future, I will go to Aimin Pharmacy.”


Just when Zhong Yushu was about to transfer 40,000 yuan to Su Yingjie, Qin Fan walked out of the crowd.

“Wait a moment.”

Qin Fan applauded, looked at Zhong Yushu, and smiled: “Man, you don’t have to be threatened by him, I will compensate him for the loss of my little sister.”

Qin Fan’s voice fell, and immediately attracted praise from people around him.

But Su Yingjie was not happy anymore.

Ma Dan!! You all come out to be bad guys, right! I saw Su Yingjie sneered: “You come to pay for the good, and I will pay for half of the black-skinned watermelon.”

“I’m going, this person is really shameless, this is a clear purpose to make things difficult.”

“That is, tens of thousands of black-skinned watermelons can’t be bought in China, so where can this handsome guy get it for him?”

“I can see it clearly. He deliberately forced the handsome guy in the suit to give up competing with their Yuanda Pharmaceutical for the medicine purchase order of the Asian Heart Hospital.”

“It’s so despicable!”

“Who is it!!!, Laozi really wants to go up and beat him hard:.”

Zhong Yushu: “Brother, if he doesn’t drive me away today, he won’t let it go.”

“Isn’t it just the black-skinned watermelon, I will pay you.”

Qin Fan looked at Su Yingjie and said lightly.

He carried two fruit bags in his hands with black-skin watermelon in it.

It’s just that the fruit bag is dark in color, so others can’t see the color inside.

These two black-skinned watermelons were what Yu Hua asked the secretary to give Qin Fan.

Su Yingjie glanced at Qin Fan’s fruit bag and smiled contemptuously: “My buddy, what you are carrying is a watermelon. You just bought it from a fruit shop. This watermelon is not the same.”

“I tell you, black-skin watermelon”

Just when Su Yingjie was talking and preparing to pretend to be a force, Qin Fan was too lazy to blind him, put two fruit bags on the ground, and opened one of the fruit bags.

Suddenly, a black watermelon appeared in the public

In front of people.

The crowd around the audience opened their eyes wide.

“F*ck, this is black watermelon.”

“It’s really a black-skinned watermelon!”

“That’s amazing, my brother, isn’t the fruit bag next to it also filled with black-skin watermelon?”

“Probably yes.”

“This buddy local tyrant, it is said on the Internet that Hokkaido can only grow more than 100 black-skin watermelons every year, which can be said to be priceless. This buddy is good, he just carried two black-skin watermelons, and the cow broke!”


Looking at the black-skinned watermelon at Qin Fan’s feet, Su Yingjie, who was outputting frantically, was like a drake caught by his neck, his voice stopped abruptly, and his eyes almost stared out.

Ma Dan!! It turned out to be a black-skinned watermelon! The one he brought…the black-skinned watermelon, but their Yuanda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. used a lot of relationships and finally got one.

But this handsome guy in front of me hiss!! “Whoever has a fruit knife, lend me a bit, I’ll give him half of this watermelon.”

Qin Fan looked at the crowd and asked.

“Brother I have.”

A young man walked over and handed Qin Fan a fruit knife

Puff! Qin Fan sliced ​​it off, and the black-skinned watermelon split into two halves.

Qin Fan packed half of the watermelon in a fruit bag, got up and handed it to Su Yingjie.

Su Yingjie took half of the black-skin watermelon, the corner of her mouth twitched, and she ran away dingy.

Ma Dan! Su Yingjie was dying after entering the hospital.

He took the black-skin watermelon and came to the hospital to send someone off.

Looking at the half of the watermelon in her hand, Su Yingjie couldn’t help but feel pain.

I can’t take half of the watermelon to give it away, forget it, let me eat it myself.

I haven’t eaten such an expensive watermelon. Qin Fan said loudly, “Everyone, I will give you the remaining half of the watermelon.”

“F*ck, I have a good taste. The watermelon worth tens of thousands of dollars apiece, I thought it was a Shengsheng series, but I didn’t expect to be able to taste it now.”

“Thank you handsome guy.”

“Cut a piece for that little sister first.”

“Wait: wait: let me take a picture first and post it to Moments.”

“Yes, yes! How can you miss such a good opportunity to pretend to be.”

For a while, the entrance of Yaxin Hospital became very lively

“Big brother, thank you.”

The female junior high school student thanked Qin Fan repeatedly, and insisted on writing to Qin Fan.

Accepting the IOU notes from the female junior high school student, Qin Fan touched the female junior high school student’s hair, and then, carrying the remaining black-skin watermelon, walked into the Asian Heart Hospital.

Thank you book friend [Tianhen] for your monthly pass support!! Thank you book friend [Tianhen] for your monthly pass support!! Thank you book friend [Tianhen] for your monthly pass support!! To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download 99

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