Chapter 333 Use rainbow farts to bombard Zhou Xiaoxiao’s family indiscriminately [3 more, please customize! 】

“Manager Su, do you really want to know the reason?”

Dean Zhu looked at Su Yingjie and asked blankly.

Su Yingjie heard the sound, and one head suddenly became like a chicken pecking at rice.

Paralysis! Of course he wants to know the reason! Even if he died, he must die to understand! Not to mention Su Yingjie, even Zhong Yushu on the side is also curious.

Dean Zhu: “I already know what happened at the entrance of our hospital.”

“Manager Su is an authentic businessman with no human touch. Although I am disappointed at this point, I can understand it.”

“But Manager Su used Manager Zhong’s kindness to coerce Manager Zhong and Aimin Pharmaceutical. This is a vicious business competition.”

“Manager Su’s methods have made me feel very shameless. With Manager Su’s behavior, he can occupy a high position in Yuanda Pharmaceutical. This makes our Asian Heart Hospital feel uneasy about Yuanda Pharmaceutical.”

“On the other hand, I personally admire and appreciate Mr. Zhong’s character. Therefore, our Asian Heart Hospital is willing to cooperate with Aimin Pharmaceutical.”

Zhong Yushu looked solemn and serious and said: “Thank you for the dean’s trust in our Aimin Pharmaceutical. Our Aimin Pharmaceutical will never disappoint the dean’s trust in us.”

Su Yingjie: “”

I’m embarrassed! This Dean Zhu actually abandoned the cooperation with their Yuanda Pharmaceuticals because of this incident! This guy is old and confused! Cooperating with our Yuanda Pharmaceuticals, Mingming Yaxin Hospital can To obtain greater benefits, not all things are “profit” these days.

Do the words take the lead? Finally, Su Yingjie left the dean’s office in a dingy manner

What to do! If Mr. Zhang knows that I messed up the matter, Mr. Zhang will not be able to peel off a layer of my skin.

Thinking of this, Su Yingjie couldn’t help but look anxious.

How good is this! Su Yingjie walked over in the hospital corridor anxiously, like an ant on a hot pot.

Suddenly, Su Yingjie’s eyes lit up! Yes!! Su Yingjie slapped her forehead suddenly!! How did I forget the…Shenhao in Sister Wang’s ward!! Well, this Sister Wang is actually in the father’s ward. That… middle-aged fat woman!! That… Shenhao naturally refers to Qin Fan.

It turns out that Su Yingjie knows that… middle-aged fat woman.

A few days ago, after seeing the middle-aged fat woman’s WeChat circle of friends, Su Yingjie was thinking about meeting that…Shenhao, if she could hug Shenhao’s thigh, she would be happy.

Because the middle-aged fat woman told him on WeChat, that…Shenhao’s identity is very unusual. Even the director of the Asian Heart Hospital and several big Niu chief doctors are very respectful to that…Shenhao! If he hugged this With that… Shenhao’s thigh, it will be much easier to maintain a relationship with Yaxin Hospital in the future.

So he used company resources to get a black-skin watermelon, and he heard from Sister Wang

Um…After Shenhao came to the hospital today to visit his future father-in-law, Su Yingjie came to Asia Heart Hospital with a black-skin watermelon.

Never thought, but at the entrance of the hospital, I broke the black-skin watermelon dammit! What if there is no black-skin watermelon.

With the recommendation of Sister Wang, plus that I am so good at rainbow fart, plus my skillful social methods, Su Yingjie will definitely be able to get the favor of that big guy.

As long as the big man is willing to speak for him, it is very likely that the purchase order for western medicine from the Asian Heart Hospital in the coming year will eventually be returned to their Yuanda Pharmaceuticals! Thinking of this, Su Yingjie hurriedly ran to the inpatient department

Not long after Su Yingjie left, our Dean Zhu took a purchase contract and led Zhong Yushu out of his office and walked towards the inpatient department.

A purchase contract involving an amount of more than 100 needs to be signed by the big boss Qin Fan at the end

“Sister Wang, I came to see you.”

Su Yingjie entered the high-level ward, first greeted the middle-aged fat woman, and then enthusiastically approached Zhou Xiaoxiao’s family crazily.

All kinds of rainbow farts were thrown at Zhou Xiaoxiao’s family of three for no money.

Taking advantage of the time when the boss went to the toilet and did not come back, he happened to get the favor of this family first.

After the big guy comes back, the relationship between him and the big guy will be closer.

Father Zhou: “”

Mother Zhou: “”

Zhou Xiaoxiao: “”

The family is very speechless. They are not stupid. It can be seen that the successful man in the mall is so enthusiastic about them. It must be to curry Qin Fan. Su Yingjie talks endlessly, changing constantly. When she bombarded Zhou Xiaoxiao’s family with rainbow farts, Qin Fan walked in after going to the bathroom.

“It’s you!”

Su Yingjie jumped up and glared at Qin Fan.

So angry! It’s all because of this person, if it wasn’t him, that… Zhong Yushu would have been forced away by him a long time ago.

Without Zhong Yushu, the purchase order for western medicines from Nayaxin Hospital in the coming year will definitely belong to them Yuanda Pharmaceutical!! “Xiaosu, you know Mr. Qin.”

The middle-aged fat woman asked in surprise.

Hearing this, Su Yingjie’s heart suddenly shook.

“Sister Wang, he is Mr. Qin what you say”


Seeing the middle-aged fat woman nodding, Su Yingjie’s face began to twitch

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