Chapter 331 Hello despicable [5 more, please customize! 】

Hearing the sound, the female junior high school student said with red eyes: “Uncle, my father is a labor force in my family. He works in a moving company. After a year, he can only make 60,000 yuan. If my father comes, he I will definitely lose the money to you, but that’s 40,000 yuan, and every penny is earned by my dad in exchange for his sweat.”

“Uncle, I feel sorry for my father’s 4 yuan. I think I will repay it to you when I grow up. I am willing to pay the interest. Uncle begs you.”

After finishing speaking, the female junior high school student directly bent over Su Yingjie and bowed a ninety degree.

Seeing this scene, many people around who were already fathers and mothers were deeply touched by the words of female junior high school students.

“What a sensible child.”

“If my son is half as sensible as her, I can wake up from a dream at night.”

“It’s not unreasonable to say that children from poor families are in charge early.”

“I feel sorry for her. If it weren’t for my family’s poor conditions, I really want to lend her money.”

“When you grow up and then pay me back, then when will I have to wait? No, you must pay me back today.”

Su Yingjie: “Little sister, call your parents quickly, otherwise, I will call the police.”

Hearing the sound, the female junior high school student carrying a schoolbag directly bent her knees, knelt in front of Su Yingjie with a thump, and begged with red eyes: “Uncle, please, I really can’t bear my father, I have seen it. My father helped people move the anti-floor, it was too hard, I beg you, uncle”

Seeing this female junior high school student actually kneeled directly to herself, Su Yingjie’s face suddenly became ugly.

“Little sister, don’t you want to sell me miserable things? It’s a natural thing to pay off debts. If people who owe debts sell miserably like you, then we creditors don’t have to live.”

The people around them clenched their teeth tightly.Although they sympathized with this little sister, what the young man in a suit said was not unreasonable.

This is reality, and reality is often contradictory.At this moment, Qin Fan parked the car and walked over. Seeing a little sister kneeling in front of a young man in a suit, she couldn’t help frowning.

Coming closer, when Qin Fan inquired about the situation, Qin Sanhao, the young man, went online!! But when Qin Fan was about to stand up, a young man in a suit who was half a minute earlier than Qin Fan was one step ahead of Qin Fan. Came out.

“Manager Su, this is 4 yuan, I will do this for this little sister”

Su Yingjie looked over and couldn’t help but smile: Heh, who am I, it turns out to be Shao Zhong.”

“Zhong Shao, this time the Asian Heart Hospital’s western medicine purchase order, our Yuanda Pharmaceutical is bound to win, why do you Aimin Pharmaceutical come to join in the fun?”


Yushu: “Manager Su, what I’m telling you now is the 4 yuan thing.”

Su Yingjie sneered: “Young Master Zhong, you have to pay 4 yuan for this little sister”

Zhong Yushu nodded.

“Uncle, thank you, thank you so much.”

The female junior high school student was excited to kowtow to Zhong Yushu.

Upon seeing this, Zhong Yushu quickly leaned over to help the female junior high school student, and smiled: “Don’t thank you, you are a good boy.”

“Uncle, wait: I will write you a note. I will return the money to you when I go to work in the future.”


“Manager Su, what is your bank card number, I will transfer the money to you.”

Hearing the sound, Su Yingjie’s mouth turned up, and said slowly: “I think I should call the police.”

“Manager Su, what do you mean by this, I said, I will give you the 4 yuan!”

Zhong Yushu said in a deep voice, if Su Yingjie calls the police, then this incident is bound to alarm the little sister’s father.

In this way, the little sister will definitely blame herself and feel guilty afterwards, thinking it was because of her, and adding weight to the burden on her father’s shoulders.

“What I mean is literally.”

Su Yingjie spoke and said, “If you don’t want me to call the police, it’s not impossible. As long as Zhong Shao, you promise me one condition.”

Zhong Yushu frowned: “What conditions?”

Su Yingjie: “You Aimin Pharmaceutical gave up on the purchase order of Western medicine from Asia Heart Hospital. As long as you are willing to give up, then I won’t call the police.”

Although he doesn’t think that Aimin Pharmaceutical can compete with their Yuanda Pharmaceutical, but if Aimin Pharmaceutical can voluntarily withdraw, then this will be foolproof.

Because this time the Asian Heart Hospital’s western medicine purchase order will only be given to one of their two pharmaceutical companies.

“Manager Su, you are so mean!”

Zhong Yushu’s face turned green.

After the onlookers understood, they also yelled Su Yingjie for being despicable and shameless.

Su Yingjie: “Young Master Zhong, why I am despicable. Anyway, your Aimin Pharmaceutical is just here to join in the fun. It’s better to quit actively. I think it’s an eyesore for the province!!!.”


Zhong Yushu was so angry that his body trembled.

At this time, the sensible female junior high school student looked at Zhong Yushu and pursed her mouth: “Uncle, thank you, don’t be embarrassed, I will call my dad to come over now.”

99 reminds you: three things to read

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