Chapter 319 Lao Yin batch [5 more, please customize! 】

Mu Zhiming: “”

Ma Dan! Forcing Wang Shi to hammer!! The more he talked about it, the more emotional he became a little bit agitated. Finally, he sat down on the sofa and touched his face with his hands and said, “Hey, it’s still strange after all.”

“Squad leader, Qin Fan, do you know what I am most tired of”

“When I go to bed every day, as long as I think of hundreds of people expecting me to give them money to eat, I will wake up from my sleep.”

“I’m Alexander!”

Mu Zhiming: “”

Summer continued to pretend to be forced: “Do you know the monitor? I really envy you now.”

“Look at what you are living in renting a house. You don’t have a girlfriend yet, and you are still a small employee at the bottom. How happy, free, and happy this kind of life is.”

“Squad leader, such a good life, why do you still want to change it?”

“Your life is the life I want in my dreams!”

“Unfortunately, for you, the monitor, I only envy you!!!, I know that people with poor academic performance and incompetent like me are not worthy of such a good life.”

Mu Zhiming: “”

My chest hurts!! Qin Fan: I didn’t speak, I just watched you pretending to be forced, but in the summer when the pretending can’t stop, the doorbell rang.

Summer frowned and felt very upset.

He was disturbed when he was pretending to be the most annoying in his life.

Summer walked over and opened the door.

I saw a group of people rushing in, and the aura broke in.

These people are all in suits and shoes, with a stern face.

“Who are you”

Xia Xia found out that he didn’t know any of these people who had come in, so he asked.

“It’s Mr. Xia, we are the lawyers of Tiancheng Law Firm. Because your father, Mr. Xia Jun, was working for my client, Pin’an Bank Jiangcheng Branch. When he was the president, he abused his power and worked for himself, which seriously harmed me. The interests of the parties involved.”

“For this reason, my client has entrusted our law firm to sue your father Mr. Xia Jun in the court. Just two hours ago, following the court’s judgment, your father Mr. Xia Jun will face 10 years in prison, and his name All the property under the ownership will belong to my client.”

“This property is now mine, please leave immediately!”

These words fell in the ears of summer, like a top!! His father was accused by Pin’an Bank, and all his property under the name of a prison meal for 10 years will be transferred to Pin’an Bank. All the things that his father did like this. He also knows.

In the past few years, his father used his power to loan money from Pin’an Bank to some legal persons and individuals at a relatively low loan interest rate.

From it, his father eats it back

Deduction, it can be said to have made a lot of money! Otherwise, how can his family be in the center of Jiangcheng City with the salary of the branch president of Pin’an Bank alone? Now, his father is overturned. No! Summer couldn’t accept this result. With red eyes, he roared at the lawyers of Tiancheng Law Firm: “You guys are talking nonsense, I think you are all liars!”

“You leave me immediately, or I will call the police!”

Mu Zhiming was stunned.

A second before what happened, the summer was still infinitely beautiful, and it was crazy pretending to be forced.

After a second, the rhythm of his family’s bankruptcy came too fast, right?

Qin Fan looked on with cold eyes.

Xia Jun’s end was naturally thanks to him. “Mr. Xia, please calm down and cooperate with our work. Otherwise, we will apply to the court for enforcement.”

The leading middle-aged lawyer said blankly.

At this moment, a decadent figure walked in from outside.


The person who came in was Xia Jun.

Two policemen followed Xia Jun.

“Dad, isn’t it true?”

Summer said with red eyes.

Xia Jun looked like a walking dead, and said with a sullen expression: “Son, it is true. Our Xia family is over. The construction company I funded and established has also been transferred to the name of Pin’an Bank.”


Summer is completely stunned! “Mr. Qin Qin!”

Xia Jun inadvertently glanced, and finally saw Qin Fan, his eyes went wide.

The reason why he ended up in such a field is all thanks to this… young Mr. Qin.

“Dad, you know Qin Fan”

Xia Jun gritted his teeth and said: “It’s more than knowing, our family has come this far, it’s all because of him!”

“Because how could he”

Unbelievable in the summer.

In his eyes, Qin Fan is a society 1. How could He De let his dad roll over! Hearing what his son said, Xia Jun knew that his son knew nothing about Qin Fan’s power. Qin Fan was clearly a king. It happens to be low-key and outrageous! “Son, do you know his identity.”


Xia Jun pursed his lips: “He is the second largest shareholder of PinAn Insurance Group!”


The whole person was struck by lightning in the summer.

Pin’an Insurance Group’s second largest shareholder, I’m afraid this net worth is close to 100 billion yuan! f*ck is scary!!!!! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download 99 Novel Online Novel

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