Chapter 320 Give it a try to change a bike into a motorcycle [1 more, please customize! 】

“Son, you have to rely on your own hard work in the future.”

After saying this, Xia Jun was taken away by two policemen.

Mu Zhiming came over and patted Xia Xia on the shoulder, and comforted: “Congratulations Xia Xia, you can finally live the life you dream of.”

“In the future, you will have to be like me. If you rent a house and look for a job, you will definitely start from the small employees at the bottom. The troubles of being a boss will not bother you anymore.”

“Now, you should be happy, happy.”

Xia Xia’s face twitched and she had the urge to vomit blood.

Who really wants to live this kind of life! I was pretending to be forceful!! Whoever thought of pretending to be forceful before, and now, all of them are fulfilled. “Mr. Qin, for the sake of our alumni, this You can leave the house to me, or I won’t have a place to live tonight.”

Summer looked at Qin Fan, flattering and pleased.

Qin Fan is the second largest shareholder of Pinan Insurance Group.

Qin Fan smiled: “Just like Mu Zhiming said, you can rent a house outside, didn’t you just say how good renting a house is.”

After hearing the sound, Xia Xia gave Qin Fan a smile that was uglier than crying: “Mr. Qin, I don’t want to rent a house. I was acting as if I was just pretending to be forced.”

Mu Zhiming: “In summer, I treat you as a classmate, but you pretend to be forceful with me!”

At this moment, Xia Mei’s girlfriend Xiaomei walked out of the room and said to Xia Xia: “My dear, is it true that my dad said your family is bankrupt?”

Xia Xia nodded, crying with a sad face: “Yes, Xiaomei, from tomorrow on, we will fight together. I believe that with our efforts, we can make a comeback.”

“We fight together”

Xiao Mei changed her face in a second.

“Hehe, summer, what you think is so beautiful, let’s break up, now you are a poor guy, I don’t want to fall in love with a poor guy.”

“Xiaomei, you”

Xia Xia looked at her girlfriend with unbelievable eyes, full of resentment: “Xiaomei, you said before that, no matter how rich you are, you must be with me, and you will never be separated!”

Xiao Mei sneered and said, “If you say a woman, you also believe that you are not stupid!”

Abandoning these words, Xiao Mei twisted her sexy waist and left.

Mu Zhiming patted Xia Xia’s shoulder again, grinning and said, “Congratulations Xia Xia, now you are a single person just like me. From then on, the troubles of love can no longer bother you.”

“I don’t want to be a single dog, I’m pretending to be forced.”

Xia Xia sat down on the ground, howling and crying.

Ma Dan!! I won’t pretend to be forced anymore, all the pretends before have come true, I’m so miserable! But I will never pretend to be forced.

Now he is already a “three no youth”


There are no houses, no jobs, no objects. A group of tragic people!! In the afternoon, summer is on the streets.

Now, his total net worth is more than 100 yuan in WeChat change.

It’s so miserable!!! But no matter how miserable, life still has to go on! The top priority is to find a job! Work is the foundation of one’s life.

Haha, in my summer, I have such a wide network of contacts, I know a lot of bosses, and I am looking for a job.

Thinking of this, Xia Xia smiled proudly, took out his phone, and started calling.

Half an hour passed.

The face in summer is as black as the bottom of a pot! Mochi! Those bosses used to be very enthusiastic with him. Now, after learning about his dad, many of them are playing Tai Chi with him. For the sake of everyone, some of them don’t even pick him up. My phone is in a cold world and people’s heart is not old! Without you, I could still find a job in the summer! After all, I have a bachelor degree! But after applying for several companies in a row, I was severely beaten by the society in the summer.

Almost everyone dislikes him when he is old, and some do not dislike him, but his salary is very low.

Three months of internship, the salary during the internship period, the monthly salary is 180 F*ck! 1 yuan, what can be done is not enough for me to go to the club before! Such a low-paying job, I will never do it in the summer in this life! Just in the summer, I am upset When confused, a young man with wicked eyebrows secretly walked to Xia Xia and said, “Brother, looking for a job.”

Summer nodded: “Yeah.”

“Brothers come to our company, guaranteed a minimum monthly salary of 500, and you can easily break through 50,000 to 10,000 a month if you do anything. With high talent, a monthly salary of 100,000 is also very simple.”

Xia Xia immediately agreed

But when the summer came to the company with the thief-eyed youth, the summer was stunned.

The company address turned out to be a private house with an area of ​​no more than 30 square meters. The narrow house was crowded with more than a dozen people, including men and women. Everyone had a computer and several mobile phones in front of them.

Xia Xia’s mouth twitched: “You are a liar, right?”

The young man and Xia Xia crouched his shoulders and grinned: “Brother, do you want to do it, try a bike to become a motorcycle, fight hard, and the loess turns into gold!!!.”

Xia Xia struggled for a while, gritted his teeth and said: “I’ll do it.”

Don’t ask why, ask is to do this and make money quickly! 99 reminds you: Three things to read, collect, push

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