Chapter 318 It’s a bit showy [4 more, please customize! 】

“Let’s take this food as an example.”

Xia Xia said and took out an apple from the fruit plate on the cabinet next to the sofa and said to Mu Zhiming: “You have to accommodate your girlfriend’s taste everywhere, and you completely deprive yourself of the pleasure of eating.”

“Squad leader, do you think it’s not”

As soon as Xia Xia’s voice fell, a young woman’s voice suddenly sounded.


Qin Fan and Mu Zhiming looked over.

I saw an 80-point beauty in home clothes, walking towards the summer with a bowl in her hand, and asked: “Your friend is here.”

After hearing the sound, Xia Xia pointed to Mu Zhiming and introduced to his girlfriend: “Xiaomei, this is my university monitor, Mu Zhiming.”

Then, pointing to Qin Fan and introducing: “This is my junior.”


Xiao Mei couldn’t help but look at Qin Fan more.

What a handsome little brother! “My dear, I made you my best chicken soup.”

“You taste it soon.”

Xiao Mei came to Xiaxia and sat down, and handed the bowl full of chicken soup to Xiadao Dao.


Holding a bowl in summer, when she was about to drink, she saw Xiaomei suddenly red in her eyes and pouted: “My dear, do you not love me anymore.”

“Love, how could I not love you.”

“Then my dear, why do you drink chicken soup by yourself? I used to feed you.”

The little beautiful bitch snorted in an angry voice.

Xia Xia: “Xiaomei is my fault, you can feed me.”

“Huh, it’s almost the same.”

Next, Xiaomei used a spoon to feed the summer chicken soup.

Mu Zhiming’s face twitched endlessly.

Ma Dan!! You did this, considering my feelings as a single dog, have you set up the table! Qin Fan: Fa Ge smirk and applaud

“My dear, it tastes good”

Xia Xia looked affectionately: “Xiaomei, I only make it by myself. I like it all.”


After drinking the chicken soup, Xiao Mei got up with an empty bowl and said, “Then talk about it slowly, and I won’t bother you.”

Xia Xia looked at Mu Zhiming with an expression that was too difficult for me, and continued: “Squad leader, you see, you have a girlfriend, you have no right to choose what to eat.”

“Just like me, Xiaomei arranges meals for me every day clearly.”

Speaking of this, Xia Xia made her face with her hands in her hands: “Distressed!”

“And having a girlfriend, it’s a waste of money.”

“Take her birthday last month. I gave her a necklace of 150,000 yuan.”

“If you are single, you have to have a lot of money left.”

Mu Zhiming: “”

It seems to be the same thing, but it always feels weird.

At this time, Xiao Mei put the bowl back in the kitchen, and after she walked out of the kitchen, she said in a sweet voice to the summer: “My dear, the necklace you gave me last time, my sisters said it was very beautiful, I am very like.”

“Next month is your birthday, and I want to give you a Ferrari.”

Hearing this, Mu Zhiming couldn’t help covering his chest with his hands. He felt that his chest had been stabbed. “By the way, my dear, what color do you like?”

“Just red, Xiaomei.”

“Squad leader, look, if you are single, you don’t have to worry about falling in love.”

“It’s not that I said you, the monitor, you really don’t know what you are in the blessing.”

Xia Xia patted Mu Zhiming’s hand and said

“Oh by the way, the monitor, you just said in the car that you want to change jobs”

Mu Zhiming nodded and said solemnly: “Yes, for three years, I am still a small employee at the bottom of our company. I feel that if I don’t change my working environment, my whole person will really be useless.”

Hearing this, Xia Xia suddenly let go of Mu Zhiming’s hand, and looked at Mu Zhiming with an expression of your too much resentment: “Squad leader, I take you as the eldest brother, how can you hurt me!”

Mu Zhiming stunned his face: “This, you and me, this is”

Xia Xia got up and stood up again, and said distressedly: “Squad leader, I am so heart-and-hearted to enlighten you, why are you showing off here with me!”

“Are you taunting me!”

Mu Zhiming: “”

Black question mark face

Qin Fan couldn’t help but give a thumbs up to summer.

This summer, it’s a bit showy! Xia Xia closed her eyes for a while, then opened her eyes and sighed: “Forget it, maybe the squad leader is not malicious to me, it’s really too sensitive to myself.”

“But as a brother, I still can’t help but remind you.”

“As a small employee, I am really much happier than the boss.”

Mu Zhiming couldn’t stand it anymore, and said, “No, it’s so profitable to be a boss.”

“Squad leader, you don’t understand.”

Xia Xia looked at Mu Zhiming with a tired face and said: “After I became the boss, there are fewer and fewer friends around me. Now, no one wants to come to the game I have saved.”

Mu Zhiming: “Everyone should be busy.”

“Busy now.”

Xia Xia earnestly said: “But there is no time to go to the country with me to have a French meal, nor is there time to go to the United States with me to watch an opera.”

99 reminds you: three things to read

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