Chapter 311 Very uncomfortable interviewer [5 more, please customize! 】

“Mr. Chen Xiu, if you keep robbing us like this”

Chen Xiu smiled slightly: “You must think it saves a lot of time, right.”

“It’s okay, my parents told me since I was young, to be considerate of others.”

The short interviewer took a deep breath, then looked at Chen Xiu with a smirk: “Mr. Chen, we still hope you follow.”

Chen Xiu confidently said, “Follow the interview process, right?”

“No problem, you read my resume first, and then ask me questions, I will know everything.”

Qin Fan: “”

Lu Danqing: “”

Other people who eat melon: “”

This job seeker is as good as the name suggests, and he is really pretty.

The two interviewers were about to lose their tempers by him.

Talent!! The tall interviewer looked at the resume in his hand and opened his mouth: “Mr. Chen Xiu”


Chen Xiu smiled proudly, and once again grabbed words: “Just like on the resume, I have mastered many languages!”

“Moreover, I also taught myself German, Wadao, Smecta and many other languages.”

“I will show it to the two interviewers and say thank you in various languages.”

“Everyone knows the American language, it’s very simple!”

“Wadao language is Ali Gado, and Smecta Mandarin is Kangsa Hamida.”

“Deyu is Dake, please pay attention to my pronunciation, ———, Dake!”

“The troupe’s babble is Karmis.”

“Of course I will do the harder ones, just like Ah Sanyu, hitting you Ode.”

“The bunny’s whispering is! %% just say a few things”

“Ah, well, stop and stop!”

The short interviewer looked at Chen Xiu speechlessly: “That… Mr. Chen, we are just”

“Just want to test me, right?”

Chen Xiu confidently said: “It doesn’t matter, if you want, I can use Pyramid Language or Ancient Yama to communicate with you.”

“I also know a little about this animal language.”

Hearing this, the tall interviewer couldn’t stand it anymore. He kept knocking on the table with his hands and banging the table bang. Seeing that Chen Xiu had finally shut up, he just said: “Please” please tell me about salary. Bar.”

Chen Xiu took the words again.

Two sides, examiner: “”

Qin Fan: “”

Lu Danqing: “”

Other people who eat melon: “”

Tianxiu!! Chen Xiu: “Yes, I hope it is best to call my bank card for salary. Xia Guo Bank is the best, because there is one next to my house, and the commercial bank is also OK, but I want to go to the next door. Go to school to pick it up.”

“Of course, cash is acceptable to me.”

“Two distinguished interviewers, do you have any questions?”

Hear the sound, both sides, the examiner, look at me, I look at you, and start to look at each other.

The little eyes seemed to say: “Brother, you should ask.”

Finally, the short interviewer bit his head and said: “We”

“Our company has just started, I know this.”

Chen Xiu was very natural, and took the words over like a dragonfly.

Then he talked eloquently: “The more this kind of time is, the more talent is needed. As the saying goes, Crouching dragon and phoenix will be safe in the world.”

“At that time, I will scream over my tweet, and he can talk as well as I am. I believe that under the leadership of the two of us, the company will gradually get on the right track, and it will definitely be able to go public and become one of the world’s top 500. It’s just a matter of time.”

“Sorry Mr. Chen, you may not be too”

“Not suitable for your company”

Chen Xiu looked at the tall interviewer with an unbelievable expression: “Impossible.”

“I feel that your first impression of me is very good, and my answer is also perfect.”

Pop! The tall interviewer patted the table: “Because”

“Because of what”

Chen Xiu looked at the tall interviewer with a frightened expression and said, “Because your company has hidden rules.”

The tall interviewer held his chest with his left hand, with an uncomfortable expression of toothache, liver pain and stomach pain, stretched out his trembling right hand, pointed at Chen Xiu, and opened his mouth to speak.

“What the hell is it?”

Chen Xiu looked at the two interviewers with a serious face: “Please give a positive and honest answer!”

The crowds who ate melons were dumbfounded:

Qin Fan couldn’t help but give a thumbs up to this job applicant named Chen Xiu! Xiu, you are a real show! On both sides, the examiner looked at each other again, and the two eyes met, as if certain In the end, the tall interviewer slammed the table and said loudly, “Because you are really annoying to talk!”


The tall interviewer changed his words: “You have misunderstood what we mean. We feel that the position we are offering now is not suitable for you.”

“But, you are a talent.”

“It suddenly occurred to us that we have a job that has been vacant for you, and we hope you can try it.”

“no problem!”

Chen Xiu smiled proudly: “Excuse me, what position is it?”

Tall interviewer: “Customer service!! Specially responsible for answering customer complaints.”

Chen Xiu: “”

囧: 囧 face

The people who ate melons laughed

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