Chapter 312 What, Mr. Qin, you have arrived? [1 more, please customize! 】

After eating out in the afternoon, Qin Fan led Danqing back to Yunting.

While Lu Danqing was taking a bath, Qin Fan’s phone rang

After answering the call, Qin Fan’s mouth rose slightly.

The call just now was made by Cai Xingfa, the president of Pin’an Bank.

It turned out that Cai Xing had sent it to Jiangcheng, saying that he would go to Pin’an Bank Jiangcheng branch for inspection tomorrow, and wanted to invite Qin Fan, the second shareholder of Pin’an Insurance Group, to join him, and it would be convenient to ask Qin Fan.

Qin Fan nodded and agreed directly.

Shadow’s investigation results have come out, and he was planning to take a time to take a trip to the Jiangcheng branch of Pin’an Bank in the near future to solve some problems.

Now, Cai Xingfa, the president of Pin’an Bank, has come to Jiangcheng, then it is better to hit the sun if you choose a day, and you will solve the matter tomorrow.

Lu Danqing came out after taking a shower and wrapped in a bath towel.Qin Fan smiled slightly.

In front of the Jiangcheng branch of Pin’an Bank, a group of people stood, including young people and middle-aged people.

The middle-aged man standing in the front of the crowd, wearing a pair of silver-rimmed glasses, is unsmiling, and has a kind of majesty that is not angry and prestigious.He is Cai Xingfa, the president of Pin’an Bank.

Standing half a step behind him to the left is a middle-aged man who looks gentle and gentle.

Behind Xia Jun, all the managers of the Jiangcheng branch of Pin’an Bank stood.

“President Cai, what kind of person is this Mr. Qin?”

Xia Jun looked at Cai Xingfa and asked in a low voice.

The shareholding structure of Pingan Insurance Group has undergone major changes a few days ago.

There are only a handful of people who know this within Pin’an Insurance Group.

It was Xia Jun, also last night, Cai Xingfa told him that he only knew about it.

A person named Qin Fan acquired Pin An Insurance Group 11 overnight.

% Shares, in one fell swoop, became the second largest shareholder of Pin’an Insurance Group, and the largest individual shareholder! Note: The first person of Pin’an Insurance Group and the place of residence of Mr. Qin is in Jiangcheng! This made Xia Jun’s heart hot , On the bed, tossing and turning, can’t sleep all night of excitement.

The so-called close to the water tower will get the moon first, this… Since Mr. Qin lives in Jiangcheng, doesn’t he Xia Jun have a lot of opportunities and time to hold the big man’s thigh?

As long as he hugs his thighs well, Xia Jun will definitely be able to go further in Pin’an Insurance Group!!!.

How can a branch president of Pin’an Bank be satisfied with Xia Jun?

Cai Xingfa: “Xia Jun!!!, I have never contacted Mr. Qin, but as far as I know, this… Mr. Qin is very old

Light, very low-key.”

The Jiangcheng branch of Pin’an Bank, the bank lobby, and the beautiful bank tellers behind the counter were all whispering and talking.

“Hey, President Xia has already received President Cai from the head office. Why are they still standing outside and not coming in?”

“Looking at their eagerly anticipated posture, they seem to be waiting for someone!!!.”

“No, whoever comes to our bank, even the president of our head office will personally greet him outside.”

“Mr. Xia and Ms. Cai are coming out together. That must be a top boss.”

At this time, after riding Qin Fan sent Lu Danqing back to Jianghan University, he came to the Pin’an Bank Jiangcheng branch building.

The arrival of Qin Fan did not attract the attention of Xia Jun, Cai Xingfa and others.

It is true that everyone would never think that the second largest shareholder of Pin’an Insurance Group, a billionaire worthy of billions, would ride an electric car. Here again, because of Lu Danqing’s motion sickness, Qin Fan and Lu Danqing every time Come out, as long as the weather is good, they are all riding.

Qin Fan walked into the lobby of the bank. Except for a few customers sitting in the lounge area, no one greeted him, so Qin Fan took out his mobile phone to find Cai Xingfa’s number and dialed it.

Um, this is really not Qin Fan floating, but the reality is like this. When the leader inspects the lower-level company, the managers of the lower-level company will welcome it, not to mention that a major shareholder like Qin Fan is on the other side, Cai Xingfa’s mobile phone rang, At the sight of the call, Cai Xingfa suddenly showed a solemn expression, and whispered to Xia Jun on the side: “It’s Mr. Qin’s call.”

After speaking, Cai Xingfa hurriedly answered the phone.

“Ah what, Mr. Qin, you have arrived at the bank lobby”

“Oh, okay, we’ll come over right away.”

After hanging up the phone, Cai Xingfa and Xia Jun looked at each other, quickly led a group of people, and trot toward the front lobby of the bank.

“Wow, here comes a handsome guy!”

The beautiful tellers at the front desk of Pin’an Bank looked at Qin Fan with beaming eyes.

“Too handsome, even more handsome than my family’s battle.”

“It’s so handsome that it’s foul.”

Several courageous single young female tellers are even more mad at Qin Fan.

Qin Fan’s eyes are a little weird.

Is he being molested by his female employee? “Here is the president.”

The female tellers saw that Xia Jun and Cai Xingfa were hurriedly walking toward the hall, and they all sat in a hurry.

When the hall door opened, Cai Xingfa saw Qin Fan beckoning to him, and immediately led a group of people to walk in front of Qin Fan.

99 reminds you: three things to read

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