Chapter 310 Out of the ordinary job seekers [4 more, please customize! 】

The little boy looked serious: “Yes, Dad, it’s harder to study than picking up tatters.”

Huh, huh!! At this time, the middle-aged man in a suit is like a panting bull, his eyes widened and said: “Pick it up, isn’t it dirty? Isn’t it tired, don’t others look down on you, and you pick it up? You can make a few bucks in a bad day!”

“What’s the point of picking up tatters!!”

Facing the torture of his father’s soul, the little boy didn’t panic at all.

“Dad, first, picking up the tatters is not dirty, don’t look at my dirty face, in fact, I made it deliberately.”

“Because I see that a lot of tattered pickers are dirty, so I think if I pick up tatters, it should be similar to their image, otherwise we don’t look like a tattered picker.”

“Secondly, it’s not tiring at all to pick up rags. I only pick up drink bottles. It’s very easy. Many big brothers and sisters even send the bottles to me by themselves.”

“Third, I picked up the tatters. Not only did no one look down on me, but many people came to give me food and drink.”

“Dad, see I have a lot of things left to eat.”

The little boy said, opened his schoolbag and dumped it on the ground.

Wow! All kinds of food and drink are scattered all over the place. This… the middle-aged man in a suit twitches.

“Fourth, it is very profitable to pick up rags. I picked up a drink bottle for one day and sold it for 300 yuan.”

“What, how is it possible that you picked up the bottle and sold it for 300 yuan!”

The questioning voice of the middle-aged man in a suit just fell, and only saw a young man wearing a vest and big pants walking over with a bottle of snakeskin bag on his back.

“My kid, I have accumulated so many bottles in my house, I will give them to you.”

The little boy smiled like a flower: “Thank you, big brother.”

Qin Fan: “”

Lu Danqing: “”

Middle-aged man in suit: “”

“Follow me home and pick up your sister’s tatters.”

The middle-aged man in a suit was speechless by his son’s argument.

“Dad, let me down, you let me down, I still have a bag of bottles for no money.”

“I want to pick up the tatters, Dad.”

“Dammit! Dammit, if you are talking to me in the future, I will make your ass blossom!”

Qin Fan: “”

Lu Danqing: “”

other people:””

Silently felt sorry for the middle-aged man in a suit for three seconds 3

After an episode, Qin Fan and our teacher Lu continued to walk hand in hand.


Teacher Lu doesn’t talk much, most of them are Qin Fan talking and teasing, making Teacher Lu blush, but our teacher Lu feels very happy. If she can, she really wants to be with Qin Fan forever. Unknowingly, the two came to the fitness area of ​​the park. They saw that there were a lot of people around here, and the two curious in their hearts, they walked over.

Watching the excitement is an innate nature of the majority of human beings.

Qin Fan and Lu Danqing are no exception

Before coming to the crowd, Qin Fan and Lu Danqing discovered that it turned out that a small company that had just been established was recruiting employees here, and they interviewed directly.

Those who pass the interview will be able to enter the job.

Well, it seems casual.

But this is also a reality in today’s society.

Large companies, strong capital, and a large number of talents come to apply for jobs, waiting for them to choose.

As for these small companies with no background, it is sometimes a luxury to wait for job seekers to come to their door! Therefore, now, many small companies, especially some just starting small companies, often come to have a relatively large flow of people. Place, conduct on-site, and recruit.

Small company: If you talk too much, it’s tears.

After watching several interviews in a row, Qin Fan and Lu Danqing felt bored and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, a young Pu Chou job-seeker in a suit caught the attention of the two.

After watching several interviews, the previous job applicants were somewhat nervous.

But this young job seeker who just came on the field held his head high. Although he looks ugly, he is confident and has a stronger aura than two interviewers! I don’t know, I am afraid that he will be an interviewer, two people. The interviewer is the job candidate.

The interview begins!! Tall interviewer: “Mr. Chen Xiu”

Chen Xiu: “I graduated from Jiangcheng Normal University!”

The short interviewer nodded: “Oh, yes, your profile”

The short interviewer was halfway through, and Chen Xiu rushed to answer: “My information is here, you can check it out.”

With that, Chen Xiu got up and handed his two resumes to the two interviewers.

And said: “My major in university is computer science, and I have won many awards.”

“Kindergarten, I won the first prize of the song and dance competition group!”

“In elementary school, the second prize in the calligraphy competition.”

“Junior high school, third place in literary performance.”

“My sports in high school”

“Ah, stop!”

The tall interviewer couldn’t help but interrupt Chen Xiu to continue talking

99 reminds you: three things to read

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